Good morning (et cetera, depending on when you're reading this) dear Reader, and welcome to this unknown sliver of cyberspace on a beautiful Sunday. Without any delay, here is today's portion from the Book of Wisdom:
And, in today's news, the first thing I saw today is this:
Which immediately brings the following passage to mind:
So, a real-life object lesson of reaping and sowing.
I have another one, from my own life:
Right now, I'm using a nebulizer (duoneb) for a breathing treatment because I have both asthma and C.O.P.D. (or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I was born with the asthma, but the C.O.P.D. is my fault. You see, I smoked cigarettes, a pack a day, for thirty years (up until almost ten years ago).
So, when I got the second diagnosis, I wasn't surprised.
OH, and it isn't anyone else's fault but mine, by the way.
I have another one, from my own life:
Right now, I'm using a nebulizer (duoneb) for a breathing treatment because I have both asthma and C.O.P.D. (or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I was born with the asthma, but the C.O.P.D. is my fault. You see, I smoked cigarettes, a pack a day, for thirty years (up until almost ten years ago).
So, when I got the second diagnosis, I wasn't surprised.
OH, and it isn't anyone else's fault but mine, by the way.
Now, don't get me wrong, dear Reader. I am not happy at Joy Reid's career finally being over for the sake of the tumult it will likely cause in her life; I am very glad to see an obvious political activist pretending to be a journalist being removed from public airwaves though and make no bones about it. Though it should have happened years ago and though it also should have come down directly from the FCC who are supposed to hold American broadcasters and their *employees accountable, and although the rest of the so-called mainstream media should be purged of the rest of the political activists posing as journalists, I will remain temporarily content with this one small win for truth and righteousness.
Thank you for joining me for a few moments today, dear Reader. Feel free to leave comments if you like. Take care, and be blessed.
Make good choices today, keeping the potentially eternal ramifications of each one in mind.
Make good choices today, keeping the potentially eternal ramifications of each one in mind.
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