Thursday, November 7, 2024

READ THIS - updated on November 7th, 2024

Hello and welcome to this obscure American blog (again, if applicable). Today is another day above ground and I, for one, am grateful; this day wasn't "owed" to me, not by any means. 😎

Ok, I want to talk some this morning about how losing the Presidential election is affecting some of my fellow Americans. Many of these poor people are very emotionally affected and I've seen a lot of melting down in clips/videos across social media platforms.

At first, viewing these from "the winning side" you'd think I'd feel some sort of smug Schadenfreude at their despair, but that's where you're mistaken (edited to add that at first, I did have those feelings - I'm human - but I've been processing everything and am now over that initial reaction phase). Let me now tell you precisely why

I am not amused by their fear and sadness, not at all: quite to the contrary, I am hurt and offended in their behalf. The reason? Because these poor Americans (and probably people globally!) have been gaslighted by people they trust to tell them the truth (and I'm looking at YOU, mainstream media). 😡

Because you have continued to spew outright lies about President Trump for years, you have created abject fear, even downright terror, in the hearts of those who have put their unmerited trust in you.

You KNOW what you've done, and you've known what you were doing every single time you uttered one syllable of every lie that you have been cramming down the throats of intellectually and emotionally vulnerable Americans. In short, you are evil. And you KNOW that you are, full-stop. One day when you face God and answer for this, there will be no excuse-making, there will be nowhere to hide, and there will be no ready-made scapegoat.
What you've done - what you've sold your souls to satan to do - is akin to a grown man physically bullying a small child, over and over and over again. What you've done is unforgivable. What you've done to the innocent, trusting people who have believed in you is pure, unadulterated evil.
This is all on YOU!!! And karma is a real bitch if you are. Trust and believe that, you soulless monsters. All of you. You're guilty of treason and I hope you're ALL held accountable pursuant to 18 US Code Section 2381:

You are bullies, you are liars, and karma WILL come for you, mark my words. 

I hate what you've done to my fellow Americans who I see literally screaming and crying, bawling because, due to YOUR LIES, these poor people actually believe that President Trump will take away their rights and/or inflict individual and national harm in various other ways. What you have done to these vulnerable, trusting people is unconscionable; you are all monsters. 

To my fellow Americans (anyone who believes the MSM's lies):
I implore you to please, please, please do some research beyond the mainstream media's echo-chamber. Please, discipline yourself to control your feelings enough to try and hear what independent journalists are saying; listen to what President Trump himself has to say; listen to what the people surrounding him all have to say (people like Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK, Jr, et cetera) - please just do this for yourselves. 
And no matter who you voted for, fellow citizens of the world, I love you. I want what's best for you. The entire time any and ALL of my ire for my political opponents is 100 percent ALL for the ones in leadership, the liars, the ones who know better and are lying to you, but not to you who've been lied to. 💖

I'd also like to speak to anyone who is opposed to/ afraid of going beyond the confines of familiar echo-chambers: you have nothing to fear, my friend. No, you see, you get to choose what to believe, no matter what you read/see/hear. You get to choose! Simply find all of the information available and weigh it all to see what holds the most credence, the most logical sense, the most truth, as you're able to perceive it. Try to ignore your feelings in favor of critical thought as this will only serve to help you. 


To my fellow Conservatives, especially independent journalists:
I implore you to please pull back immediately on the Schadenfreude (though I do understand) - because we must be compassionate in this moment towards the deceived, towards those who have been psychologically and emotionally abused and crushed by the satanic lies of the left who they innocently trust and believe in. Please, I beg you! We absolutely must love them and give them all compassion. We must gently show them the truth and pray the Lord open their frightened, deceived eyes and calm their terrified hearts. We have to rise above the base temptations to give in to the juvenile initial instincts to celebrate in this moment because our fellow Americans have been used and abused into a state of existential fear due to leftist operatives.
Those poor people need our love, the truth in love, our help, we must protect them from their real enemies (those who have lied them into such fear and hatred). 
Thank you all! I care nothing for fame, but in whatever ways you can, I ask you to please spread THIS message to everyone that you know so we can then unite and protect those who have been made unwitting, innocent victims of the satanic left. Thank you so much, I consider it a personal favor. 💚

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