Tuesday, October 22, 2024

(blog title, IDK what) on Tuesday 10-22-2024

 Hello (again?) dear Reader and welcome! It's another cool, sunny Autumn day and I'm currently playing these:

Freedom Turtle is asleep on my lap right now. 😍💖🐢

After hearing what VP Harris said the other day added to everything else - a preponderance of evidence - leads me to the inevitable, logical conclusion that she - and the political affiliation she represents - are, in fact evil
Take a look at this, in case you've been under a rock lately:

That meme (above) is in direct response to Harris hearing a man say "Jesus is Lord" and her responding, well, watch it for yourself:

And that is why, like Pastor Greg Locke, I (now, at least) say that one literally cannot be truly Christian and support this party. AT all. 
And here's a bit from the pastor I just referenced:

There's a longer video taken from that same sermon as well. He's right, though. Maybe not so much decades ago, when we were kids, and it really was a matter of Americans on the left (Liberals) and Americans on the right (Conservatives). 
That is no longer the way of things in these United States. 

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