Sunday, November 10, 2024

A New Day Has Come on Sunday, November 10th, 2024 🇺🇸

 Hello (again?) dear Reader and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog on a sunny November day as I sit here with coffee in a fleece bathrobe; the day is Sunday - a new day, a new week, a new hope for the United States and the world at large. Praise God for this day! 

Amouage Love Delight - a gift from the admins of my favorite Perfume website 🥰

This morning I want to talk to you a little bit about why I think that I was able to so readily perceive mainstream media's propaganda when I returned to watching the news; it's not because I'm smarter than you are, I'm certainly no 'better' than anyone, no. What I think sealed the deal for me is the several years break from all mainstream media that I took for ten or more years of my life. Returning to watch familiar old channels has been very alarming and, given what I remembered of it, the break seems to have only served to have heightened my ability to readily perceive the insidious, evil Communist changes (even though I swore off 'the news' the first time I perceived that I was being lied to all those years ago - at the time I greatly lacked the wisdom, intelligence, and insight to understand what it all really meant, let alone where it was all headed and the implications for humanity). 

But I'm here to tell you, dear Reader, to not lose hope. No, our hope IS in Jesus, but we also have a whole bunch of people who are laying down their lives to save this nation (in addition to the millions of patriotic members in all branches of our military). 
Especially those of you who voted Democrat and have (thus far) believed all the lies shoved down your throats by leftist operatives posing as journalists - God WILL hold each of them accountable

Please understand, especially my fellow Americans, that for the first time probably since Ronald Reagan, we finally again have a FAFO President in Donald J. Trump. His strength, honesty, and courage are exactly what this world needs - a real leader in every sense of the word. 

See, he doesn't dwell on bragging about he's done this or that for this person or that person - no, because he's not motivated by the praise of others. There are plenty of people that he's blessed over the many years, whose lives he's changed for the better. You can hear from them all over the Internet (if you like - there are many of them and his generous deeds span the decades so NOT motivated by the potential for political gain). 

The world is breathing a collective sigh of relief now, knowing that Good < evil. Every time. 💘

And, finally, for this morning, I'll just leave you with a quick list of things that he's already accomplished and he's not even the sitting President again yet! 

FACTS: they matter.

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