Sunday, February 23, 2025

Protecting POTUS - an idea for new legislation

 Hello (again?) dear Reader!

Quickly and briefly, before I forget, an idea just occurred to me that might be very helpful to our nation and its presidents! 

After seeing all that President Trump has been put through - the litany of irrefutable lawfare on multiple levels in numerous jurisdictions, I believe that starting now and forever more, any and every time that anyone wants to bring charges of any kind (civil, criminal, it doesn't matter) due to him being the President of the United States - including former Presidents - then the jurisdiction shall always and forever be in the Supreme Court of the United States, in appropriate congruence with his authority (including previous authority). 

States and lesser jurisdictions do NOT have any authority over the highest executive officer of the land; only the highest court of the land is sufficient for any and all legal proceedings that involve a (former) President. Period.

I'm no legal expert by any means, but doesn't this just make sense?
If any prosecutor wishes to pursue action against the (former) President then that may only occur IF the SCOTUS deems the case valid to pursue in any and all circumstances. This protection will greatly lessen the likelihood of lawfare like we've seen run so rampant in our nation in recent years. And, this will protect ALL Presidents irrespective of party affiliation. 

What do you think? Chime in in the comments below if you feel like it. 

Edited to add: Because this idea IS a great one, there's only One Who gets all the credit for its genesis and that is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! 
No idea this good could possibly come from me; through me - sure - but even an empty discarded jar can carry the finest of wines! 

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