Monday, October 14, 2024

Differing Opinons are now "bullying" in 2024

 Greetings and salutations (again, if applicable) dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog. I missed taking photos of today's sunrise because Freedom Turtle woke up and had a morning bath (and I don't like to rush him). 💖🐢😍

Anyway! Damn, is it just me, or is literally everyone on the planet now so thin skinned that no one can say anything any more?! I mean honestly, when did grown adults lose the ability to withstand a difference of opinion even if strongly stated? Now, yes, saying this now I am thinking of one specific recent exchange with some stranger I'll never meet or know in real life. But in general, don't you find this to be true? This phenomenon is representative of the demise of our American culture: there's pretty much no such thing as stand-up comedy any more (comedians used to have the job of making us laugh while making fun of ALL of us, no one was off-limits). Also: the media is now being paid to spread the idea that words are "dangerous" and here I'm not talking about words that constitute death threats, etc, no: they are trying to sell us the idea that words that do not agree with their agendas are dangerous; we used to call this concept "freedom of speech and thought". 

So apparently I'M a "bully" for voicing my own opinion and without even singling out anyone! 😂 No, seriously! 
Ok, to be fair, this person is probably about fifteen years old (based on the apparent skill-level in his/her 'writing' and obsession with 'self' with regard to my blanket statements). 
F***ing WHATEVER. People these days need to get OVER themselves, man. 
Like when I had a boss who screamed at me and threw things, I didn't even take THAT personally - it was all about him, NOT about me. 
We as a culture USED to understand that.

Here, listen to what the late, great George Carlin had to say about American stupidity in general (and it's funny):

Come on, guys (and gals), we grown ups need to get OVER ourselves and be GROWN. 👍

Edited to add: Cowardice grows by leaps and bounds every day, too; no one's left any 'comments' on my blog since 2023. 

Edit 2:
 I just want to clarify that I never insulted the person my words were responding to: nobody was disparaged, no ad-hominem attacks were levied, no character was assassinated - I (deliberately, carefully) spoke to what I saw to be the issue at hand and nothing more. Hey, fair is fair and, as imperfect as I am (and I can totally guarantee you that I most certainly AM) it's still good to strive for accuracy. 👍

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