Friday, February 21, 2025

Morning Thoughts - Friday, February 21st, 2025

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this sliver of American cyberspace, shortly before dawn on a quiet morning in the remote reaches of the Sonoran Desert near the US/Mexico border. This time yesterday, our hearts were broken by news of the deceased hostages who were returned to their nations and families. Let us continue to keep the entire situation in prayer until God does something to end the violence. 

Here is today's portion from the Book of Wisdom:

The very first verse to stand out to me today is this one:
And that basically tells me pretty much all I need to know with regard to witnessing how various prominent people are behaving these days - from media personalities to politicians to regular civilians like myself. Which even brings to mind one of the verses from yesterday's Proverb: 

This morning I had an email from X about one of my posts being suppressed due to 'inciting violence':

But, take note: all I did was state that I am in favor of law as it currently exists statutorily.
I didn't write it.
I didn't say "I will do this" - no.
I DO support 18 USC 2381 in full and feel that our American legal authorities need to enforce it, full stop period.

No apologies, no regrets. IF we as a nation DID enforce it, how much of this rampant corruption do YOU think would have escalated to the nation-destroying proportions that President Trump and his administration are having expose and reverse now?

So, I mean X is just erring on the side of caution here - that, or maybe some spineless pansy reported the post (does Jamie Raskin follow me?) 😂 - that's what we all used to call "a joke". 

Strong punishments serve as strong deterrents.
Just ask the CCP about how many drug dealers they have (and I'll let you do your own research here). 

Anyway, dear Reader, thank you for stopping by for some brief morning thoughts today; please continue to pray to end all violence world-wide; please continue to join me in prayer for our leaders, for the unborn, and for God's Justice. Be blessed, take care, and see you here next time. 

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