Monday, October 28, 2024

Anyway - it's Monday, October 28th, 2024

Anyway, dear Reader,  welcome to this obscure American blog (again, if applicable). We will go to the post office soon and run other errands while we're out.
And now, a random turtle short (video) πŸ˜‚ 

Check this out: whether it's pertaining to business, to casual communication, and/or anything else: 

I demand no less from others than I one-hundred percent expect of myself towards others, and that first and foremost (which, naturally I have the reasonable expectation of reciprocation). 
This is reasonable and rational (if unrealistic). At the same time, I realize that there is literally no need for me to to overdo it.

The little Freedom Turtle surprised both of us about an hour ago; we put Freedom on the floor and then placed a huge chunk of (his favorite veggie) orange bell-pepper in front of the little guy.
Do you know that this tiny little turtle proceeded to eat the entire (large) chunk of bell-pepper in one sitting?! He attacked that hunk of delectable vegetable with a fervently obvious passion - which was incredibly cute to witness. 😍🐒

The politics are getting horrid - including invasive screen-engulfing pop-up ads WITH (UNWANTED!) SOUND which makes it a billion times WORSE! 

These two gifs are both coming in very handy of late. Sheesh! Thank the Lord (and I mean that literally) that this election cycle is nearing an end, in less than two weeks from now. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Defund Everything on October 24th, 2024

Good morning (et cetera, as applicable to you) dear Reader and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog minutes before Dawn (at least at the start of this blog entry) on yet another day on this side of the grave (always a good start to even the most cynical of minds).

(because "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God") 

Again, today I am so, so grateful that I turned down that University (unnamed because the particular school that it was is irrelevant to my point) back when I was thirteen years old way, way back in 1984!

I mean, back then I just trusted my gut-instincts (Oh, it's experimental? Yeah but NO ) and I turned out to be right all along as American "schools" are (and have been, for many years now) indoctrination centers first and foremost and, if you're lucky, you'll (maybe) also learn some things before you graduate in spite of their agendas.

And that is why, dear Reader, to you (and frankly to whomever will listen) I say:

If you're an American college graduate, do you honestly believe that your liberal ideals are your own and not the results of your "education"? 
How can you be so sure? 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Some Self-Correction on 10-23-2024

 Good morning, et cetera, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to my obscure American blog (I type as my rabbit, Bunny Bun-Bunz nibbles on my pink house-shoe). πŸ˜‚ What is it with him, and the turtle? Both of them have chewed on one of my house-shoes just this week alone! 😁 That's great; non-human people are SO cute. 
But I digress! 

I'm actually here today to openly eat some crow and hopefully benefit the rest of you with it! 

So, the other day in a forum I talked about "no-one is a monolith" - right? And I do believe that, all the way!
But here's the deal: I realized early this morning before sunrise that I have been guilty of that exact, precise thing (treating a group of people like a monolith).
That's why I'm here to openly admit and dealt with it: God Himself knows that I'm not perfect and fortunately, I know it, too. πŸ˜‰

And who have I been judging and treating unfairly? 
Rank and file Democrat voters here in the USA. 😟

It's true; I have. In fact, there (should be) plenty of evidence if you just go through some of my blog history here. 

But, though I am often slow on the uptake, I realized my own hypocrisy (thank You for showing it to me, Lord God, as without Your input I probably would have gone on without ever knowing my wrong in this).

So I wanted to let y'all know that I know, so you can know too πŸ˜‚

Ah, well:

And, to my Democratic friends: I hope you'll accept my apology (though I understand it if you don't). Further, just so you know: if the Democratic party was still the party of old-school liberals like Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. I probably would have voted blue. 
But no more. Knowing, seeing that the party has been taken over by globalist communists, Trump is truly the only safe option in this election cycle. 
Do some more research, I beg of you; do yourselves the favor of reaching out for news beyond the confines of: CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc. πŸ‘€

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

(blog title, IDK what) on Tuesday 10-22-2024

 Hello (again?) dear Reader and welcome! It's another cool, sunny Autumn day and I'm currently playing these:

Freedom Turtle is asleep on my lap right now. πŸ˜πŸ’–πŸ’

After hearing what VP Harris said the other day added to everything else - a preponderance of evidence - leads me to the inevitable, logical conclusion that she - and the political affiliation she represents - are, in fact evil
Take a look at this, in case you've been under a rock lately:

That meme (above) is in direct response to Harris hearing a man say "Jesus is Lord" and her responding, well, watch it for yourself:

And that is why, like Pastor Greg Locke, I (now, at least) say that one literally cannot be truly Christian and support this party. AT all. 
And here's a bit from the pastor I just referenced:

There's a longer video taken from that same sermon as well. He's right, though. Maybe not so much decades ago, when we were kids, and it really was a matter of Americans on the left (Liberals) and Americans on the right (Conservatives). 
That is no longer the way of things in these United States. 

πŸ₯° Songs to Lift and Inspire, Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 πŸ‘


Monday, October 21, 2024

Late Morning Thoughts 10-21-2024


That is, fifteen days from today until the General Election on November 5th (although we already both went and voted days ago,  almost the instant that early voting started here in Arizona, and we saw a lot of other real patriots there, too). πŸ’

Welcome (back?) to this obscure (very!) American blog on a beautiful sunny early Autumn day (here in the northern hemisphere). Freedom Turtle was very productive on his morning walk today, hunting and catching two (two!) grasshoppers on his own. I'm so proud of him! He's such a smart little creature, has personality for days, is SO cute and tiny and sweet to me - he lets me give him many kisses on his head and neck 😍🐒

Sunrise this morning was yet another sight to behold, just breathtaking, putting to shame all human attempts at art by comparison. Honestly, how anyone sentient can witness events like sunrises, sunsets, birth (of humans and all other species), waterfalls, the intricacy of patterns in every leaf on every tree on the entire planet... and still NOT believe in God? 😳
Yeah, that boggles my mind, man.

But hey, until you know, you don't know: that's true of me, too!
He opened my eyes, but for that to even be possible I had to have just enough of a truly open mind. Contempt prior to investigation is the polar opposite of intelligent - not to be mean, it just is. 

People (anyone, including me!) who throw around judgments based on feelings without exercising due diligence to do real research and bring receipts just sound like brainless morons when regurgitating echo-chamber talking points. 😏


And, if you're wondering what on earth possessed me to post that GIF of the late Shelley Duval in 'the Shining' - it was just random. πŸ‘

Me, looking for ONE person with enough balls to leave a comment:


Sunday, October 20, 2024

♾️ Facts ARE FACTS - in perpetuity ♾️

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog on a fine, sunny Autumn day (here in the Northern hemisphere) in 2024. 

That above? That's simply how long the truth remains true, no matter what literally anyone says.
You see, the thing about FACTS is that they are true by their very nature.
Even when Communists frantically claim otherwise to suit their own echo-chamber narratives. πŸ™„

So here are some FACTS for you, dear Reader (click the word "Facts" to learn what the word means). πŸ‘Œ

FACT #1:
It is a MEDICALLY DOCUMENTED FACT that I had my second Covid shot on or about August 11th, 2021 at Copper Queen in Bisbee Arizona. 

FACT #2:
It is a MEDICALLY DOCUMENTED FACT that I had a myocardial infarction in my Widow Maker artery ON August 21st, 2021. Records can be verified at Copper Queen in Bisbee, Arizona. 

FACT #3:
It is a MEDICALLY DOCUMENTED FACT that I had stent placement surgery in my Widow Maker artery on August 22nd, 2021 when medical professionals were able to stop the cardiac event, which continued for approximately twenty solid hours.
This FACT can be verified HERE:

The Reader will note that I did not draw any conclusions about the connective tissue among the factual items listed - that is left up to your own powers of reason and comprehension in the exercising of your own free thoughts. Never let them tell YOU what to think! 

Sunday 10-20-2024 before dawn

Good 'morning' (et cetera) dear Reader at 3:12 a.m. in the MST and welcome (back?) to this obscure (often hostile) American blog! πŸ‘…

I try not to play that song when Terry's awake because he hates it; he's asleep so now's the time. People get so bunged up about Death and I'm like, suck it up buttercup, it's coming my way and yours.
Reality persists.

I've (stupidly!) been up now for a couple of hours, so I just gave in and made some coffee. Damnation. And, I went and woke up Freedom Turtle! 🐒 Once I kissed on him and got him warm, I went and put him with his sleeping daddy so he can remain warm without being disturbed. I love that little turtle so much that sometimes I literally cry (but maybe that's just the menopause) πŸ˜‚

Hey, I wish that the opposite of reality were true in today's world meaning that these days, it's only acceptable for people to act "nice" no matter if their words are true or not. I'm the polar opposite of that: I'm honest and not always nice. Always honest,  yes; always nice? Not so much. 
And, if you are rude to me (to my face, that is), I can hear that; I respect you for being authentic and will probably learn something from what you have to say. But if you're a 'yes' man/woman and do not tell me the truth at all times, no matter how 'nice' you are, I'll want nothing to do with you.
This world is backwards. That, or I am. πŸ˜ƒ

What I wish is that the opposite were true. I wish that truth was more popular than charisma. I wish that substance mattered more than appearance. Damnation.
Oh, well, that's about it. It sucks that people who I love and cherish fail to understand me. 

It's okay because, in the end, everyone dies.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hurricane Helene is STILL relevant!

Hello! Greetings and salutations (again?) and welcome to this obscure American blog before dawn here in the Mountain Standard Time zone, USA. Within literal walking distance of Mexico, our home is so remote that it takes 15 minutes driving 60mph+ to reach town in either direction. 😎
Current jam:

This morning, I couldn't make myself wait for daylight before waking up Freedom Turtle. 😏 I pulled him out of the hiding space in his bedroom (the hiding space is a large plastic container that originally held coffee, placed on its side, and 'his bedroom' is the indoor aquarium) and loved on him - he is so cute and SO sweet! πŸ’– Anyway, once he was good and awake, I passed him off to my sleeping hubby to warm the turtle up, so Freedom will sleep with him until they both get up, which is always hours+ after I'm awake. Diariamente
Next jam: 

Well, I didn't sell anything on eBay overnight. Oh, well! I'll just keep listing things and hope for the best 😁 I mean, the listings will pretty much just stay there until sold, so why not? It's a good use of my time any way and these days, I'm loving getting rid of things that I have no use for. Just because something is 'nice' or 'expensive' doesn't mean it's right for me to keep, right?

Hey, I made this meme (above) about not forgetting the victims of Hurricane Helene just because the (fake!) news has moved on. That monstrous, devastating storm IS (arguably) the single worst "natural" disaster to ever strike this nation and its people. 😭
The poor people in that region are finding human bodies (often, usually incomplete) daily, every day, to the tune of literally hundreds and there are still that many as of yet unrecovered.

People who are there, on site with boots on the ground report the stench of Death is unbearable. First-hand eye-witness accounts ARE irrefutable (unlike literally everything 'reported' by the fake news). Simpletons believe what they hear from mainstream media, though (and it's material that we want to believe, we want to believe that the recovery is going well and we want to believe that they're now okay, but all of that can't be further from the truth). 
In fact, don't believe ME, listen to this woman WHO LIVES THERE and has NO vested interest in LYING about it:

Anyone and everyone who would dare minimize this colossal tragedy needs to learn the facts and repent. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

10-18-2024 Before Sunrise in the MST πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Good morning (et cetera, as applicable) dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog! As I start to write this, it's only 4:08 a.m. and I've been up for a couple of hours already. 

So when a clique of pathetic losers rejects you - do you care? πŸ˜‚

Yeah - me neither! F*** 'em. πŸ‘
Man do I love the sunrises here!

I'm usually asleep not long after sunset (and, here, I think the snakes are still out at that time, too, unlike at dawn's first light when they're all still asleep). Sunsets are lovely, too, don't get me wrong, but there's just something so magical, so majestic, and so full of Hope about Dawn and the incredible, unique displays we're given every new day at sunrise. πŸ’– Therefore, Dawn is my absolutely favorite time of day. I look forward to each sunrise the way children wait for Christmas morning; this increases as I get older, in fact, kind of like the anticipatory hope I have in Christ and one day, shuffling off this mortal coil to be in His Presence forever more: coming attractions! I am super excited about that and feel like every new day's sunrise is just a partial sneak preview.

Our friend Sam says that he'll soon be writing about his recent experiences; I really look forward to that and today encouraged him that writing about bits and pieces of it at at a time is alright, too (and I told him that because that's often how I write and want to encourage him in that). Whatever he chooses is all good; thank You, God, for healing him (in Jesus' Name, amen). 

President and Melania Trump attended that traditional Catholic thing (sorry, I don't know what it's called) last night and sat among the ravenous wolves - they are SO brave! They're true American royalty, I love and admire them both so much! Truly, my President won the election the instant, on July 13th of this year, that he arose after being shot in the head and fist pumped, saying "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
In fact, here is my very favorite coffee mug now:

I love being real; nothing else compares. 
And everyone who doesn't like it is welcome to kiss my ENTIRE free ass. 😎


Thursday, October 17, 2024

Lavender Pit Mine 10-17-2024


First we went to Bisbee... and voted 😎

Brief Morning Devotion with Prayer on 10-17-2024 😎

 Hello, dear Reader: greetings, and salutations. Welcome to this obscure American blog (and welcome back if that applies). Right now it's shortly before six a.m. and I've been up for hours - I'm pretty much a poster child for that saying "Early to bed, early to rise" at least as far as the time referenced goes.

For morning devotion:

Well, some good news: Sam is alright, praise God (and I do mean that oh so literally). πŸ’– 

I was going to get political here but changed my mind; how about doing something productive instead?

Good morning, Dear Lord God, and thank You for waking each of us up today! Thank you as well for this additional chance in Life to get up and make good choices today, God. Lord we ask You to please use us to the glory of Your Name and for Your purposes, in Jesus' Name. Father God, today we come together and ask for you to please end human trafficking around the globe, God, in Jesus' Name. Lord, please bring all deeds done in darkness out into the light, God. Please empower Your saints to mete out Justice that pleases the very heart of God, in Jesus' Name. Lord, we also ask You to please end ALL wars that currently rage across this planet, God! Send Your peace to replace hatred, globally, please God in Jesus' Name! Father God, we ask for You to please liberate ALL hostages, Lord, in Gaza, and everywhere else that people are being held against their will, and we thank You in advance for that, God. Lord, please also reveal all Truth to us and dispel all deception, please, in Jesus' Name. Father God, today we lift up all who currently suffer with Cancer and all other terminal illnesses, God, and we humbly ask for You to please heal them ALL, please, God, in Jesus' Name! Father God, please protect ALL unborn children in the womb, God, from infanticide, in Jesus' Name. Lord, please open the eyes of all humanity and increase our wisdom and our compassion, all for the glory of Your Name. And please answer the prayers that we forgot to pray today and we give You thanks for in all things, at all times, and no matter what, You are worthy. In Jesus' Name, amen.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

In the Middle of the Night...

Hello, dear Reader: greetings and salutations! It's only about a quarter past three o'clock in the morning, but ever since the hurricanes decimated our fellow Americans to the east, it's harder to sleep. As well as the fact that we haven't heard from Sam in about a month now. Then, yesterday I found this and it shook me to my human core:

Do you see this young man? WHY can this nation not secure his freedom? So, you're telling me that the ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA lacks the ability to save this ONE HUMAN BEING?!

WHY are we giving them even ONE RED CENT to do anything since the current regime is not only comprised of profoundly STUPID, ABJECT FAILURES but it's even worse than that: these "people" (because we have to call them something) are SELFISH, EVIL, UN-AMERICAN, and DO NOT DESERVE TO LIVE!!!!

YOU know where to find me. I'll meet you at the DOOR.
Which reminds me, I want this shirt! 

Oh and to you "powers that be"? It's not a threat. It's a PROMISE, you can trust and BELIEVE THAT. ALL the way.

War still rages across the planet, in Ukraine and Gaza (and maybe also in other places that we in the US aren't aware of because the FAKE NEWS won't cover it since it wouldn't fit their agenda of control and PURE LIES). 

Yesterday, Terry and I agreed that I'm not really "female" but probably more of a gay man in a woman's body πŸ˜‚ because of the way I think/ feel et cetera about things/ how I relate to people and stuff like that. Other than my body, yeah, I think I'm pretty much 'wired' like a man in many ways. 
An example that started that conversation: I have this HUGE statement necklace that came with matching earrings, only the earrings are way, way too heavy for me to ever wear; Terry said that most women wouldn't care about that.

Here's the deal though; when I was thirteen, in Garland, TX in middle school and we'd all taken our annual standardized tests, a few weeks later I was contacted by a certain university (on the US east coast) and invited to forgo all four years of high-school in lieu of attending college for four-years for free instead. When this school made the mistake of disclosing to me that the initiative was experimental in nature, I turned them down flat and never looked back. Something told me on a gut-level that it wasn't the right thing to do. Now, 40 years later, I believe that the Deep State was trying to recruit me for indoctrination even then and refusing to submit to the proffered "free education" kept them from being able to 'score' me as a living weapon (as they've done SO many other countless Americans through the years who actually believe that their leftist ideals are their own, unaware that the entire university experience was the indoctrination). 
And THAT is why we HAVE TO DEFUND them. All of them, all of them except for the University of Florida, that is. 
Anyway, the sun won't rise for hours - it's not even four AM here yet. 
I'm cradling Freedom Turtle on my lap; life is good.🐒

Monday, October 14, 2024

Differing Opinons are now "bullying" in 2024

 Greetings and salutations (again, if applicable) dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog. I missed taking photos of today's sunrise because Freedom Turtle woke up and had a morning bath (and I don't like to rush him). πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ˜

Anyway! Damn, is it just me, or is literally everyone on the planet now so thin skinned that no one can say anything any more?! I mean honestly, when did grown adults lose the ability to withstand a difference of opinion even if strongly stated? Now, yes, saying this now I am thinking of one specific recent exchange with some stranger I'll never meet or know in real life. But in general, don't you find this to be true? This phenomenon is representative of the demise of our American culture: there's pretty much no such thing as stand-up comedy any more (comedians used to have the job of making us laugh while making fun of ALL of us, no one was off-limits). Also: the media is now being paid to spread the idea that words are "dangerous" and here I'm not talking about words that constitute death threats, etc, no: they are trying to sell us the idea that words that do not agree with their agendas are dangerous; we used to call this concept "freedom of speech and thought". 

So apparently I'M a "bully" for voicing my own opinion and without even singling out anyone! πŸ˜‚ No, seriously! 
Ok, to be fair, this person is probably about fifteen years old (based on the apparent skill-level in his/her 'writing' and obsession with 'self' with regard to my blanket statements). 
F***ing WHATEVER. People these days need to get OVER themselves, man. 
Like when I had a boss who screamed at me and threw things, I didn't even take THAT personally - it was all about him, NOT about me. 
We as a culture USED to understand that.

Here, listen to what the late, great George Carlin had to say about American stupidity in general (and it's funny):

Come on, guys (and gals), we grown ups need to get OVER ourselves and be GROWN. πŸ‘

Edited to add: Cowardice grows by leaps and bounds every day, too; no one's left any 'comments' on my blog since 2023. 

Edit 2:
 I just want to clarify that I never insulted the person my words were responding to: nobody was disparaged, no ad-hominem attacks were levied, no character was assassinated - I (deliberately, carefully) spoke to what I saw to be the issue at hand and nothing more. Hey, fair is fair and, as imperfect as I am (and I can totally guarantee you that I most certainly AM) it's still good to strive for accuracy. πŸ‘

Thoughts Before Dawn

Good morning - greetings and salutations, dear Reader, no matter where you are on Planet Earth, I pray that you and yours are safe and well: good vibes only. See, I'm pretty rough around the edges and totally NOT politically correct but the bonus in that is that you'll always get the truth from me as I value truth above all else. I do hope for the same from you, too. 😎

We're still waiting on the Sun to show itself, but here's a shot of it from yesterday:

Current mood in the last hour or so before sunrise:

Today I'm shipping out a perfume that just sold on eBay and it's the first time in twelve years that I bothered to use it for anything other than losing money πŸ˜… - pray for me πŸ˜‚

Really I can't form any truly lucid thoughts until I have more coffee - and if that's true for you, too, then be like me and go get you some more! Thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings - I hope to make more sense later on today. In the mean-time, be blessed and take care, dear Reader. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Morning Thoughts πŸ’­

Good morning, et cetera, dear Reader, on this day above ground, and thank you for joining me from various parts of the globe. πŸ‘

I put Freedom Turtle in his "bedroom" (indoor aquarium) last night to sleep so he could be a turtle (whereas he usually sleeps with me). He's still in there, apparently fast asleep (at least when I last looked in on him about ten minutes ago).  🐒

Sunrise was at 6:20 AM here in the Mountain Standard Time Zone this morning (which is October 13th, 2024) - yesterday, sunrise was one minute earlier; if you track these things, the subtle changes as Time progresses and seasons shift become apparent. 😎 
Here is one of the shots of a perfume that I took this morning utilizing the inimitable beauty of new morning light:

I'm so glad that our insurance company has customer service at the ready 24/7/365 as that allows me to take care of some of our personal business tasks even on a Sunday (like today). I figure, why put it off if I can do some of that today? There's no need to wait and make Monday even more burdened by the drudgery of phone calls than it has to be. For MY part, when I have the option, I do prefer to spread those things out (like I'm doing today, for example). 

I love how, literally every time someone deliberately tries to make me look stupid, it always (without exception) blows up in her (well, I guess or his too) face. 😘 It's mildly entertaining. πŸ˜‚

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Let's DO this!

Greetings and salutations, dear Reader! While watching the following political video, something occurred to me, and I talk about that right after/ below the video. Thanks for stopping by this obscure little blog, but without any further ado:

Kamala Harris (as Attorney General) had the parents of terminally ill children arrested for truancy (see below):

And that's not a good thing, but, politics aside, this video brings to mind a dire need: we (America) must prioritize eradicating sickle cell anemia, for our Black Americans, but to also spread a cure to black people world-wide. 
Since charity starts at home, though, I pray that President Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and all of those brilliant leaders will create a targeted task force, comprised of the best medical minds, of people suffering with sickle cell who choose to participate and are compensated for their contributions, etc (whomever else you can think of whose skills and talents will help in this effort). Ask Dr. Ben Carson! He knows the (other) intelligent medical people! 
Please, I pray that they will make it happen! Young ladies like sweet Shayla should never have to suffer like that and she is one of so many reasons why we, the People, ask our leaders to please do this! We CAN do this! 
Look, they wiped out Polio, so let's do the same thing, this time to the enemy known as Sickle Cell Anemia. Our fellow Americans deserve to be prioritized for once. I pray that any and all good ideas like this one make it to the ones on top who can actually DO something about it and make it happen! 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Mortality? Some Thoughts

Hello! Greetings and salutations! If you're reading this, you (like me) woke up alive, on this side of the grave today - always a good start, I say. Every day that we're given life IS a literal gift/present, period.

Guess what?

ALL living, breathing human beings WILL one day cease to live.

"Why" indeed - you may be wondering what is wrong with me, why on earth I feel the need to make the specific point that Death is inevitable for all, and I'll tell you.
First, what I'm NOT trying to do: scare you, depress you, steal your Hope, none of that.
What I AM trying to do, though, dear Reader, is remind you (and myself) that our time here IS limited! That we won't live forever, there won't always be thousands or hundreds of chances to get things right; sometimes, there are no do-overs. 
So what I'd like to do is help you avoid living with regret. If we will be mindfully, deliberately aware of the fact that Time IS, in fact, in limited, measured supply for all in this life, that will hopefully usher each of us into more purposeful living.
That's all. 
Think about it; it's not about losing Hope, just about NOT wasting our Time (which none of us knows when it will end)!