Friday, October 18, 2024

10-18-2024 Before Sunrise in the MST 🇺🇸

Good morning (et cetera, as applicable) dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog! As I start to write this, it's only 4:08 a.m. and I've been up for a couple of hours already. 

So when a clique of pathetic losers rejects you - do you care? 😂

Yeah - me neither! F*** 'em. 👍
Man do I love the sunrises here!

I'm usually asleep not long after sunset (and, here, I think the snakes are still out at that time, too, unlike at dawn's first light when they're all still asleep). Sunsets are lovely, too, don't get me wrong, but there's just something so magical, so majestic, and so full of Hope about Dawn and the incredible, unique displays we're given every new day at sunrise. 💖 Therefore, Dawn is my absolutely favorite time of day. I look forward to each sunrise the way children wait for Christmas morning; this increases as I get older, in fact, kind of like the anticipatory hope I have in Christ and one day, shuffling off this mortal coil to be in His Presence forever more: coming attractions! I am super excited about that and feel like every new day's sunrise is just a partial sneak preview.

Our friend Sam says that he'll soon be writing about his recent experiences; I really look forward to that and today encouraged him that writing about bits and pieces of it at at a time is alright, too (and I told him that because that's often how I write and want to encourage him in that). Whatever he chooses is all good; thank You, God, for healing him (in Jesus' Name, amen). 

President and Melania Trump attended that traditional Catholic thing (sorry, I don't know what it's called) last night and sat among the ravenous wolves - they are SO brave! They're true American royalty, I love and admire them both so much! Truly, my President won the election the instant, on July 13th of this year, that he arose after being shot in the head and fist pumped, saying "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
In fact, here is my very favorite coffee mug now:

I love being real; nothing else compares. 
And everyone who doesn't like it is welcome to kiss my ENTIRE free ass. 😎


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