Friday, March 14, 2025

March 14th, 2025 πŸ™ a Friday

Hello, dear Reader, and welcome to this sliver of cyberspace to the blog of one Christian, American, middle-aged woman on yet another blessed day above ground. 

Here is the current weather and forecast (and I am dressed warmly for it): 

Since it's such a chilly day without much prospect of getting much warmer than it is right now, I skipped a morning shower today and just went ahead and got dressed; it's something that I'll do quite a bit during Winter, in fact, opting instead to bathe much later in the day or even that evening or night. And, I don't know about you, dear Reader, but I've had at least a half a pot of coffee all by my onesie so far today.
Anyway, here is today's Proverb (first, the text, followed by the audio):

There are lots and lots of effective corrections, prescient warnings, and explanations of God's Universal Laws in application in today's Proverb - so much of it applies to me personally! How about you, dear Reader? Among my many faults and frailties is a tendency to be pretty hot-headed (bad/ short tempered) so several verses today speak to me in that regard - ever a work in progress. Which vaguely reminds me of one of the books that I read while a ministry student many years ago; I'd recognize the cover if I saw it but nothing comes to mind as far as author/title at the moment.

Since finding the next video recently, I watch it about once a week and, so far, always get something from it; Chris Langan's IQ is 200+ and the things that he says will blow your minds! I follow his substack as well as his X profile (and, his wife followed me on X recently😎, so I now have new access to two brilliant people - bonus!) - but I digress; here it is:
Honestly, especially the first time you see this, it will probably blow your mind, no joke - and I don't think it matters what your current faith looks like, either, feeling that the ingenious insights and unconventional wisdom that he shares are expansive and inclusive in nature. Just brilliant, please do see that (video) if/when you can (and feel free to let me know what you think in the comments section). πŸ‘

Well, for your periodic reference, here I am today:
much makeup and filtering were used here 😁

And what else? 
Oh, the tiny, little intelligent, sweet baby turtle is sleeping with Terry; I tried to wake him up earlier but he flat refused to come out of his shell (quite literally). πŸ˜‚πŸ˜•πŸ’ His apparent sentience and ability to comprehend and communicate are sometimes unnerving, he's so clearly intelligent. He's my favorite turtle that God ever made. πŸ’š

Tomorrow is the dreaded Ides of March, also called 'National Brutus Day' it is the anniversary of Julius Caesar's murder on the steps of the Theatre of Pompeii by his so-called friends (senators, including Brutus, his alleged best friend) - hence the somewhat-antiquated saying, "Beware the Ides of March". 

Beyond that, in three days from today, here in the United States at least, we observe St. Patrick's Day. If it's warm enough, I plan to wear this: 

but, if it's too chilly, I've got a shamrock-green baby-t-shirt to wear under a warm hoodie with leggings. Either way, it's all good; we'll see. I appreciate all the seasons, but am ready for warmer weather now.
I apologize that there's not much depth or substance to this blog entry; just sharing some 'random thoughts' as they occur.
I found this very encouraging:
That's about it for now! I hope to have subjects of more substance for you next time, dear Reader; in the mean-time, thank you for spending some precious, fleeting moments of your life here with me; be blessed and have a wonderful day. πŸ’œ

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