Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March 4th, 2025 in the Morning

Hello! Greetings and salutations, dear Reader, on yet another day above ground (a tremendous blessing in and of itself, meritorious of much gratitude and responsive humility). Today is March 4th, getting very close to the official start of Spring (here in the northern hemisphere) and, right now, it's a wee bit before dawn. Here is our current weather:

Here is today's portion from the Book of Wisdom:

If you know me in real life, even if you only know me at all from social media, then you are well aware of the fact that I am NOT, in any way, shape, form, or fashion, by any means 'perfect' no matter how hard I try. Knowing that we're all in the same "less than perfect" boat, though, I live with the understanding of it being a matter of WHEN I am mistaken/wrong (rather than fooling myself with the concept of IF instead). 

But, generally speaking, WHY are humans so afraid of being wrong? What is it that prevents us from wanting to learn what IS true and correct so that we can rightfully reject everything else? Only God Himself knows the answer to that, I suppose.

Dear Lord God, thank You for yet another day of Life today, God. Please move in and through us to accomplish Your will today, Lord. Father God, please end all human trafficking around the globe today, God! Please release all who are currently in captivity, Father God. Please eradicate evil with Your wrath and mighty Justice, Father God! Lord, we ask You to please settle a blanket of Your Peace over the entire earth, God, and extinguish all war like water douses fire, God, in Jesus' Name. Lord, please protect all of the unborn today and give all mothers a deep and undying love for their babies, God, in Jesus' Name! In fact, Lord, we ask You to please give revelation to all who are currently deceived and open the eyes of their understanding as only You can, God, in Jesus' Name. Lord, please protect President Trump and all other godly leaders from evil and harm, Lord God, and please expose any and all traitors who are currently in the trusted inner circles, God, in Jesus' Name. Please bring ALL deeds of darkness out into the light God, and please bring irrefutable, undeniable truth to eradicate the lies of satan, God. Father, please empower all forces of good and deflate all 'powers' of darkness, God! Please silence and bind every lying and/or other demonic spirits today, God, and let all hear the voice of Truth, God, in Jesus' Name. Father please draw all lost souls unto You for salvation as only You can, God, and please meet all human needs today according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus, in Jesus' Name. Amen. 

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