Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Ides of March 2025

Greetings and salutations on a beautiful, dark and chilly Spring morning on the Ides of March 2025 where I sit at a busy desk, listening to vintage praise music, hammering away at a $10 keyboard in the small hours before Dawn (my very favorite part of the day). 
I pray these words find you well, and, if not, I pray the Lord change either your heart or your circumstances, or both (depending on His will and whichever option is best for you). Here's the classic Jars of Clay song currently playing:

Here is a look at our current weather here:

Yesterday when we were in Sierra Vista, I picked up a pretty pastel-striped, fuzzy sweater at the Goodwill and am wearing that for today's chilly conditions. It's oversized and comfy and cost me less than five dollars (score!). 😎 I rarely 'do' retail and contend that I would continue to shop this way even if our financial means were greater. 

Without wasting any more of your time, here is today's Proverb:

I can't speak for anyone else, dear Reader, but there's a lot in today's Proverb to unpack (for me); every verse is pregnant with deep, rich wisdom and insight today and starting with the very first one, several stand out to me today (how about you?) 

Do you want to hear how dumb I am? 👀 I play worship music while putting makeup on so that (more often than not) the music elicits tears and the tears ruin the makeup as its being applied. 😂

Sometimes I even have to start over and do it all over again, too. 😏 And guess what? I get up and do the very same thing again the next day. And that, dear Reader, is the part of it *that is the proof that I am, in fact, dumb. 😶 
No matter: the limitations of this finite, human mind isn't a soul-crushing reality as I know that I'm not alone since all of us besides God are less than Him and pretty much all in the same boat (that of being flawed, finite human beings). In fact, laughing at ourselves is often deliciously enjoyable, I highly recommend it. Now, more random 'feel-good' music:

And now, some morning prayer:
Dear Lord God, thank You for waking each of us up and giving us yet another day of Life today, God. None of us deserve it but here we are and we give You praise for the gift, Lord. Please work in and through us for Your glory today, God, that the Life You've ordained today will not be wasted in Your eyes, God, in Jesus' Name. Please protect all of the vulnerable today, God, starting with the unborn, God! Please make the murder known as 'abortion' literally unthinkable world-wide God, please, in Jesus' Name! Lord, thank You for sending Your peace across the earth and bringing an end to conflicts across the globe, God. Please show Yourself mighty and merciful to all affected by war, God, in Jesus' Name. 
Lord, please protect all of our leaders, God, and expose any/all who are less than loyal - to you, to others - and bring all deeds of darkness out into Your glorious light, God, in Jesus' Name. Please send a host of angels to protect President Trump and all who serve under him and surround him God, today and always, God, in Jesus' Name, and thank You for using him for Your purposes in this nation and around the world, Lord God. Father we ask You to please remove all wicked rulers from places of authority and replace them with those who love and serve You, God, in Jesus' Name. Father God, please set ALL captives free today, God. Please release ALL who are currently in bondage, God. Please set them free to the glory of Your name that all will know You and You alone are God, Lord. God, we ask You to please recover and redeem 100% of all humans who are currently enslaved and hidden, God. Please release the babies and children, God. Please save the women, please redeem the men. Lord, please convict human hearts of those who currently work inside the human trafficking industry and give them no sleep, no appetite, no peace until they do the right thing in accordance to Your will, Lord God, in Jesus' Name. 
Father, please meet every human need today, God. Lord, please eradicate all Marxist and other satanic 'ideals' and replace it all with Your truth, God. Please subdue the world at Your feet, Holy Lord God. Please answer the prayers that we forgot to pray today, God. Please make us humble, gentle, teachable, holy, and in general please give each of us the character of Christ that You may be glorified. Thank You for all things, Lord, we love You. In Jesus' Name, amen.

Thank you for spending precious minutes of your life here, with me, dear Reader; may all eyes who see these words come to know God in a new and powerful way today, in Jesus' Name, amen. 💜

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