Hello (good morning, et cetera) on this, yet another day above ground, on a day that America, really the world, has been waiting for these four+ years: November 5th.
Remember, remember, the fifth of NovemberThe gunpowder treason and plotI know of no reason the gunpowder treasonShould ever be forgot.
This day IS truly historic, here, now, in real life, both in the United States but for the world as a whole. Today will determine whether freedom, decency, courage, and Truth reign supreme or if evil forces succeed at their relentless campaign of destruction and tyranny. We, the people, get to decide (well, except for all of the extreme, prolific, undeniable cheating 100% from the LEFT).
I said what I said.
For my part, I was born for this day. IF need be, I will die defending the ideals of Truth, Justice, Freedom. It's amazing how clueless they are about how much we patriots love this nation and its founding ideals, but #FAFO my friend. FAFO for real.
Until this election cycle, I didn't realize how many Hollywood actors, et cetera, are so truly, deeply, profoundly stupid and 100 percent bereft of logic, common sense, and critical thought. It's a good thing that I chose to boycott that entire demonic industry a year or more ago: no regrets.
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