Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February 19th, 2025

Hello, dear Reader! Greetings and salutations on another fine day above ground. This morning, we went to see our new primary care physician and it went well, he spent almost two hours talking with us and examining us as it was the first-ever appointment; in fact, we have some new and refilled prescriptions to go pick up, which I'm sure we'll do soon. And, I finally have an appointment with a pulmonologist coming in April in nearby Bisbee, so I don't have to worry about our decrepit car taking me back and forth to Tucson (which is 2.5 hours each way from our location). 
The weather is lovely, very warm - here it is (in Fahrenheit):

It's NO secret at ALL that I get so frustrated and SO angry that people are literally incapable OR unwilling (or both?) to perceive reality; it's especially frustrating from otherwise-very intelligent people because I'm just like "How can you NOT SEE REALITY for what it really, truly IS?" like HOW MANY TIMES does the mainstream media have to tell you BALD-FACED LIES that are very quickly PROVEN TO BE LIES?! 
Is this a special kind of mental illness? Is it the culmination of subjecting oneself to years of psyops and pure propaganda? I just don't understand. 
How is it that otherwise sentient, otherwise-mature adult human beings are so alarmingly gullible and so profoundly, easily deceived?! It's almost like satan doesn't have to do a damn thing, really, to lead so many people down the WRONG path, the one that leads to one destination: perdition

Can you BELIEVE the PROFOUNDLY STUPID LIE the left is trying to sell their viewers now?
The whole: "Free Speech CAUSED the HOLOCAUST". 

Honestly ANYONE who believes THAT AT ALL is intellectually and psychologically too far gone to have any hope of sanity or rational, logical thought again, ever, and should be institutionalized for the rest of their lives, eating pudding and jello with plastic spoons behind locked doors, surrounded by padded walls.

I started watching documentaries about the actual, real Holocaust when I was five/ six years old + the fact that I am capable of analytical/rational thought = there's not a snowball's chance IN HELL that I would EVER swallow such a FILTHY LIE, EVER. Whoever made that up I sincerely pray that that person/people get ASS CANCER RIGHT NOW. 

Anyway, dear Reader, thank you for stopping by for a couple of minutes of some stream-of-consciousness thoughts here and I pray that the Lord OPEN the eyes of your understanding as He did mine and may you be given the priceless gift of recognizing evil and deception when you see it. ☝

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