Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Let's go GET the babies! 11-26-2024


Every single adult human being on the planet NEEDS to see that video. That poor, tiny baby is one of hundreds of thousands or more who are the tiny little lambs being lead to whatever grisly slaughter awaits each of them. 
I AM HUMAN AND I HAVE HAD ENOUGH of this blatant evil.
I am literally to the place where I'm now plotting with my husband so we can figure out what to do, when we go there to the border and save those babies! One, two et cetera, at a time! 
Save the babies! Every one that I see I'm going to claim to be my own and I do not care what 'border authorities' have to say about it. F*** YOU, THOSE BABIES ARE MINE the moment I find them.

I'm sorry, and I do have all the faith in the world in President Trump's new border-czar Mr. Homan but I cannot wait one more day without doing SOMETHING to save those babies! I cannot, I am daily consumed with thoughts of them, dying inside knowing that they're subjected to unspeakable evil. I can think of NO better way to die than giving my life to save them and, God as my witness, I will do literally anything and everything that I can to save some of them. I might not get them all but maybe God will let me be used to save some. Even just one? Something!

Dear God, please raise up 'we the people' and send us out to save those children, Lord God! Please! Raise up Your army and use us to wholly defeat evil and snuff it out, wiping it from the face of the earth, in Jesus' Name, amen. God, please hurry! In Jesus' Name, amen.

We're going in. I need some more firearm support but we're definitely going in. Any and all unaccompanied children that I run into I'm taking home and no force on this planet can stop me! They'll have to KILL ME first, I'll BE DAMNED if I'm going to just sit here and let evil reign over these babies. NO, HELL NO! God is with me and He WILL enable and empower me to righteousness no matter what that means or looks like. I don't know, I don't even try to imagine it, but trust for His power in the moment that it's needed. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Tolerance? 11-20-2024

 Hello (again?) dear Reader and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog, in the middle of a November night where I write from our remote little corner of the Sonoran desert.

As I write this from the comfort of a warm home (that is also secured by the fact that two skilled marksmen live here) my heart is heavy with sorrow for current global events.
Dear God, please deliver Russia from the evil being assailed on her by Joe Biden and his demonic regime, in Jesus' Name, amen!
How on earth did we manage to let such a demonic influence pretend to be our President these many years?! I mean, why hasn't some patriotic American taken him OUT to save the world from nuclear devastation?! But no one has - and here we are! May God forgive us all for our deadly complacency and 'tolerance' pursuant to empowering pure, unadulterated EVIL. 
Evil thrives under the guise of 'tolerance'. 

There are real, serious reasons that every time in the Bible, God told his children to completely destroy the enemy and take none of the spoils for themselves. We are profoundly stupid and arrogant at best to second guess God and anything that He requires of us. I think that's why those stories are there - to teach us by example, both of what to do, and what not to do. History repeats itself and (like we're told in Ecclesiastes 3) there is truly nothing new under the Sun.

Look, folks, we've ALL been lied to. For years now. 
Vladimir Putin is NOT our enemy. Russia is NOT our enemy. This is all a construct of the Deep State to subvert America and all that we stand for and, and, not merely us, but the entire industrialized, currently still FREE world and you can take THAT to the bank.

Truly at this point, if you pray, please get after it and keep it up every time this crosses your mind; I implore you, no matter your faith, please pray for Peace. Please, fellow humans, join me in seeking divine help to save us all from nuclear devastation. Please pray for the babies, the 300,000+ who have been taken by pure, unadulterated EVIL - FULL STOP, there is NO excusing this and the blood of each man, woman, and child who has perished due to American leadership falls to us, the American people. We are guilty of NOT intervening to PREVENT what we are now faced with, and for what? In the name of "tolerance"?!

I say: BRING ON THE INTOLERANCE then when EVIL is the other option.

Saturday, November 16, 2024


Hello, dear Reader; greetings and salutations. Welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog where, right now, it's a little past 2:30 in the morning and I'm up for the day.

I say that every month is human trafficking awareness month until every human is found and rescued.

Since the weather recently changed (due to normal change in seasons) I'm afraid I have pneumonia right now but have been to the hospital a couple of times this week and am now fully, adequately medicated against it and will hopefully start feeling better soon even though I also feel that I should have sought care earlier (oops - maybe next time). 

Folks, I am so grateful for the way God's hand is moving over this nation and keep crying on and off for all those missing babies, the innocent children "lost" by the present US Federal government. They admit to more than 300,000 of them now (so, just imagine what the real number must be?!) ๐Ÿ˜ญ
"LOST"?! Yeah - LOST! I don't THINK SO, PAL. NOT ON YOUR TIN-TYPE. Nobody "loses" a human being, let alone hundreds of thousands of them. It doesn't just happen! If human beings disappear it is always, always, always because some other human being has done something horrible to them, full-stop (and feel free to prove me wrong, I'll wait). 

So there are the babies (and here, everyone who is 18 years old and under is, in my eyes, a baby). And there are the women, and men, who have been lost on their way trying to make it to the United States after the Biden regime invited them to come on in.
How many untold people were lost in the Darien Gap alone? 

Dear God, thank You for waking me up for another day of life; I appreciate the gift, Lord. Father God there are so many urgent needs but right now I want to ask You to please eradicate the entire human trafficking industry world-wide, God. Please expose everyone involved, God! Please save every captive and protect them from harm, God. Please deliver every person who is currently not free, Lord. Father God, thank You that you are gathering a righteous army of courageous, selfless warriors to send in and save the babies, God! Lord we ask that You please protect every single one of them from all harm and all detection by the enemy, in Jesus' Name, God. Lord, we also ask that you please protect every unborn child from being murdered in the womb, God! Please give every expectant mother a heart of love for her unborn child, God, in Jesus' Name! Father God, please forgive us for the selfish, inexcusable sin of infanticide and make abortion unthinkable again, in Jesus' Name. Father God, please protect every righteous person in leadership, world-wide, God. Please remove all the wicked from power, God, in Jesus' Name. Lord, we also thank You for raising up righteous leadership in the United States and ask for Your hand of protection over President Trump, his entire family, and everyone else who surrounds him, in Jesus' Name. And Lord, I'm sick and growing weak so please forgive me by ending this prayer by simply asking You to address the many important needs that I hadn't asked You for, and thank You, dear Lord, in Jesus' Name, amen.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Semper Fi on 10 November 2024

Hello, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to my obscure little American blog on a warm November evening as I write this from the Sonoran Desert in the American southwest.

Today (if I'm not mistaken) is the 249th Anniversary of the USMC: the United States Marine Corps. 
Whether your service was in the past, you're in service now, or you're young and plan to serve when you come of age - I am so very proud of you, all of you, down to the last little maggot. ๐Ÿ˜

A prayer for our Marines:
Dear Lord, thank You for our men and women who comprise the corps of excellence known as the United States Marine Corps. Father, please bless each and every one. God, please protect each and every one of these brave heroes from all harm as they serve this country and us, it's grateful people. Lord, we ask You to daily continue to empower them in mind, body, soul, and spirit, Lord. Please reveal and weaken all of their enemies, God, foreign and domestic, for the glory of Your holy Name. Father God, please strengthen each man and woman and guide them on Your path of righteousness, God. We ask that You please continue to imbue them with integrity, courage, strength, insight, and skill, God. We thank You for their love, hard-work, and selfless dedication, God. To a man we ask that You see to it that every single Marine is loved and cared for every day of his and her life, God. We ask You to forgive us and promise as a body of people, God, that we WILL love and care for our Marines and never take them for granted, God. Please keep them out of harms way and when they face the enemy, Lord God, we ask that You give our Marines the victory. Please refresh them and give each Your joy, and Your peace. And, God, please convict every American heart to be filled with gratitude, love, respect, and admiration for these fine people of strength and excellence. Please continue to empower the USMC for the protection of these United States and the glory of Your Name, and we pray these things in Jesus' Name. Amen. 

Man, when I turned eighteen, I was at the USMC recruiting office in downtown Fort Worth, Texas that same week -
I was so excited! 
The first thing I did in conversation with the recruiter, though, was brag about my marksmanship - and then he got to the health questions... and told me that I make a great civilian. ๐Ÿ˜ข
No matter, my heart will always feel the same for this nation and its people. ๐Ÿ’—

Anyway, God bless each and every one of you, now and always!
We love you! Thank you one and all for your service. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

A New Day Has Come on Sunday, November 10th, 2024 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

 Hello (again?) dear Reader and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog on a sunny November day as I sit here with coffee in a fleece bathrobe; the day is Sunday - a new day, a new week, a new hope for the United States and the world at large. Praise God for this day! 

Amouage Love Delight - a gift from the admins of my favorite Perfume website ๐Ÿฅฐ

This morning I want to talk to you a little bit about why I think that I was able to so readily perceive mainstream media's propaganda when I returned to watching the news; it's not because I'm smarter than you are, I'm certainly no 'better' than anyone, no. What I think sealed the deal for me is the several years break from all mainstream media that I took for ten or more years of my life. Returning to watch familiar old channels has been very alarming and, given what I remembered of it, the break seems to have only served to have heightened my ability to readily perceive the insidious, evil Communist changes (even though I swore off 'the news' the first time I perceived that I was being lied to all those years ago - at the time I greatly lacked the wisdom, intelligence, and insight to understand what it all really meant, let alone where it was all headed and the implications for humanity). 

But I'm here to tell you, dear Reader, to not lose hope. No, our hope IS in Jesus, but we also have a whole bunch of people who are laying down their lives to save this nation (in addition to the millions of patriotic members in all branches of our military). 
Especially those of you who voted Democrat and have (thus far) believed all the lies shoved down your throats by leftist operatives posing as journalists - God WILL hold each of them accountable

Please understand, especially my fellow Americans, that for the first time probably since Ronald Reagan, we finally again have a FAFO President in Donald J. Trump. His strength, honesty, and courage are exactly what this world needs - a real leader in every sense of the word. 

See, he doesn't dwell on bragging about he's done this or that for this person or that person - no, because he's not motivated by the praise of others. There are plenty of people that he's blessed over the many years, whose lives he's changed for the better. You can hear from them all over the Internet (if you like - there are many of them and his generous deeds span the decades so NOT motivated by the potential for political gain). 

The world is breathing a collective sigh of relief now, knowing that Good < evil. Every time. ๐Ÿ’˜

And, finally, for this morning, I'll just leave you with a quick list of things that he's already accomplished and he's not even the sitting President again yet! 

FACTS: they matter.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

READ THIS - updated on November 7th, 2024

Hello and welcome to this obscure American blog (again, if applicable). Today is another day above ground and I, for one, am grateful; this day wasn't "owed" to me, not by any means. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Ok, I want to talk some this morning about how losing the Presidential election is affecting some of my fellow Americans. Many of these poor people are very emotionally affected and I've seen a lot of melting down in clips/videos across social media platforms.

At first, viewing these from "the winning side" you'd think I'd feel some sort of smug Schadenfreude at their despair, but that's where you're mistaken (edited to add that at first, I did have those feelings - I'm human - but I've been processing everything and am now over that initial reaction phase). Let me now tell you precisely why

I am not amused by their fear and sadness, not at all: quite to the contrary, I am hurt and offended in their behalf. The reason? Because these poor Americans (and probably people globally!) have been gaslighted by people they trust to tell them the truth (and I'm looking at YOU, mainstream media). ๐Ÿ˜ก

Because you have continued to spew outright lies about President Trump for years, you have created abject fear, even downright terror, in the hearts of those who have put their unmerited trust in you.

You KNOW what you've done, and you've known what you were doing every single time you uttered one syllable of every lie that you have been cramming down the throats of intellectually and emotionally vulnerable Americans. In short, you are evil. And you KNOW that you are, full-stop. One day when you face God and answer for this, there will be no excuse-making, there will be nowhere to hide, and there will be no ready-made scapegoat.
What you've done - what you've sold your souls to satan to do - is akin to a grown man physically bullying a small child, over and over and over again. What you've done is unforgivable. What you've done to the innocent, trusting people who have believed in you is pure, unadulterated evil.
This is all on YOU!!! And karma is a real bitch if you are. Trust and believe that, you soulless monsters. All of you. You're guilty of treason and I hope you're ALL held accountable pursuant to 18 US Code Section 2381:

You are bullies, you are liars, and karma WILL come for you, mark my words. 

I hate what you've done to my fellow Americans who I see literally screaming and crying, bawling because, due to YOUR LIES, these poor people actually believe that President Trump will take away their rights and/or inflict individual and national harm in various other ways. What you have done to these vulnerable, trusting people is unconscionable; you are all monsters. 

To my fellow Americans (anyone who believes the MSM's lies):
I implore you to please, please, please do some research beyond the mainstream media's echo-chamber. Please, discipline yourself to control your feelings enough to try and hear what independent journalists are saying; listen to what President Trump himself has to say; listen to what the people surrounding him all have to say (people like Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK, Jr, et cetera) - please just do this for yourselves. 
And no matter who you voted for, fellow citizens of the world, I love you. I want what's best for you. The entire time any and ALL of my ire for my political opponents is 100 percent ALL for the ones in leadership, the liars, the ones who know better and are lying to you, but not to you who've been lied to. ๐Ÿ’–

I'd also like to speak to anyone who is opposed to/ afraid of going beyond the confines of familiar echo-chambers: you have nothing to fear, my friend. No, you see, you get to choose what to believe, no matter what you read/see/hear. You get to choose! Simply find all of the information available and weigh it all to see what holds the most credence, the most logical sense, the most truth, as you're able to perceive it. Try to ignore your feelings in favor of critical thought as this will only serve to help you. 


To my fellow Conservatives, especially independent journalists:
I implore you to please pull back immediately on the Schadenfreude (though I do understand) - because we must be compassionate in this moment towards the deceived, towards those who have been psychologically and emotionally abused and crushed by the satanic lies of the left who they innocently trust and believe in. Please, I beg you! We absolutely must love them and give them all compassion. We must gently show them the truth and pray the Lord open their frightened, deceived eyes and calm their terrified hearts. We have to rise above the base temptations to give in to the juvenile initial instincts to celebrate in this moment because our fellow Americans have been used and abused into a state of existential fear due to leftist operatives.
Those poor people need our love, the truth in love, our help, we must protect them from their real enemies (those who have lied them into such fear and hatred). 
Thank you all! I care nothing for fame, but in whatever ways you can, I ask you to please spread THIS message to everyone that you know so we can then unite and protect those who have been made unwitting, innocent victims of the satanic left. Thank you so much, I consider it a personal favor. ๐Ÿ’š

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The afternoon of November 6th, 2024 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

Hello (again?) - greetings and salutations, dear Reader; welcome! It's a few minutes past four o'clock in the afternoon on a relatively warm November day. The final number of votes from Arizona - where we live - are being delayed. Sorry, guys, but that's not going to work this time. ๐Ÿ˜‚

We are within driving distance of Maricopa County. 

Well, here we go. (You know that I'm in the United States, right? That matters. Anyway...) the pundits on the Right are indulging in major Schadenfreude 
right now, all of them apparently are. It's all very juvenile (but, dear Reader, I won't pretend that I haven't done any of that myself though not towards anyone, just here with my husband, he and I privately at home - which is still an expression of imperfect character, but at least we're trying to keep it to ourselves - progress not perfection, right?)

But seeing the hosts of "the View" (because we try to consume a balance of media from primarily the right, yes, but also from centrists AND the left as well) anyway, after seeing the women on "the View" respond to the massive Red wave that just undeniably swept the nation, it's easier to feel less disappointment in the immature ways some are openly (sometimes, viciously) celebrating today. 

Sunny Hostin was particularly offensive and, though I can't quote her verbatim, her elitist attitude towards "uneducated women" is exemplary of the Democratic party's present attitude towards this nation as a whole. I get the feeling that what she means by "uneducated" is "did not attend an Ivy League college and swallow up all of the leftist indoctrination"
I'm actually not consumed with anger over it though, just making a realistic and honest observation of what I saw and heard myself while watching mainstream media in death throes. 
This chick. ๐Ÿ™„ Then she said that her daughter will not have the same rights that she has, but I submit to you that the reality is, her grandchildren are simply now more protected from being slaughtered in the womb and now have a greater chance at life (depending on where she lives, of course, because all the Supreme Court did was send that back to all 50 states to each decide). 

I got sick and tired years ago of being lied to and for a good ten years or better, went out of my way to never, ever watch any "news" - period. The bliss of deliberate ignorance felt glorious at the time, but the world went to Hell while I was busy picking flowers.
Now, however, I'm paying attention - to everything, because:

We'll see how things go; just taking this one day at a time, asking God to guide us all in His will. ๐Ÿ‘

So, dear Reader: are you awake yet? 

Today is November 6th, 2024 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

Hello (good morning from here, dear Reader) and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog on yet another day above ground (which means that we all start out today winning). 
The Sun is up here now in the MST and it's absolutely beautiful outside; right now it's just shortly after seven o'clock in the morning (a little late for me, I know, but I have been up for hours now).

I am so grateful for the US election results that I've been in tears on and off all day so far, and I keep thanking God for His undeniable, obvious Hand in all of this. I refuse to gloat about it and fully believe that this turn of political events WILL benefit everyone but the truly evil (that is to say, the only people who will not benefit from this Godly leadership will be the violent criminals, the terrorists, the ones who harm children, the ones involved in bringing Fentanyl over here, the cartels in general and any/all other human traffickers, et cetera). President Trump (and I've heard him say this SO many times) wants to serve ALL Americans, period - including those of you who didn't vote for him. ๐Ÿ’œ

Okay! So, thank You, Lord! Now:
๐Ÿ‘‰Please end wars that rage across the earth and send Your peace instead! 
๐Ÿ‘‰Please end the sexualization of our children! 
๐Ÿ‘‰Please DO protect marginalized populations, all of them (our gay people, our trans people, our immigrants, our disabled, our VETERANS, everyone, Lord!)
๐Ÿ‘‰Please, Lord, restore integrity to ALL servants in positions of leadership globally, Lord.
๐Ÿ‘‰and God, please please save ALL who are currently lost and we ask all of these things in Jesus' Name, amen. ๐Ÿ’–

A special note for my dear friend Sam: I still love you, my friend. ๐Ÿ’˜

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ November 5th, 2024 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

Hello (good morning, et cetera) on this, yet another day above ground, on a day that America, really the world, has been waiting for these four+ years: November 5th.

Remember, remember, the fifth of November

The gunpowder treason and plot

I know of no reason the gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot. 

This day IS truly historic, here, now, in real life, both in the United States but for the world as a whole. Today will determine whether freedom, decency, courage, and Truth reign supreme or if evil forces succeed at their relentless campaign of destruction and tyranny. We, the people, get to decide (well, except for all of the extreme, prolific, undeniable cheating 100% from the LEFT).
I said what I said.


For my part, I was born for this day. IF need be, I will die defending the ideals of Truth, Justice, Freedom. It's amazing how clueless they are about how much we patriots love this nation and its founding ideals, but #FAFO my friend. FAFO for real.

Until this election cycle, I didn't realize how many Hollywood actors, et cetera, are so truly, deeply, profoundly stupid and 100 percent bereft of logic, common sense, and critical thought. It's a good thing that I chose to boycott that entire demonic industry a year or more ago: no regrets.

OK, Americans! If you haven't yet, today IS your last day to vote! 

Monday, November 4, 2024

He STOLE MY TURTLE on November 4th, 2024

Well, he did - but the caveat is the 'he' I'm talking about is my husband!


Hello (good morning, et cetera) dear Reader and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog which is (as always) being written during the time of day/night when most sane humans are asleep. And - I've been up now for hours. C'est la Vie - at least I woke up, right?! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

That song makes me cry with a heart FULL of love for this nation, its People, and our beloved President Donald J. Trump and ALL the he stands for in the face of pure, unadulterated evil.
There's only one more day until President Trump finally retakes the oval office! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

I have three items on their way to me in the mail (and I think two of those should arrive tomorrow, but if anything takes longer than that to arrive that's fine too).
We voted two weeks ago, all Red, all the way down the ticket. And - now this news is sad! - Quincy Jones has passed away at 91 years old; may he rest in peace.

I saw this online yesterday:

It's a good concept, so I like it.

Well, I'm wearing Jessica Simpson Fancy (EDP) again today because I just love it so much! It's truly one of my very favorite perfumes of all time. It'll be interesting to see if the new one that I just ordered smells the same or different from the bottle that I've had now for five+? years. I usually don't get too bunged up about reformulations unless the redone version has lost all resemblance to the original.

Another one that I found yesterday (the above meme). 

Freedom Turtle ๐Ÿข is over there warm and snuggled up sleeping with his Daddy (as are the dogs - the cat and rabbit are chilling with each other on their recliner here in the living room). It's just after four-o'clock in the morning now and I've just finished an entire pot of coffee by myself. ๐Ÿ˜ But it's no wonder that my iron is so very low - we recently learned that a preponderance of caffeine in one's system does inhibit iron absorption. That sucks! But facts are pesky little things in that - like them or not - truth stands; facts persist. Like Gloria Steinem said so many years ago "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off" ๐Ÿ˜„ 

Don't I know that to be the total truth?! It's all good though, because once you get past the initial emotional response to hearing anything that you 'don't like' - if you are willing to use your intelligence, the powers of your brain to rule over your feelings and cause you to use analytical thought - you'll be shocked to learn/ discern how much of what you've believed is false. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

A Sunday in November ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

Hello on a lovely Sunday, late in the afternoon/ early in the evening here in the Mountain Standard Time zone (USA in the Sonoran Desert). 

Now playing:

Here's a salient thought - true, too:

Today I wore Jessica Simpson Fancy (eau de parfum) and MAN is it good! Just GOOD! Yummy - sweet - decadent, delicious, feminine, all of those lovely things in one very inexpensive perfume! It's so, SO good that I've applied it three times since waking up hours before Dawn, after a morning shower, and a third time after changing and getting ready for bed tonight. Mine was low but I found a great deal on a set that includes the 100ml as well as a travel spray, shower gel, and body lotion:

Soon - very soon! - this Presidential cycle here in the US will come to an end and may God help us all, literally. It's probably fair to say that many of us are sick to death of all the political advertisements; in fact, these days, if an insurance, or perfume, or restaurant (etc) commercial comes on, I breathe a sigh of grateful relief and let the ad play out, refreshed by something - anything! - other than politics. Honestly! They've killed it in the same way they slaughter Christmas, stealing the magic and joy from it by force-feeding the masses with "buy! buy! buy!" at all times 24/7/365.

One thing to look forward to in that specific regard, though: after-Christmas and New Year sales!
I love a good deal - but who doesn't, right?! ๐Ÿ˜Ž 
No, Christmas is great - I just don't care about the commercial aspect of it because those trappings are all just a bunch of irrelevant crap that do not add to but rather detract from the entire point of the holiday to begin with and that is this one simple, Universe-altering thing: observing and celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Full stop: that is the ONLY POINT of Christmas. So, for the next several tortuous weeks, we will sing the same 23 songs over and over until our brains melt; we will tolerate the VILE color combination of red with green (dear God, please help us all). We will eat the delicious, fattening things - we will wear the ugly sweaters. Not all bad, I must say.
Still: not my favorite time of year. How about you?