Saturday, November 16, 2024


Hello, dear Reader; greetings and salutations. Welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog where, right now, it's a little past 2:30 in the morning and I'm up for the day.

I say that every month is human trafficking awareness month until every human is found and rescued.

Since the weather recently changed (due to normal change in seasons) I'm afraid I have pneumonia right now but have been to the hospital a couple of times this week and am now fully, adequately medicated against it and will hopefully start feeling better soon even though I also feel that I should have sought care earlier (oops - maybe next time). 

Folks, I am so grateful for the way God's hand is moving over this nation and keep crying on and off for all those missing babies, the innocent children "lost" by the present US Federal government. They admit to more than 300,000 of them now (so, just imagine what the real number must be?!) 😭
"LOST"?! Yeah - LOST! I don't THINK SO, PAL. NOT ON YOUR TIN-TYPE. Nobody "loses" a human being, let alone hundreds of thousands of them. It doesn't just happen! If human beings disappear it is always, always, always because some other human being has done something horrible to them, full-stop (and feel free to prove me wrong, I'll wait). 

So there are the babies (and here, everyone who is 18 years old and under is, in my eyes, a baby). And there are the women, and men, who have been lost on their way trying to make it to the United States after the Biden regime invited them to come on in.
How many untold people were lost in the Darien Gap alone? 

Dear God, thank You for waking me up for another day of life; I appreciate the gift, Lord. Father God there are so many urgent needs but right now I want to ask You to please eradicate the entire human trafficking industry world-wide, God. Please expose everyone involved, God! Please save every captive and protect them from harm, God. Please deliver every person who is currently not free, Lord. Father God, thank You that you are gathering a righteous army of courageous, selfless warriors to send in and save the babies, God! Lord we ask that You please protect every single one of them from all harm and all detection by the enemy, in Jesus' Name, God. Lord, we also ask that you please protect every unborn child from being murdered in the womb, God! Please give every expectant mother a heart of love for her unborn child, God, in Jesus' Name! Father God, please forgive us for the selfish, inexcusable sin of infanticide and make abortion unthinkable again, in Jesus' Name. Father God, please protect every righteous person in leadership, world-wide, God. Please remove all the wicked from power, God, in Jesus' Name. Lord, we also thank You for raising up righteous leadership in the United States and ask for Your hand of protection over President Trump, his entire family, and everyone else who surrounds him, in Jesus' Name. And Lord, I'm sick and growing weak so please forgive me by ending this prayer by simply asking You to address the many important needs that I hadn't asked You for, and thank You, dear Lord, in Jesus' Name, amen.

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