Saturday, February 1, 2025

Holding On on Saturday, February 1st, 2025

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog. I found yesterday particularly challenging (spiritually, psychologically, emotionally) and was ALL in my 'feelings' for a bit, unfortunately (and I DO hate those times, to be sure!) but God is faithful.

And, further, I found this spiritual life-raft to cling to (by grace, through faith):

And, one fantastic fact about each and every one of these Scriptures is that they apply to you every bit as much (or maybe even more!) than they do to me. (Especially the encouraging ones!) 😎

Even though I'm already getting some painful push-back and other types of repercussions for disclosing my mental illness diagnosis to the world (of social media, I guess) - then so be it. And, truth be known, what happens to me is ultimately of little consequence. What I AM concerned with, though, is raising awareness AND seeking to destigmatize us (the mentally ill) by being an open book to you, fully transparent, celebrating victories and dissecting failures openly and honestly with the hope that the honest transparency will be relatable to someone who may have otherwise felt alone; my prayer is that God use me to advance His agenda in human hearts as well as on a macro-scale, thereby helping the entire world. So long as His will is done and He is glorified, I don't care if my name is forgotten ten seconds after I breathe my last one day. This verse continues to resonate through my being throughout the day and night here lately:

(At least part of) my agitated 'state' yesterday had (I think) a lot to do with several recent events - not any one in particular, but more the amalgamation of many that were either concurrent or rapidly consecutive (really, both, now that I stop and try to unpack it in retrospect). 

Though it's certainly no 'secret' my 1989-diagnosis of Bipolar I + Psychotic Features isn't exactly what I lead with. It's not anything to be proud of or brag about, to say the least. However, if I try and conceal it, then others who are silently suffering won't know that they can possibly relate to me. I don't want to rob others of the chance to possibly see their OWN value mirrored in another person living with psychiatric illness, see? So, yeah, it IS worth it, holding out hope that at least one other person will be encouraged by my own journey, even though this trek can veer into the territories of rage and/or despair - it's real, it's honest, and those things are far more precious than gold, especially in today's rampant darkness and unprecedented demonic deception.

So what I finally did, dear Reader, was I've had to remind myself of the truth found in Scripture and hold on (literally) for dear life and THAT is why (in my personal opinion and experience) that committing Scripture to memory is so very, very important. I find that hiding His words in my heart makes them more readily available as needed, even in the darkest of despair or other seemingly hopeless situation. 

I took it SO personally on TruthSocial when I saw that I am no longer getting President Trump's post notifications in real time like I was, frankly up until yesterday. I am pretty sure that (initially, at least) that I took it way, WAY too personally. How very petty and childish of me. 

Oh well - it's like this:

And, this! 

Anyway, America: we prayed. God answered through His chosen servant, President Donald J. Trump and the wonderful men and women in his administration! 
Therefore, Thank You God for President Trump and all who surround him! Please protect them all now and always, God, and please expose any who seek to harm him as soon as possible, and we thank You for everything, Lord, in Jesus' Name, amen.


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