Sunday, March 2, 2025

A sunny Sunday on March 2nd, 2025

Good morning (et cetera) dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog where I sit in the splendor of a beautiful sunrise, shining through the window as I take a third breathing treatment for the day so far; therefore thankful not only for the gift of another day of Life itself (which I don't deserve and was not owed to me) but the gift of every breath as well. Soon, in a shower, I will also thank Him for the pure luxury of clean, hot water on demand as well (and the day is just getting started). 😎

Without any further delay, then, here is today's portion from the Book of Wisdom: Proverbs 2 ESV and the same again, but in audio format:
And some reading from the New Testament today: John 1 ESV

I think that, if anything, I'm maybe similar to John, in that, I am NOT 'the Light' but exist solely to point others to Him. Seeing how winking at evil in the name of tolerance has only lead to the perpetual degradation of humanity, I take a firm stance against compromising with evil or entertaining it. And, perceiving how society has come to value FEELINGS over all FACTS, I care nothing about feelings: not yours, and not mine. The primary goal, the real value in life, IS TRUTH. 

Which verse/s stand out to you from today's chapters, dear Reader?
Remember that the truth WILL set you free. 💜

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