Monday, November 4, 2024

He STOLE MY TURTLE on November 4th, 2024

Well, he did - but the caveat is the 'he' I'm talking about is my husband!


Hello (good morning, et cetera) dear Reader and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog which is (as always) being written during the time of day/night when most sane humans are asleep. And - I've been up now for hours. C'est la Vie - at least I woke up, right?! 😎

That song makes me cry with a heart FULL of love for this nation, its People, and our beloved President Donald J. Trump and ALL the he stands for in the face of pure, unadulterated evil.
There's only one more day until President Trump finally retakes the oval office! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

I have three items on their way to me in the mail (and I think two of those should arrive tomorrow, but if anything takes longer than that to arrive that's fine too).
We voted two weeks ago, all Red, all the way down the ticket. And - now this news is sad! - Quincy Jones has passed away at 91 years old; may he rest in peace.

I saw this online yesterday:

It's a good concept, so I like it.

Well, I'm wearing Jessica Simpson Fancy (EDP) again today because I just love it so much! It's truly one of my very favorite perfumes of all time. It'll be interesting to see if the new one that I just ordered smells the same or different from the bottle that I've had now for five+? years. I usually don't get too bunged up about reformulations unless the redone version has lost all resemblance to the original.

Another one that I found yesterday (the above meme). 

Freedom Turtle 🐒 is over there warm and snuggled up sleeping with his Daddy (as are the dogs - the cat and rabbit are chilling with each other on their recliner here in the living room). It's just after four-o'clock in the morning now and I've just finished an entire pot of coffee by myself. 😏 But it's no wonder that my iron is so very low - we recently learned that a preponderance of caffeine in one's system does inhibit iron absorption. That sucks! But facts are pesky little things in that - like them or not - truth stands; facts persist. Like Gloria Steinem said so many years ago "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off" πŸ˜„ 

Don't I know that to be the total truth?! It's all good though, because once you get past the initial emotional response to hearing anything that you 'don't like' - if you are willing to use your intelligence, the powers of your brain to rule over your feelings and cause you to use analytical thought - you'll be shocked to learn/ discern how much of what you've believed is false. 

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