Hello, dear Reader, and welcome here (again?) on this day of breathing in and out yet again, the first of many blessings for us to be mindfully grateful for today. Add to that a hot cup of cappuccino and weather like this:
and, so far, it's shaping up to be a beautiful, glorious day and the Sun hasn't even risen yet. 😎
Here is the day's Proverb:
Here is the day's Proverb:
One of the stand-out verses (to me) today is:
I feel like the Word is challenging me today to strive for better, gentler communication with all people, which also reminds me of these other verses about gentleness:
I feel like the Word is challenging me today to strive for better, gentler communication with all people, which also reminds me of these other verses about gentleness:
And, honestly, dear Reader, if Anyone in this Universe can squash someone else like a bug, well clearly that Person IS God Himself, and since He chooses to be so very kind and gentle with us, we are obligated to do our best to show that very same character to each other as well, in emulation of Him.
Anyway, it's truly more difficult (if not downright impossible) to receive harsh words than it is those spoken with thoughtful respect of the hearer in mind. He challenges us to quell frustrations and operate above the realm of mere emotion and, I don't know about you, dear Reader, but for me it IS a challenge. How lovely it would be if gentleness were my default setting, but that's not reality at this moment I'm afraid. No matter, so long as we're doing our best to do better in His eyes, we must be on the correct path and, if not, He's abundantly skilled in making that plain to us in His time.
Here is another chapter from the New Testament:
Anyway, it's truly more difficult (if not downright impossible) to receive harsh words than it is those spoken with thoughtful respect of the hearer in mind. He challenges us to quell frustrations and operate above the realm of mere emotion and, I don't know about you, dear Reader, but for me it IS a challenge. How lovely it would be if gentleness were my default setting, but that's not reality at this moment I'm afraid. No matter, so long as we're doing our best to do better in His eyes, we must be on the correct path and, if not, He's abundantly skilled in making that plain to us in His time.
Here is another chapter from the New Testament:
See how He's always talking to me directly? By that, I mean just look at this next verse from Colossians chapter 3:
Maybe it IS a very immature way of viewing things, but when one topic is constantly in my face as I search the Scriptures, to me, that's God showing me precisely where He wants me to grow in the area that He's challenging me to do better in, like those verses above today. Of course, themes throughout the Bible are repeated constantly; it's hard to explain, but when I experience it, there's no denying that that's what's going on.
I feel like a lot of you can relate and would love to hear about it.
So, please pray for me, dear Reader, that I will speak the truth IN LOVE that it may actually be persuasive to the hearer and not hurt them in the process. May God make me more and more like Jesus; I must decrease that He may increase:
I feel like a lot of you can relate and would love to hear about it.
So, please pray for me, dear Reader, that I will speak the truth IN LOVE that it may actually be persuasive to the hearer and not hurt them in the process. May God make me more and more like Jesus; I must decrease that He may increase:
Thank you for sharing precious moments of your life today reading these morning thoughts; may God bless you and fill you with such love that you will never be the same! In Jesus' Name - amen. 💜
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