Hello, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to my obscure little American blog on a warm November evening as I write this from the Sonoran Desert in the American southwest.
Today (if I'm not mistaken) is the 249th Anniversary of the USMC: the United States Marine Corps.
Whether your service was in the past, you're in service now, or you're young and plan to serve when you come of age - I am so very proud of you, all of you, down to the last little maggot. 😁
A prayer for our Marines:
Dear Lord, thank You for our men and women who comprise the corps of excellence known as the United States Marine Corps. Father, please bless each and every one. God, please protect each and every one of these brave heroes from all harm as they serve this country and us, it's grateful people. Lord, we ask You to daily continue to empower them in mind, body, soul, and spirit, Lord. Please reveal and weaken all of their enemies, God, foreign and domestic, for the glory of Your holy Name. Father God, please strengthen each man and woman and guide them on Your path of righteousness, God. We ask that You please continue to imbue them with integrity, courage, strength, insight, and skill, God. We thank You for their love, hard-work, and selfless dedication, God. To a man we ask that You see to it that every single Marine is loved and cared for every day of his and her life, God. We ask You to forgive us and promise as a body of people, God, that we WILL love and care for our Marines and never take them for granted, God. Please keep them out of harms way and when they face the enemy, Lord God, we ask that You give our Marines the victory. Please refresh them and give each Your joy, and Your peace. And, God, please convict every American heart to be filled with gratitude, love, respect, and admiration for these fine people of strength and excellence. Please continue to empower the USMC for the protection of these United States and the glory of Your Name, and we pray these things in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Man, when I turned eighteen, I was at the USMC recruiting office in downtown Fort Worth, Texas that same week - I was so excited!
The first thing I did in conversation with the recruiter, though, was brag about my marksmanship - and then he got to the health questions... and told me that I make a great civilian. 😢
No matter, my heart will always feel the same for this nation and its people. 💗
Anyway, God bless each and every one of you, now and always!
We love you! Thank you one and all for your service. 🇺🇸
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