Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tuesday Morning - February 25th, 2025

Hello, dear Reader; greetings and salutations, and welcome to this obscure American blog (again?) in the dark, quiet peace which precedes every glorious Dawn. Those minutes are so incredibly beautiful and filled with such awesome grandeur - and so very, very fleeting. Which brings to mind this favorite poem by American poet Robert Frost:

Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower, 
But only so an hour. 
Then leaf subsides to leaf; 
So Eden sank to grief.
So Dawn goes down to Day - 
Nothing gold can stay. 

Without any further ado, though:

I'll disclose today that I'm having an especially difficult time with breathing so far, since first waking up and (not to be gross - sorry in advance, but) I also just came back from vomiting, minutes after taking morning meds with milk (and I have no idea why). Oh well! I'm doing another breathing treatment right now and that finally seems to be helping. I'll take the win. 

I don't know about you, dear Reader, but for my part, it seems that if I have failed epically at a thing, the failure itself ends up eventually becoming my most effective teacher. Of course it's not ideal to learn that way, it's best to instead make wise choices from the get-go, but no: I'm me 😂 
Maybe someone out there can relate? 😏

At least I can be used as an example to others of "what not to do" like this hilarious despair.com poster, "Mistakes"

On the one hand, we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves (I'm actively working on that, in fact) if for no other reason (which I'm recently realizing) because it inevitably bleeds out in the way we address others, from those in our inner circle to the way we make statements meant to be seen by the world. 
There is value in honesty; a person of strength is better able to reign in fiery emotion and answer calmly: again, I'm a work in progress and that's alright. This applies to you, too, dear Reader: none of us is perfect and that's 100% okay. What matters is a perfect heart, and only God Himself can make that determination for any/all of us.

Toward that end, please absorb this encouragement from His living Word:

And let this plea ever be the cry of your heart, dear Reader, remembering also this:

Dear Lord God, we thank You for waking us up again for another day of Life, God - a day not owed to any of us, another day to make good and right choices to serve others and please You, Lord. Please give each of us the grace to make the most of this day and please You, Father God. Lord, please protect our leaders: President Trump and all who surround him, Lord; please expose any and all in his circle who are anything less than loyal to him, in Jesus' Name. Please protect all of them with a host of Your Angels, Lord God, and defeat any and all foes who would seek to harm any of them, God, in Jesus' Name. Father, today we also ask that You please cause Hamas to release every remaining hostage in their custody, both living and deceased, God, and that you either completely remove hatred from their hearts, God, or empower us to defeat them completely to the glory of Your Name but let Your will be done, in this and all things. 
Lord God, please protect every unborn child in the womb today, God, and impart an everlasting love for each one in the mother's hearts today, God, in Jesus' Name. We thank You for every life saved. Lord, please deliver us from sin that is born in our own hearts, God. Please empty us of pride and anger that we are useful to You, dear Lord. Please heal broken families, God. Please save every lost soul, Jesus. Please show Yourself mighty today and always and we give You praise, Lord, in Jesus' Name, amen.  

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