Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Some Self-Correction on 10-23-2024

 Good morning, et cetera, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to my obscure American blog (I type as my rabbit, Bunny Bun-Bunz nibbles on my pink house-shoe). πŸ˜‚ What is it with him, and the turtle? Both of them have chewed on one of my house-shoes just this week alone! 😁 That's great; non-human people are SO cute. 
But I digress! 

I'm actually here today to openly eat some crow and hopefully benefit the rest of you with it! 

So, the other day in a forum I talked about "no-one is a monolith" - right? And I do believe that, all the way!
But here's the deal: I realized early this morning before sunrise that I have been guilty of that exact, precise thing (treating a group of people like a monolith).
That's why I'm here to openly admit and dealt with it: God Himself knows that I'm not perfect and fortunately, I know it, too. πŸ˜‰

And who have I been judging and treating unfairly? 
Rank and file Democrat voters here in the USA. 😟

It's true; I have. In fact, there (should be) plenty of evidence if you just go through some of my blog history here. 

But, though I am often slow on the uptake, I realized my own hypocrisy (thank You for showing it to me, Lord God, as without Your input I probably would have gone on without ever knowing my wrong in this).

So I wanted to let y'all know that I know, so you can know too πŸ˜‚

Ah, well:

And, to my Democratic friends: I hope you'll accept my apology (though I understand it if you don't). Further, just so you know: if the Democratic party was still the party of old-school liberals like Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. I probably would have voted blue. 
But no more. Knowing, seeing that the party has been taken over by globalist communists, Trump is truly the only safe option in this election cycle. 
Do some more research, I beg of you; do yourselves the favor of reaching out for news beyond the confines of: CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc. πŸ‘€

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