Tuesday, March 11, 2025

❤️ Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 in the Morning 🌅

Good morning, et cetera, dear Reader, and welcome (back, if applicable) to this temporary wisp of virtual smoke in the cyber-Universe on a chilly Spring morning somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere, USA.

here is shown my Lord, and me (or you), holding the hammer and nail. 💔

Well, the rubber meets the road again, and I am now in a place where I am either forced to repent (of hatred, judgement, anger and the like) or choose the other option and that is to continue to indulge in all of those things as though His sacrifice meant nothing to me. Even in light of putting it that way, you'd think the choice would be an easy one, but no: I'm very human and my feelings have far, far more sway with me than I prefer to admit even to myself, let alone to you or anyone else, Dear Reader, but here we are, and as I love to tell you all the time: facts ARE, indeed facts. I can never repent of a thing unless I'm willing to first acknowledge the reality of that thing for what it is: sin IS sin, and by indulging in mine, I am wrong.
(Remember: 1 John 1:9 is step one, I've got to call that spade a spade and then He can do something about it). Rather than rendering the confession worthless by trying to couch it in justification or trying to deflect any of my responsibility onto others, I must own it completely, just as Jesus owned these same sins Himself when He died to redeem me, and to redeem you, and HE of all People would have been completely justified if He'd put that blame back onto us, the ones who DO deserve it, but no. He didn't, and He is the One I seek to emulate. 

So, no, the responsibility for my sin IS 100% ON ME and no one else, no matter what he or she has done - to my way of thinking - none of that matters here. All that matters is that I own my sin, my part in it, before God, so that is what I now choose to do. Those paying attention will notice that I do this constantly, like a hamster on a wheel; it is the Christian process. 

But I am not afraid! I know Who forgives, and heals, the same One Who will take the ashes of my wretched sin and give me Beauty for them in exchange. But to get the miracles of peace, wisdom, discernment and all of those other beautiful gifts, I first have to be willing to let go of the counterfeit things, of Pride, Anger, Judgement, and the like - and be content to remain empty-handed in His Presence and before the world until He decides otherwise. 
If you find yourself in that kind of place today, Dear Reader, I pray now that the love of Jesus Christ fill your entire being and remove all fear, silencing all lying spirits who try to dissuade you from the light and love of His truth, in Jesus' Name, amen. 💜

I looked up Isaiah 6 today because of this verse that rose to my mind when I first sat down to share these thoughts with you today:

And it's a short chapter, but full of Life and Wisdom and other miraculous treasures:
And here is today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom:

Behold, the Word of the Lord. I don't know about you, dear Reader, but I see myself in both chapters, ways where I am weak, things in which I am continually wrong and sinful. May God deliver me; may He deliver you from your troubles as well, whatever they may be.

Dear Lord, thank You for yet another day of Life today, God! None of us deserve it, but here we are: thank You. Please deliver us and make us holy, useful to others by You, to accomplish Your will, Lord, whatever that is. God today we ask You to please create a new heart in each of us, O God, as stated by David in Psalm 51, this is the prayer of our hearts before You today, Lord God. Father, please protect every vulnerable human today, Lord, starting with the unborn! Please create maternal love in the heart of all expectant mothers that the idea of murder is abomination to them one and all, in Jesus' Name! Please continue to pour Your peace over the earth like a blanket, smothering the ravages of War and Destruction, in Jesus' Name! Father please release ALL who are currently in any and all forms of captivity: the children, women, and yes the men, who are there not by their own choice, God! Please expose ALL done in darkness and bring those deeds out into the light, God, as You set every captive free, in Jesus' Name! God, please introduce Yourself to ALL who do not yet know You, God, in Jesus' Name. Please protect President Trump, Elon Musk, and everyone else in leadership, Lord God! Please protect them and all who surround them now and always, in Jesus' Name! Please protect ALL servants of righteousness from harm, God, including the entire administration and all who serve in public office from the Senate all the way down to our local offices, God, and replace all wicked rulers with righteous ones of Your choosing, in Jesus' Name! Please redeem our friends and family, Lord God! Please also pour Your abundant love and grace out like a flood onto our enemies, God! Please overwhelm them with Your goodness that they will never be the same, God! Please subdue our human passions and give each heart a song of praise today and we give You all glory and honor for You alone are worthy, God. Thank You again, Lord, and please answer the prayers we forgot to pray today, in Jesus' Name, amen. 💜

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