Friday, February 28, 2025

Memes Drop, February - 2025


Good morning (et cetera) dear Reader, and welcome on a beautiful day on this side of the grave, alive and given the full advantages of 24 hours to make good choices and do good things, if we will. You may or may not realize it, but there is tremendous power in Free Will. 

Here is today's Proverb:

Today I feel like sharing some recent memes that I've made (in no particular order). 

Well, those are all of them, the memes I've made recently in response to current events. 
And that's about all I've got for now; thank you for stopping by, dear Reader, and may you be abundantly blessed.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thursday, February 27, 2025 - Morning Thoughts

Good morning (et cetera) dear Reader, and welcome to this unassuming little sliver of American cyberspace in the quiet hours before Dawn. 

In today's news, actor Gene Hackman, his wife, and even their dog were all found deceased in their home. I pray the Lord bring Justice to this situation as well as comfort all affected survivors, in Jesus' Name, amen.

Here is today's Proverb:

And Psalm 92 ESV, full-text:

Today they're supposed to be releasing the infamous, long-awaited Epstein list; I heard AG Pam Bondi say that there are 250+ victims. 😡
I don't know about you, dear Reader, but sometimes I long for God to show Himself to us again as He did in the Old Testament, with His righteous fury and instant Justice, especially when it comes to meting Justice for the most vulnerable. Nobody is perfect and all of us sin, but there are some sins that are wholly inexcusable (in my opinion, that is; of course God may do as He pleases, period). 

Dear Lord God, thank You for waking us up for another day above ground, God. We appreciate the miraculous gift of life and breath today and ask You to use us for Your purposes, God, in Jesus' Name. Father, please protect all of Your chosen servants in authority, God, globally and please expose any and all traitors, removing them from positions of power and/or authority and/or influence, Lord God. Father please magnify the cry of the innocent! Please get Justice for all innocent victims of evil, God, in Jesus' Name! 
Lord, please place a hedge of protection around President Trump and everyone in his administration as well as everyone else who surrounds him, God, and send Your angels to protect them one and all, God, and we give You praise in Jesus' Name. Lord, please end all wars currently raging across the earth and replace them with the soothing blanket of Your Peace, God, in Jesus' Name. Father God, please protect every unborn baby and give every expectant mother a deep abiding love for each one, in Jesus' Name! Lord God please move in and through us to the glory of Your Name; please give us each the health and soundness of mind we need to be of any use to our fellow man, God. Please give us each the courage and capacity for true humility and continue to teach us how to follow Your Word above our own feelings or desires, God. Please meet all unspoken or forgotten prayers and fill our hearts with praise; may the eyes of our hearts be focused Heavenward, ever seeking the beauty and majesty of Your Face, and we ask all of these things in the sacred Name of Jesus, our Lord, amen.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February 26th, 2025 - Lemonade

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this humble, unkown American blog. I would have written earlier but I'm not feeling my best today (health-wise, but no complaints). Oddly I feel an obligation to maintain mostly-consistent communication out into the ether for 'whosoever will' and it's not even 'a job' (particularly, it pays literally zero dollars, so it's a good thing that I'm not money-motivated). I'd love to go back to work and only wish that health and other factors allowed for it.
But enough about that. 

Here is today's portion from Proverbs:
Wow, today's Proverb is 🔥🔥🔥
It's so relevant, just right out of the gate imparts concentrated morsels of life-giving, soul-saving Wisdom! (Thank You, Lord!) 

Though there are several excellent verses today, I'll talk briefly about this one, the second verse. It means that, if (you believe that) something doesn't apply to you, then you won't be bothered by it. Like if someone calls a genius "stupid" or a supermodel "ugly" - that kind of thing; in each (obvious) case, the person will easily shrug off what was meant as a stinging barb of insult because they know better; these are easy, obvious examples. 

Let's say that someone says something to you that doesn't feel great to hear. 

What I like to do is ask myself, soul-searching, as well as ask the Holy Spirit "Is (any of) that true, to a degree or other? What's my part in it?" - truly an excellent habit I learned about from the wise people in my life. Often, I'll see my own mistake or failing (evidence that there is at least some degree of truth to what was said); if I lean into it, that turns the comment into a stepping stone that can help me get closer to Truth and the freedom therein. 
Other times, a sharp/hurtful comment serves to bring an insecurity or wounded part of my soul to the fore-front instead. This is still good to know and productive as I've then a chance to ask God for His healing in that area. 
Either way, it's all good. Literally, making lemonade from the lemons of life.

What verse/s stood out to you though, dear Reader? And, do you agree/disagree/have anything to add to my thoughts about Proverbs 26:2? I'd love your comments below if you like. 
Either way, I appreciate these minutes of your time and pray that all whose eyes see these words are blessed, in Jesus' Name, amen. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tuesday Morning - February 25th, 2025

Hello, dear Reader; greetings and salutations, and welcome to this obscure American blog (again?) in the dark, quiet peace which precedes every glorious Dawn. Those minutes are so incredibly beautiful and filled with such awesome grandeur - and so very, very fleeting. Which brings to mind this favorite poem by American poet Robert Frost:

Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower, 
But only so an hour. 
Then leaf subsides to leaf; 
So Eden sank to grief.
So Dawn goes down to Day - 
Nothing gold can stay. 

Without any further ado, though:

I'll disclose today that I'm having an especially difficult time with breathing so far, since first waking up and (not to be gross - sorry in advance, but) I also just came back from vomiting, minutes after taking morning meds with milk (and I have no idea why). Oh well! I'm doing another breathing treatment right now and that finally seems to be helping. I'll take the win. 

I don't know about you, dear Reader, but for my part, it seems that if I have failed epically at a thing, the failure itself ends up eventually becoming my most effective teacher. Of course it's not ideal to learn that way, it's best to instead make wise choices from the get-go, but no: I'm me 😂 
Maybe someone out there can relate? 😏

At least I can be used as an example to others of "what not to do" like this hilarious poster, "Mistakes"

On the one hand, we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves (I'm actively working on that, in fact) if for no other reason (which I'm recently realizing) because it inevitably bleeds out in the way we address others, from those in our inner circle to the way we make statements meant to be seen by the world. 
There is value in honesty; a person of strength is better able to reign in fiery emotion and answer calmly: again, I'm a work in progress and that's alright. This applies to you, too, dear Reader: none of us is perfect and that's 100% okay. What matters is a perfect heart, and only God Himself can make that determination for any/all of us.

Toward that end, please absorb this encouragement from His living Word:

And let this plea ever be the cry of your heart, dear Reader, remembering also this:

Dear Lord God, we thank You for waking us up again for another day of Life, God - a day not owed to any of us, another day to make good and right choices to serve others and please You, Lord. Please give each of us the grace to make the most of this day and please You, Father God. Lord, please protect our leaders: President Trump and all who surround him, Lord; please expose any and all in his circle who are anything less than loyal to him, in Jesus' Name. Please protect all of them with a host of Your Angels, Lord God, and defeat any and all foes who would seek to harm any of them, God, in Jesus' Name. Father, today we also ask that You please cause Hamas to release every remaining hostage in their custody, both living and deceased, God, and that you either completely remove hatred from their hearts, God, or empower us to defeat them completely to the glory of Your Name but let Your will be done, in this and all things. 
Lord God, please protect every unborn child in the womb today, God, and impart an everlasting love for each one in the mother's hearts today, God, in Jesus' Name. We thank You for every life saved. Lord, please deliver us from sin that is born in our own hearts, God. Please empty us of pride and anger that we are useful to You, dear Lord. Please heal broken families, God. Please save every lost soul, Jesus. Please show Yourself mighty today and always and we give You praise, Lord, in Jesus' Name, amen.  

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Protecting POTUS - an idea for new legislation

 Hello (again?) dear Reader!

Quickly and briefly, before I forget, an idea just occurred to me that might be very helpful to our nation and its presidents! 

After seeing all that President Trump has been put through - the litany of irrefutable lawfare on multiple levels in numerous jurisdictions, I believe that starting now and forever more, any and every time that anyone wants to bring charges of any kind (civil, criminal, it doesn't matter) due to him being the President of the United States - including former Presidents - then the jurisdiction shall always and forever be in the Supreme Court of the United States, in appropriate congruence with his authority (including previous authority). 

States and lesser jurisdictions do NOT have any authority over the highest executive officer of the land; only the highest court of the land is sufficient for any and all legal proceedings that involve a (former) President. Period.

I'm no legal expert by any means, but doesn't this just make sense?
If any prosecutor wishes to pursue action against the (former) President then that may only occur IF the SCOTUS deems the case valid to pursue in any and all circumstances. This protection will greatly lessen the likelihood of lawfare like we've seen run so rampant in our nation in recent years. And, this will protect ALL Presidents irrespective of party affiliation. 

What do you think? Chime in in the comments below if you feel like it. 

Edited to add: Because this idea IS a great one, there's only One Who gets all the credit for its genesis and that is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! 
No idea this good could possibly come from me; through me - sure - but even an empty discarded jar can carry the finest of wines! 

Sunday Morning - February 23rd, 2025

Good morning (et cetera, depending on when you're reading this) dear Reader, and welcome to this unknown sliver of cyberspace on a beautiful Sunday. Without any delay, here is today's portion from the Book of Wisdom:

And, in today's news, the first thing I saw today is this:

Which immediately brings the following passage to mind:

So, a real-life object lesson of reaping and sowing. 

I have another one, from my own life:
Right now, I'm using a nebulizer (duoneb) for a breathing treatment because I have both asthma and C.O.P.D. (or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I was born with the asthma, but the C.O.P.D. is my fault. You see, I smoked cigarettes, a pack a day, for thirty years (up until almost ten years ago). 
So, when I got the second diagnosis, I wasn't surprised.
OH, and it isn't anyone else's fault but mine, by the way. 

Now, don't get me wrong, dear Reader. I am not happy at Joy Reid's career finally being over for the sake of the tumult it will likely cause in her life; I am very glad to see an obvious political activist pretending to be a journalist being removed from public airwaves though and make no bones about it. Though it should have happened years ago and though it also should have come down directly from the FCC who are supposed to hold American broadcasters and their *employees accountable, and although the rest of the so-called mainstream media should be purged of the rest of the political activists posing as journalists, I will remain temporarily content with this one small win for truth and righteousness. 
Thank you for joining me for a few moments today, dear Reader. Feel free to leave comments if you like. Take care, and be blessed.

Make good choices today, keeping the potentially eternal ramifications of each one in mind.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Morning Thoughts - Friday, February 21st, 2025

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this sliver of American cyberspace, shortly before dawn on a quiet morning in the remote reaches of the Sonoran Desert near the US/Mexico border. This time yesterday, our hearts were broken by news of the deceased hostages who were returned to their nations and families. Let us continue to keep the entire situation in prayer until God does something to end the violence. 

Here is today's portion from the Book of Wisdom:

The very first verse to stand out to me today is this one:
And that basically tells me pretty much all I need to know with regard to witnessing how various prominent people are behaving these days - from media personalities to politicians to regular civilians like myself. Which even brings to mind one of the verses from yesterday's Proverb: 

This morning I had an email from X about one of my posts being suppressed due to 'inciting violence':

But, take note: all I did was state that I am in favor of law as it currently exists statutorily.
I didn't write it.
I didn't say "I will do this" - no.
I DO support 18 USC 2381 in full and feel that our American legal authorities need to enforce it, full stop period.

No apologies, no regrets. IF we as a nation DID enforce it, how much of this rampant corruption do YOU think would have escalated to the nation-destroying proportions that President Trump and his administration are having expose and reverse now?

So, I mean X is just erring on the side of caution here - that, or maybe some spineless pansy reported the post (does Jamie Raskin follow me?) 😂 - that's what we all used to call "a joke". 

Strong punishments serve as strong deterrents.
Just ask the CCP about how many drug dealers they have (and I'll let you do your own research here). 

Anyway, dear Reader, thank you for stopping by for some brief morning thoughts today; please continue to pray to end all violence world-wide; please continue to join me in prayer for our leaders, for the unborn, and for God's Justice. Be blessed, take care, and see you here next time. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Amos 5:15 on February 20, 2025

 Good morning, et cetera, dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog.

Though I'm very grateful for the gift of life today and hope you are too, today is one of the worst days ever. 

Hamas MURDERED THE BABIES. See them even in the video's thumbnail up there?!

Now I don't care WHO this offends, I want for the United States to completely and permanently ERADICATE 100% of Hamas entirely from the face of Planet Earth. THE SOONER, THE BETTER. They need to be 100% erased from all of human existence, including history and human memory. 
We DO NOT 'entertain' evil in the name of tolerance. 

Fortunately, we can continue to seek His Face even while overwhelmed with sorrow, blinded by tears of heartbroken rage like I am right now. Here is today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom:

Dear God, please help us. Please, soothe those affected the most by the murder of these innocent souls, God. Father, please give us the ability to handle our emotions and submit them to You that Your Will is accomplished through us; please keep us from trying to push our own agendas in Your Name, God. Lord, I ask You for Justice for every innocent victim of Hamas, please, in Jesus' Name. Father, please lead and guide and empower us to first know Your will in this situation and then empower us to walk that out, God. Lord, please protect every remaining surviving hostage and bring the rest of them home alive, please God, in Jesus' Name. Lord, we lift our leaders up to You and ask that You create a hedge of protection around each of them, one and all, and send Your angels to both guard and minister to them, Lord, in Jesus' Name. Father, please expose any and all disloyal people or otherwise traitorous and remove them from any and all places of authority, Lord God. Please protect every unborn child from being murdered today, God, and give every expectant mother a deep love for her baby, Lord, in Jesus' Name. God, please open the eyes of those who are deceived and show them Your truth, God. And just to be in line with Your will, oh Heavenly Father, I pray that You will move in the hearts of the people of Hamas and bring them all to repentance simply for the glory of YOUR Name. Please answer all the unspoken or forgotten prayers for other needs we have, Lord, and we thank You that in all things, we have You to turn to for comfort, guidance, and even Hope. Thank You for being there for us, Lord Jesus, and help us all to know and love You more than we do right now and we give You praise, in Jesus' Name, Amen. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February 19th, 2025

Hello, dear Reader! Greetings and salutations on another fine day above ground. This morning, we went to see our new primary care physician and it went well, he spent almost two hours talking with us and examining us as it was the first-ever appointment; in fact, we have some new and refilled prescriptions to go pick up, which I'm sure we'll do soon. And, I finally have an appointment with a pulmonologist coming in April in nearby Bisbee, so I don't have to worry about our decrepit car taking me back and forth to Tucson (which is 2.5 hours each way from our location). 
The weather is lovely, very warm - here it is (in Fahrenheit):

It's NO secret at ALL that I get so frustrated and SO angry that people are literally incapable OR unwilling (or both?) to perceive reality; it's especially frustrating from otherwise-very intelligent people because I'm just like "How can you NOT SEE REALITY for what it really, truly IS?" like HOW MANY TIMES does the mainstream media have to tell you BALD-FACED LIES that are very quickly PROVEN TO BE LIES?! 
Is this a special kind of mental illness? Is it the culmination of subjecting oneself to years of psyops and pure propaganda? I just don't understand. 
How is it that otherwise sentient, otherwise-mature adult human beings are so alarmingly gullible and so profoundly, easily deceived?! It's almost like satan doesn't have to do a damn thing, really, to lead so many people down the WRONG path, the one that leads to one destination: perdition

Can you BELIEVE the PROFOUNDLY STUPID LIE the left is trying to sell their viewers now?
The whole: "Free Speech CAUSED the HOLOCAUST". 

Honestly ANYONE who believes THAT AT ALL is intellectually and psychologically too far gone to have any hope of sanity or rational, logical thought again, ever, and should be institutionalized for the rest of their lives, eating pudding and jello with plastic spoons behind locked doors, surrounded by padded walls.

I started watching documentaries about the actual, real Holocaust when I was five/ six years old + the fact that I am capable of analytical/rational thought = there's not a snowball's chance IN HELL that I would EVER swallow such a FILTHY LIE, EVER. Whoever made that up I sincerely pray that that person/people get ASS CANCER RIGHT NOW. 

Anyway, dear Reader, thank you for stopping by for a couple of minutes of some stream-of-consciousness thoughts here and I pray that the Lord OPEN the eyes of your understanding as He did mine and may you be given the priceless gift of recognizing evil and deception when you see it. ☝

Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy President's Day 2025

Hello, dear Reader! Greetings and salutations on February 17th, 2025 and - unless I'm mistaken, that is - today we celebrate President's Day! For that, I've chosen an image that will be famous for the rest of time, to honor our current POTUS - undeniably THE BEST POTUS of all time, President Donald J. Trump:

Here is today's excerpt from the Book of Wisdom:

Democrat leadership and the brainless morons in mainstream media are still arranging deck chairs on the Titanic as it sinks, so concurrently arrogant and clueless that they flat refuse to perceive reality, full-stop period. We don't have an enemy to fight here because they're in the process of taking themselves out by doubling-down on their profound stupidity eclipsed only by irreversible, irrefutable evil

Read 2 Chronicles 20 ESV which details how the Ammonites and Moabites turned on and destroyed each other, so God's people just had to sit back and let them (because this IS what Democratic leadership and mainstream media are doing right now). 

And, if you want to be a communist that's fine - BUT NOT HERE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the land of the FREE and HOME OF THE BRAVE. 
GET ON BOARD with the way it is and was designed by the founding fathers and our founding documents, ALL OF THEM, OR GO LIVE SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Anyone and everyone who tries to turn THIS NATION into a COMMUNIST country either needs to leave or die. PERIOD. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Pressing On on Monday February 10th, 2025

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog; it's only about one-o'clock in the morning but I think that I'm up for the day regardless. I've had one cup of coffee so far - haven't bathed or anything yet though and haven't taken meds; I did get the turtle out and give him kisses, but he stayed closed up in his shell, the little cutie.
Here's a look at our current weather and forecast:

So, a little cooler than the last approximate week - but still far warmer than what I feel like is 'typical' early-February weather (even here, deep in the remote reaches of the Sonoran desert). 

Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles on their Superbowl win last night! 😎

I don't know about you, dear Reader, but every moment of every day without fail, I need Jesus. I'm almost always aware at some level of consciousness of a severe, dire need of Him to be in and work through me, now and every second up until breathing my last, whenever that happens to be (and, whenever that is is all cool, but I'm not in any rush at the same time). 
Yes, we're supposed to hate evil; that is righteous, correct, and appropriate and Scriptures all throughout the entire Bible prove that out. But condemning evil actions is not to be confused with condemning the sinner - God and God alone has that authority, and I am ashamed to admit the truth that I sometimes lose sight of that very critical Truth. May He never withhold correction from me when (not IF but WHEN) I am wrong. 
So, in addition to today's Proverb, here is the goal:

Now, love is not 'turning a blind eye to evil in the name of tolerance' which is how modern 'popular' Christianity treats it in many cases, unfortunately. To me, we're supposed to bring ourselves into alignment with the Word of God rather than daring to twist and pervert His Word through mental gymnastics to fit a preferred narrative. 

I am not throwing around any condemnation about it, I only say these things because one day I caught myself doing that very thing (or, God made me aware of that fact, rather). And, from that moment, my attitude has been changed to one that takes His entire Word - verbatim - literally. But any and all progress made is none of my own doing, not at all. No, eventually He pierces the thickness of my skull and the dullness of my heart with His Truth and again I find myself back at square one of wanting nothing more than desiring to know Christ and Him crucified

So, dear Reader, I've already asked for God's forgiveness and now I ask You for yours. For spewing so much vitriol and Judgment in response to perceived evil about other fallen sinners (like you; like me). That's not how we're supposed to do it at all, and I failed. But, here is Truth about the matter:

And so, dear Reader, instead of allowing my imperfections to keep me down, all I have to do here is repent and choose to do differently going forward. In fact, in accordance to His Word that is the written expression of His Will, the answer for me personally here is that I am commanded to pray for the fallen to repent and be restored to wholeness in Christ. "For we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood..."

Dear Lord God, thank You for another day of Life today and thank You for always showing me my own sin that would devour and destroy me if it weren't for You, Your Spirit, and Your abundant loving Grace, God. Please bring the Truth of Your entire Word to life in and through me to the glory of Your Name, the Name above all names, God. Father, I now ask You to please deliver everyone who is deceived from that deception, God. I ask You to please bind all lying spirits and make the voice of truth louder than the others in the hearts and minds of all men (as in, all Humans, but You know what I mean here, Lord). God, I need Your help to separate the sin from the sinner as I am incapable of doing it without You. Thank You, Lord, in advance, for any and all help toward that end. Father God, please deliver our world from all forces of evil and defeat them, God, in Jesus' Name. Please protect all the vulnerable, please convict those currently giving in and perpetuating evil, God - as applicable, please show them their errors as You remain faithful to always show me mine, a precious gift that I thank You for, Lord God. Please meet all human needs today, God, and put a song of praise in every human heart today. And please answer all of the prayers that we forgot to pray, in Jesus' Name, amen.

I hope you find many treasures as you search for them hidden in His Words today, dear Reader, and wish to thank you, whoever you are, for joining me here for a few reflective minutes. I'm so imperfect, I'm not an example of anything to anyone except for maybe 'what NOT to do' - at any rate, thank you, bless you, and sign me off for now, as "perpetually imperfect". 💖

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Saturday Morning - February 8th, 2025

Greetings and salutations on this day above ground, dear Reader, and welcome! 

Dear Lord God, Thank You for waking us up for another day of Life, Lord; today we pray that You please remove the scales from the eyes of all who are currently deceived, God. Please continue to bring ALL deeds done in darkness out into the light and reveal all truth, God, and please help everyone to perceive that Truth for what it is, God. Lord, please expose all liars and their lies and make it impossible for them to deceive or hide, God, in Jesus' Name. Lord, please protect President Trump and everyone who surrounds him, today and always, God, in Jesus' Name. Lord, we also ask You to please reveal and remove any and all traitors and prevent them from causing any harm, Lord God. Father God, please protect all of the unborn today, God, and give every pregnant girl/woman a deep and abiding love for those babies, God! Lord we thank You for all that You're already doing and ask You to pour Your peace over the Earth and eradicate all war, God, in Jesus' Name. Father, please meet every human need today, and may Your will be done and we give You thanks for all things, in Jesus' Name, amen.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Morning Thoughts on Friday, February 7th, 2025

Hello and welcome to this unassuming sliver of cyberspace, dear Reader, and congratulations on finding yourself on this side of the grass yet again for one more day today; it is one of so many things that we have to be grateful for. It all starts with being grateful just to be alive.

Well, today's Proverb is - again! - a strong warning against the sin of adultery. There just has to be some reason that it's the point of discussion so often; the consequences must be really, really bad. I mean, that's what I get from it. 
And years ago, in my early twenties before I got saved, I was the adulterous woman (and had a lengthy affair with a married man) and I do remember all the damage that caused everyone involved there by the very end of it (and, by God's grace, I've never repeated that particular evil and by His grace, will not for as long as I live). Being reminded to stay committed to the right path and avoid evil behavior is never a bad thing, so, there we have it: Proverbs 7. 
Today IS the seventh day of the month; the weather here has been absolutely stunning during the day, even reaching up to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 😎

The whole "hate evil" theme lately persists; here it is again in verse ten of Psalm 97:
And there are many, many more passages that resonate with this same fact:

See, the Word of God IS the Word of God - the ENTIRE THING, not just my favorite, squishy soft little passages about Jesus' love.

It's all very, very simple - so simple that small children can follow Him. In fact, dear Reader, I submit to you that it is easier for children as they've not yet grown to be arrogant "educated" adults who have been poisoned by secular thinking.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Hate Evil on Thursday, February 6th, 2025

Hello, dear Reader; greetings and salutations and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog; I've had part of a breathing treatment and am working on a first cup of coffee. Here is the glorious weather forecast for our area today:

It is so frustrating to watch the deliberately deceptive, emotionally charged and manipulative theatrics from those in leadership on the left as they watch President Trump and his chosen cabinet soundly destroy long-standing bastions of theft hidden within the bones of the federal government's skeleton. I know they're lying. They know they're lying. And, for the most part, dear Reader, you know that they're lying.

And yet they persist - doubling down, tripling down, unrepentant, arrogant, unteachable apparently all the way to the bitter, undeniable and unavoidable, grisly end.

Those who are literally committing the crime of insurrection (18 USC 2385 - Hakeem Jeffries, for example) by telling crowds of listeners to 'get violent' or 'fight in the streets' should be immediately removed from their unmerited positions of so-called leadership, their law licenses removed forever, and banned from all government or legal jobs in the United States - for life, full-stop, period. Please trust and believe that these proposed consequences are exponentially more lenient that what the left's deliberate EVIL makes me REALLY want to do. 😡
Which brings me to some reading for today:

And read here about how Samson killed more than 1,000 (EVIL!) false prophets with just a donkey's jawbone:

In Biblical Christianity, WE DO NOT wink at EVIL - we KILL it.

So, pray for the lost liars on the left that they will become fully human and therefore capable of embracing truth and repentance.
Thank you for your time this morning; be blessed.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025

 Hello, dear Reader (all four of you) and welcome to this obscure American blog on an unseasonably-warm, sunny February afternoon somewhere in the southwest.

Things went well at the cardiologist yesterday (though I coughed so hard, the doctor pressed the numbers of two nearby pulmonologists into Terry's hand before we left from our consecutive appointments); I plan to call and set something up soon. 
Anyway, regarding the recent cardiac event:
I walked her through it (from my POV, that is) and she reviewed the (hospital) discharge paperwork and has since requested the echocardiogram results as well. 

Here are images from part of that documentation (again) and should make sense to medical professionals who see them and understand what they're reading (test acronyms):

The pages came to me that way (highlighted, that is). 

NSTEMI myocardial infarction is terminology chosen by the hospital in Tucson. 
Anyway, it has somewhat affected my energy levels since it happened. It's all good as I'm getting plenty of rest pretty much all day long for a few (or maybe several) days now and am scheduled to return to the cardiologist in three months. Hopefully the echocardiogram results will make the entire event make sense (to the medical pros, heck even to me though I just know that I did indeed have another heart attack and God decided to touch and heal me this time). How very wonderful of Him. 💖

Please, check this out:
IF it ever even crosses your MIND "Hey, I wonder if what I feel is a heart attack?" that means it is - IN THAT MOMENT - the time to get emergency medical treatment DO NOT DELAY.

me, earlier today

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Morning Thoughts on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

Good morning (et cetera) dear Reader, and welcome to yet another day above ground, where we find ourselves the beneficiaries of God's wonderful grace one more day. 

Today, one of the stand-out verses (to me, of course, ymmv) is Proverbs 4:23:
And, I think, that integrity protects us from sure calamity, because look what these verses have to say:

And we must also refuse to allow ourselves to be distracted from the path He's set us on, much like the new leadership in American government is right now:

I have company this morning from one who is almost always normally asleep at this time, but wish to encourage you to consider these things in your heart today, dear Reader, as well as search His Word for more hidden treasures as we walk in the light and shun the darkness.
Lord, today we thank You for everything and will just ask for you to protect all soldiers of righteousness, defeat all agents of darkness, God; please work in and through us to the glory of Your Name, God. Where there is war, please bring Your peace; where there is confusion, replace it with clarity and truth. Where there is fear, please replace it with Your courage, and where there is hatred, please replace that with Your love today, God. Lord, please protect the innocent and defenseless, Father; please save the lost and give us all hearts of humility to receive correction and instruction in accordance to Your will, and we give You praise, Lord God, in Jesus' Name, amen. 
