Good morning - greetings and salutations, dear Reader, no matter where you are on Planet Earth, I pray that you and yours are safe and well: good vibes only. See, I'm pretty rough around the edges and totally NOT politically correct but the bonus in that is that you'll always get the truth from me as I value truth above all else. I do hope for the same from you, too. 😎
We're still waiting on the Sun to show itself, but here's a shot of it from yesterday:
Current mood in the last hour or so before sunrise:
Today I'm shipping out a perfume that just sold on eBay and it's the first time in twelve years that I bothered to use it for anything other than losing money 😅 - pray for me 😂
Really I can't form any truly lucid thoughts until I have more coffee - and if that's true for you, too, then be like me and go get you some more! Thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings - I hope to make more sense later on today. In the mean-time, be blessed and take care, dear Reader.
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