Here's a look at our current weather and forecast:
So, a little cooler than the last approximate week - but still far warmer than what I feel like is 'typical' early-February weather (even here, deep in the remote reaches of the Sonoran desert).
Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles on their Superbowl win last night! 😎
I don't know about you, dear Reader, but every moment of every day without fail, I need Jesus. I'm almost always aware at some level of consciousness of a severe, dire need of Him to be in and work through me, now and every second up until breathing my last, whenever that happens to be (and, whenever that is is all cool, but I'm not in any rush at the same time).
Yes, we're supposed to hate evil; that is righteous, correct, and appropriate and Scriptures all throughout the entire Bible prove that out. But condemning evil actions is not to be confused with condemning the sinner - God and God alone has that authority, and I am ashamed to admit the truth that I sometimes lose sight of that very critical Truth. May He never withhold correction from me when (not IF but WHEN) I am wrong.
Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles on their Superbowl win last night! 😎
I don't know about you, dear Reader, but every moment of every day without fail, I need Jesus. I'm almost always aware at some level of consciousness of a severe, dire need of Him to be in and work through me, now and every second up until breathing my last, whenever that happens to be (and, whenever that is is all cool, but I'm not in any rush at the same time).
Yes, we're supposed to hate evil; that is righteous, correct, and appropriate and Scriptures all throughout the entire Bible prove that out. But condemning evil actions is not to be confused with condemning the sinner - God and God alone has that authority, and I am ashamed to admit the truth that I sometimes lose sight of that very critical Truth. May He never withhold correction from me when (not IF but WHEN) I am wrong.
So, in addition to today's Proverb, here is the goal:
Now, love is not 'turning a blind eye to evil in the name of tolerance' which is how modern 'popular' Christianity treats it in many cases, unfortunately. To me, we're supposed to bring ourselves into alignment with the Word of God rather than daring to twist and pervert His Word through mental gymnastics to fit a preferred narrative.
I am not throwing around any condemnation about it, I only say these things because one day I caught myself doing that very thing (or, God made me aware of that fact, rather). And, from that moment, my attitude has been changed to one that takes His entire Word - verbatim - literally. But any and all progress made is none of my own doing, not at all. No, eventually He pierces the thickness of my skull and the dullness of my heart with His Truth and again I find myself back at square one of wanting nothing more than desiring to know Christ and Him crucified.
Now, love is not 'turning a blind eye to evil in the name of tolerance' which is how modern 'popular' Christianity treats it in many cases, unfortunately. To me, we're supposed to bring ourselves into alignment with the Word of God rather than daring to twist and pervert His Word through mental gymnastics to fit a preferred narrative.
So, dear Reader, I've already asked for God's forgiveness and now I ask You for yours. For spewing so much vitriol and Judgment in response to perceived evil about other fallen sinners (like you; like me). That's not how we're supposed to do it at all, and I failed. But, here is Truth about the matter:
And so, dear Reader, instead of allowing my imperfections to keep me down, all I have to do here is repent and choose to do differently going forward. In fact, in accordance to His Word that is the written expression of His Will, the answer for me personally here is that I am commanded to pray for the fallen to repent and be restored to wholeness in Christ. "For we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood..."
Dear Lord God, thank You for another day of Life today and thank You for always showing me my own sin that would devour and destroy me if it weren't for You, Your Spirit, and Your abundant loving Grace, God. Please bring the Truth of Your entire Word to life in and through me to the glory of Your Name, the Name above all names, God. Father, I now ask You to please deliver everyone who is deceived from that deception, God. I ask You to please bind all lying spirits and make the voice of truth louder than the others in the hearts and minds of all men (as in, all Humans, but You know what I mean here, Lord). God, I need Your help to separate the sin from the sinner as I am incapable of doing it without You. Thank You, Lord, in advance, for any and all help toward that end. Father God, please deliver our world from all forces of evil and defeat them, God, in Jesus' Name. Please protect all the vulnerable, please convict those currently giving in and perpetuating evil, God - as applicable, please show them their errors as You remain faithful to always show me mine, a precious gift that I thank You for, Lord God. Please meet all human needs today, God, and put a song of praise in every human heart today. And please answer all of the prayers that we forgot to pray, in Jesus' Name, amen.
Dear Lord God, thank You for another day of Life today and thank You for always showing me my own sin that would devour and destroy me if it weren't for You, Your Spirit, and Your abundant loving Grace, God. Please bring the Truth of Your entire Word to life in and through me to the glory of Your Name, the Name above all names, God. Father, I now ask You to please deliver everyone who is deceived from that deception, God. I ask You to please bind all lying spirits and make the voice of truth louder than the others in the hearts and minds of all men (as in, all Humans, but You know what I mean here, Lord). God, I need Your help to separate the sin from the sinner as I am incapable of doing it without You. Thank You, Lord, in advance, for any and all help toward that end. Father God, please deliver our world from all forces of evil and defeat them, God, in Jesus' Name. Please protect all the vulnerable, please convict those currently giving in and perpetuating evil, God - as applicable, please show them their errors as You remain faithful to always show me mine, a precious gift that I thank You for, Lord God. Please meet all human needs today, God, and put a song of praise in every human heart today. And please answer all of the prayers that we forgot to pray, in Jesus' Name, amen.
I hope you find many treasures as you search for them hidden in His Words today, dear Reader, and wish to thank you, whoever you are, for joining me here for a few reflective minutes. I'm so imperfect, I'm not an example of anything to anyone except for maybe 'what NOT to do' - at any rate, thank you, bless you, and sign me off for now, as "perpetually imperfect". 💖
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