Monday, December 30, 2024

Monday - December 30th, 2024 - Morning Thoughts

Hello! Good morning, et cetera, depending on where you are/ what time it is when you see this, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog.

You know that ad for a security product/service (I forget which) on YouTube where the guy says:

 "Do you ever feel afraid walking down the street by yourself?" 
Well, from the first time that commercial ever played where I could see and hear it, my reflexive response is "No". πŸ˜‚ - but, an American, I'm a skilled + armed marksman (and feel that all of us should be by the time we reach adulthood, starting young under parental supervision). I mean, just in my own life alone there are so many instances where self-defense is the thing that saved me from maybe death (or maybe worse). And, though I've made a point of being well-armed for decades, not once have I taken a human life with any kind of firearm (but that's only because guns don't kill people, other people kill people). 

haha - this shirt is for sale somewhere on eBay USA πŸ˜‚

Everyone should be able to defend themselves, full-stop, it doesn't matter where you are on planet earth. It's a human right, conferred on us one and all by God Almighty; everything and anything counter to His Truth should be vehemently ignored, full-stop. (yeah, that means even and especially YOU, Big Brother. You can KISS IT). πŸ‘„

I mean what I say and say what I mean and you should, too. 🐒

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday, December 29th, 2024

Hello; greetings and salutations, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog where it's currently silent, dark, and peaceful in the hours before Dawn in the American southwest. Here are sunrise and sunset times for today, in this time-zone:

And here is the weather according to Google:
Our next electricity bill WILL BE UNDER $100 - PERIOD
And, a Scripture relative to this FACT:
Only the PROFOUNDLY STUPID will try me on this. Hide and WATCH. 

And, moving right along from brainless, greedy people suffering from hardcore "little man" syndrome...

Without any further ado, here is today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom:
And, the same again in audio format:

Not all Christians (like me) are pacifists: we're just not. We are not a monolith, and I for one do not believe in pacifism for pacifism's sake - not in the least. I believe in old-school "eye for an eye" type Justice, period. So there's that. Look at Samson, who killed 400 (false prophets) single-handedly using only a donkey's jawbone as his weapon. That's what I'm talking about. I don't know where this modern-day, WIMPY BS claim of 'faith' came from, but it's not Biblical, not even a little bit.
Popular Christianity is NOT Biblical.
Biblical Christianity is NOT popular. 

The good news, though, is that ALL who are on the side of RIGHTEOUSNESS will be just fine in God's eyes, so that includes Terry and I. Those who screw us over, however, WILL face the eternal fires of damnation in HELL, FOREVER. 😎


Saturday, December 28, 2024

Remembering Mama on her birthday in 2024

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to my obscure American blog in the small, dark hours before Dawn on Saturday, December 28th, 2024.


My late (adopted) mother would have been 74 years old today, had she survived to see it. The world is a colder, darker place without her life and love in it. I'll not feel sorry for myself and the others she left behind, but, rather, choose to be grateful that we got to have her for as long as we did; what a blessing. πŸ’– Thank You, Lord. 

For my children, dad, and all others dealing with the grief of loss, Lord, will You please provide Your strength and grace where it is most needed today, please, and we give You thanks for it, in Jesus' Name, amen.

Here is today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom:

And in audio format as well (which, I like to both see the words and hear them at the same time, but you do you of course):

And this praise song popped into my head, so here it is:

I don't know about you, but I love today's Proverb, which starts out in verse one with a real banger! Several of the Proverbs are focused on loose women and adultery and aren't as interesting to me for that reason. I mean, I get it: don't have loose morals, don't hang out with people who have loose morals. Ok. Next. Right? There must be a real reason the Word harps on it so much, though, but that reason is at this point at least, partially lost on me. Oh well; so I just read it anyway as it couldn't hurt, right? There must be more to the Words than what we're able to perceive here on the surface, so I just go with there being substance beyond what we can see.
(TLDR = read it - the Bible - anyway). 

I have coffee but haven't made breakfast yet. 

Yesterday, someone that we were watching on YouTube made some real sense about those of us who have some kind of faith (in God) versus those who do not (have faith/ believe in Him) and what he said really resonated with me. I wish I knew who to credit for this, but he was saying that those of us who know that we need God are the ones who typically make that leap and have faith in Him, and the people who are not aware of their own lacking/imperfections et cetera, the most independent and those who are thoroughly comfortable with their own morality being 'good enough' are those who tend to shirk that belief. 
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but that resonates as very true for me; I've been aware of severe moral and behavioral deficits (in myself) since childhood, man, and remain abundantly aware of so many shortcomings - even, evil tendencies - to this very day. So yes, I have faith in the Only possible Source of true redemption and that is God in the Person of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This just passed through my Facebook feed so I stole it to share it with you here:

I pray this remains my number one goal and, when I stray, that He will bring me back to the foundation of Christ and Him crucified.

Today in this moment, I am struggling with the commandment that I am required to pray for my enemies.
I do not want to pray for them, I want God to "get" them! But here the rubber meets the road: IS He worthy, in my heart and mind? That is, IS He truly worth the laying down of my wants in preference of the commandment? 
And, here, no matter what my feelings say, the true and correct answer is and always WILL BE "Yes, HE IS worthy". He is the Only One Worthy of ALL - I lay it down at His feet by faith and trust Him to show me what He will ask next. 

Be blessed now and always, in Jesus' Name, amen.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Some Morning Thoughts on Friday, December 27th, 2024

Greetings and salutations, dear Reader, and welcome to yet another day above ground. Regarding previous blog entries, I said what I said and will be leaving it all at that. πŸ‘
Here and now it's almost three o'clock in the morning in the Mountain Standard Time zone; I woke up a few hours ago, having gone to bed while the Sun still shone. Coffee has been made.

Little Freedom Turtle is asleep on my chest right now, staying nice and warm under my shirt; he had warm bath when we first got up though (for about 20 minutes or so).

Bunny saw me coming, though, and is already avoiding me (rather, he's avoiding allowing me to pick him up) πŸ˜‚ - it's too late: he's onto me. 

Fortunately, the turtle is a captive little audience, but I do put him down when he squirms, or especially when he bites me (which isn't often and never results in any real injury). 

Here is today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom:

The same again, but in audio format:

I don't know, I guess I'll try and make some YouTube shorts and/or videos today. I sure do enjoy showing off little Freedom Turtle and he's actually got a growing fanbase (of course, he's precious so who can blame them?!) πŸ’–πŸ’ 😍 Other than showing off the turtle, I guess I can review perfumes? I can also talk about Politics (but that's the most volatile subject that will help me get myself in trouble, so maybe not!) We literally MUST increase our income no matter what, though, just for the sake of survival. Here, I just have to trust God to lead and to provide.
So thank you for stopping by today (again, if applicable) dear Reader. May your day be blessed. πŸ’š

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Attention to Lovers of EVIL

When someone shows you how SATANIC they are... believe them.

To all of you who run your little websites and gather a community of people with similar interests (like perfume, for example), trust and believe right now - understand/ comprehend and accept full responsibility for the FACT that one hundred percent of your preferential tolerance for PURE EVIL will bring the full wrath of God Almighty's judgment down onto your very souls, FOREVER, without remedy, PERIOD.

One-hundred percent of anyone and everyone who tolerates users such as "ScentOfSatan" will burn in the eternal fires of Hell, permanently separated from God FOREVER, PERIOD, WITHOUT REMEDY and without repentance. See, you had the chance to repent NOW - BUT NO.

YOU stood up for and DEFENDED THE DEMONIC instead. 


And, one day, when the Lord has thrown you directly into the deepest pit in the Universe where light won't even dare to go, you will sputter like some brainless MORON "but but but but GOD, I didn't KNOW" - and He will then ROLL HIS EYES at your LIES and LAUGH as HE throws you in to a deeper, colder PIT for your ETERNAL SUFFERINGS that YOU DESERVE. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Day 2024 Before Dawn

Hello! Good morning, et cetera! Greetings and salutations on this peaceful Christmas morning in the wee hours before Dawn, when the rest of the world still sleeps.

Now that Christmas truly is here, in the last 24 hours I've listened to some special holiday-specific songs and even watched Scrooge (1970) as I've done every Christmas for life so far. 

Freedom Turtle spent the night in his own bedroom last night (he usually sleeps with us instead) so I went and got him out first-thing for a short little bath. He's since had some banana - several large bites - and is now laying back with his Daddy; he likes to crawl up under our chins and snuggle right into our necks until he can't go any farther (cuteness overload). 😍  Though we *think* that this turtle is around twenty years old (based on some physical markers) he is such a little baby in his temperament and personality. πŸ’– It's so peculiar for what they say is normal turtle behavior and he certainly does enjoy time to himself (what we call 'turtle time') but he's also very interactive and loving, he even seems to not just tolerate, but welcome, kisses and other displays of human-type physical affection; we are so fortunate to have this sweet, wonderful little creature, especially since some of our other creatures are more "touch me not" in their attitudes towards us humans. Baby Kitten will come solicit love but only when he's in the mood for it, and I have to literally capture the Bunny Bun-Bunz to force him to receive any kind of physical affection (but he will come seek out being petted from time to time, again as he sees fit to do so, and he's largely pretty independent). It takes two of us to trim those bunny nails but we finally figured it out and, I think, Bunny now understands that it's just something we do to help him and make his life better; he didn't rebel at all this last time. 

Wow, I just got to hear my late mother's voice, by surprise. πŸ’ I was in Google Photos and some memories started automatically scrolling by when a video from 2018 came up; it was Terry and I in the car with my Dad and late mom and I got to hear both of their voices. πŸ’œ It was just a few words, but it was a real treat and such a beautiful, welcome surprise to hear her voice again. 

HAHA, now Terry's awake and laying there eating red Twizzler's of all things while Freedom Turtle lays on his stomach under the blanket; I can hear the rabbit snoring. 


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve Before Dawn 2024

Hello, dear Reader! Welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog on Christmas Eve of 2024 in the wee hours before Dawn in the Mountain Standard Time zone. πŸŽ„πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Ž I'm already bathed, dressed, made-up for the day but can't manage to grab a decent looking picture of it so far (which, at my age, I try to do frequently because who knows when it'll end) πŸ˜‚ 

Freedom Turtle 🐒 has had his first bath of the day so far; he actually woke up around the same time that I did, so soon after I grabbed a cup of coffee, he was in a clean, warm bath where he spent a good twenty or thirty minutes before asking me to take him out (which he does by standing tall like a proud-turtle and walking towards me - it's the cutest thing I've ever seen, in fact). πŸ’– Sweet, fat little turtle 😍 - he IS the cutest little creature ever (like all of the rest of the creatures, that is). Now, though, he's been dried off and feasted on some morning banana before tucking back in bed with his Daddy. Banana and earthworms seem to be his very favorite foods (though he's fond of shrimp, crickets, and he adores those huge white grubs we had outdoors here a couple of seasons ago). I wish that he'd take more of an interest in the live food that we ordered him earlier this month; oh, well: at least we do have things on hand that we know he'll eat, so it's all good.

This has been one heck of a year for everyone to say the least, am I right? I mean, just here in the United States alone it's been one insane event after another, especially since 2024 was a federal-elections year. In fact, I don't know about you, but I'm steadily still breathing sighs of relief that started late on the night of November 5th. 
And don't even get me started on global events - there's just too much to recap (not to mention that it'd be emotionally overwhelming). But suffice it to say, I'm ready for more peaceful, secure times and feel like maybe you all might even feel the same way about this. Let there be peace on earth, good-will toward men (and by 'men' here I mean 'humans' - you know: the old-school way). 
I rarely listen to holiday music, but reverently pull some of them out, today and tomorrow only until next year (God willing). Here's an all-time favorite; I had the very good fortune of seeing Larnelle Harris (the artist here) perform this live in Dallas to a packed house, many years ago.
Please be blessed and enjoy:

And, I sadly did not have the opportunity to hear this incredibly talented musical genius while he lived; nonetheless, this one has been a favorite since I was old enough to speak:


Monday, December 23, 2024

An Afternoon - Monday December 23rd, 2024

Hello! Greetings and salutations (again?) dear Reader, and welcome. It's such a beautiful, warm afternoon here in the peacefully remote Sonoran Desert on a new-Winter Monday afternoon close to Christmas. 🌲
Here is a look at our current weather according to Google:

It's nice and warm right now, no electricity (fans, heaters, et cetera) none of that's necessary, at all since it's just right as it is without them. Terry's piled up with several animals, relaxing together on the couch right now. 
(hours later as I spaced in this point of blogging and did many other things and am now back to doing this) πŸ‘€
A surreal Arizona landscape. 

Chopard Happy Spirit Amira D'Amour EDP

Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Nettare Di Sole EDP

Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Nettare Di Sole EDP 

Those are some recent pictures, from this week at least. The Summery weather is such a welcome comfort even though it hasn't prevented me from the seasonal changes in breathing but it's totally normal/routine so, all good. 

He has an appointment in the morning and we'll rest in preparation until then. Thank you for spending some of your time here, and take care, dear Reader. 😊

December 23rd, 2024 🌡😎🌲 Morning Thoughts

Good morning (et cetera) dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog, where it's just now after four-o'clock in the morning as I sit to type out some early morning thoughts today.
Freedom Turtle has had his first warm bath and has gone back to bed (without eating yet although I offered him both banana and insect treat). 

Freedom Turtle hasn't really shown any kind of interest in the live food we got him from GrubTerra though; we'll scoop him some of them out of their dirt home and put them in front of Freedom, and he'll just watch them wiggle away without any apparent interest. It makes me wish that I'd have ordered him worms instead, he loves worms and will even eat them straight from the palm of my hand. They're not as easy to find here in Arizona as one might think, though (at least that has so far proven to be true for me). 

Wow, can you believe that Christmas Day is only forty-eight hours from right now?! If I were to go based solely on the weather here, I'd never believe it though - it's my very favorite kind of Winter. πŸ‘

First things first, here is today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom:

And (as always) because faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God, here it is again in audio format:

I have coffee but haven't taken morning medication yet, but just that thought reminds me to contact my doctor's office for a follow-up appointment soon since I went to the ER the other day. And, since writing that out I've gone ahead and taken those meds as well as setting them up to take this evening as well; I finished Azithromycin today and have one day of Prednisone left as of right now. 

Here's a good reminder to any of us who are abundantly aware of how very imperfect and flawed we are (this definitely means me, and if this means you, too, then here we go):
The beautiful song of encouragement based on the 100% immutable Truth of God's Word (above, with the Scripture below here):

These are His promises for ALL - for you, for me, dear one, and YES, for you, even you who have maybe rejected Him up until this moment. Today is the day of salvation, friend. Let His love envelop you with healing light body, mind, soul, and spirit, in Jesus' Name, amen. πŸ’–

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sunday afternoon (I was bored) on 12-22-2024 😎



Hello, (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this oddball blog where I write to you, wherever you are in this world, from a small Arizona+Mexico border town, USA, nestled in the Sonoran desert. I posted that "Summertime" video because the weather is truly every bit as warm and lovely as that music indicates; I'm very grateful for it! Last year seems as though it was so very much colder than this winter is so far (and, that's keeping in mind that Winter literally just started the other day). πŸ’–
I used to have an adopted paternal grandfather in Australia who hasn't been 'with us' for some years now, and may he continue to rest in peace. Grand-Daddy was our primary tie to the Land down-under (Australia).
πŸ‘‡For him, all who have gone before, and all who will one day join them (to also include me):

I've been sleeping in shifts of sorts lately; yes, I awake in the middle of the night (usually between 2 AM and 4:30 ish) but then find myself sleeping again later, after sunrise, at some point as well. 
Anyway, a couple of hours ago, I finally took a shower including washing my hair and doing a full face of makeup (including some magnetic lashes and white eyeliner on the waterline, neither of which have I done in a good couple of years or more until today):
So here is the look in a couple of shots (it's Sunday, why not?) 

And, for the rest of this afternoon and day into the eventual night, I'm now wearing Dolce & Gabbana Pour Femme EDP (that gorgeous raspberry + marshmallow confection). 😍

Sunny Sunday December 22nd, 2024 😎 🌡 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ❀️ 🐒

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog! Unlike usual, it's just a few minutes shy of noon here in the mountain standard time zone as I sit to type out a blog entry on a warm, sunny day in this part of the Sonoran desert in the American southwest. I've actually been up (on and off) now for hours but didn't finally shower until about an hour ago (but our baby turtle has had two baths today so far). 

Today's Proverb from the book of Wisdom: Proverbs 22 ESV
and (because faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God):

Here's our current weather here in Fahrenheit:

So, it's gorgeous again (and thank God for such beautiful conditions). I just feel like this time last year it was so, so much colder than it seems to be this year (but Terry read something about it supposedly being an El Nina year this year which is why I added that blurb from Google AI about it). 

As much as I have to choose from, I'm thoroughly smitten with Lanvin Eclat de Nuit right now, out of my entire collection. It's gorgeous and very affordable, a win-win in my book. I'm rapidly wiping out the rest of a more than half-full 50ml bottle that Janice sent to me and will be adding a new 100ml to the fold very, very soon indeed. ❀ (because I need more perfume - not). πŸ˜ƒ

Wow, I just realized that Christmas Day (observed) here in the US is only three days away from today. That's great! πŸŽ„


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Saturday December 21st, 2024 before Dawn

Hello, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog, now five minutes until four-AM as I type these words (which bears little if any relevance to whenever this ends up showing as 'published' since I'm given to walking away mid-entry, sometimes for hours). Leaning into being awake so early, coffee is already made. C'est la Vie. 

First things first, today is December twenty-first so here is today's Proverb, straight from the Book of Wisdom:
And, because 'faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God'


This is what is playing on TV right now:
Mr. Vince Everett Ellison is one of the very many people we watch regularly. He's a very intelligent, logical, and virtuous man of God and he's not afraid to bring the truth without kid gloves and without apology: just how I like it. πŸ‘

Well, Terry (hubby) is asleep; apparently so are all of the people other than just one of the two humans here - so Terry and the cat, rabbit, two dogs, and turtle, who all appear to be asleep as well, so I'm the only fool who's up at four o'clock in the morning (as always). But, the bonus is that I'll probably get to witness the miracle of another beautiful and unique sunrise soon. πŸŒ… 

First thing when I got up earlier today, I sprayed myself several times with (newly acquired in a swap from the beautiful Janice) Amouage's Blossom Love EDP; it's both very unique and alluring. Now, this is very likely to vary from person to person, but I get an accord featuring prominent amaretto, cherry blossom, and suede upheld by the velvety depth of vanilla coupled with smoky tonka bean. Yesterday morning, I was far too sick for perfume at first and waited until much later in the day to wear any (which ended up being Pink Sugar, the shower gel first and then some of the EDT). Oh wow, the Blossom Love is like the other Amouage (Love Delight) that was generously given to me by the wonderful site owners of Fragrantica: the more I smell/ wear of it, the more I am loving it (and I've enjoyed this one from the first sniff as well).
(Naturally) leave it to me to fall in love with a house whose fragrances soar to nearly $400USD per 100ml bottle. πŸ˜• But, even as cheap as I am, though, Ampouage fragrances are worth it, 100%, if you can at all pull it off (that is, obtaining them) you definitely should, fellow perfume-lovers.
Here, let's raise a glass to all the perfume-loving peeps:

Well, little Freedom Turtle's latest video from almost two days ago has almost 500 views which is nice! He has a fanbase, it's so cute (but really, who can blame them, he's so perfect and adorable!)

Alrightythen! Time for more coffee, a shower, more perfume, more real news, social media, breakfast, the whole nine yards, you know the drill. Thank you for stopping in today! Be blessed, all of you, and please also take care. 


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Blog II on 12-19-2024

Hello (again, if applicable) dear Reader, and welcome! 

Well, I ended up going to the emergency room after about eight breathing treatments (as needing so many was my sign). The attending doctor ordered an EKG (due to the 2021 cardiac event, and she told me that breathing problems can cause or exacerbate cardiac issues as well). The EKG took moments and provided good (clear) results, so yay. Then they put a huge syringe of some corticosteroid into my IV, and gave me one oral benzonatate while I was there. The doctor sent the typical prescriptions to the pharmacy (Prednisone, benzonatate, and Azithromycin) which we went and picked up before heading home; we got back in about thirty minutes ago and I've even had another breathing treatment. The bag of medication that I just picked up from the pharmacy was in a big-ole grocery sack, y'all! πŸ˜‚ 

The girl who helped me at the pharmacy laughed when I told her: When they ask me what medicines I take, I answer "all of them" πŸ˜‚
The people at the pharmacy there at the WalMart in Douglas are all great, too! We're fortunate in this regard. 
Anyway, just based on what I saw in that syringe, it looked like a lot of steroid that she gave me; in fact, I don't think I've ever been given that much at once in my life (that I'm aware of, at least). 😳 It was bad enough this time, though, that I did wonder if I'd get a Brethine shot (but I didn't). 

The ER there in town in Douglas is great, from the front desk to the doctors and everyone in between (the only imperfection today is that they never let Terry come into the room with me). 

The air quality today was just pretty bad (based on breathing); enough so that my husband, who doesn't suffer from asthma or COPD, complained of difficult breathing himself. I'm now praying for God to please send a good, soaking rain to settle the dust from the air to the ground, or maybe a good day or two of some hard-driving winds? However He chooses to answer, it's just a prayer for relief. I know the air is always sparkling and easy to breathe after a good gully-washer (rain) though, so that's what I asked for first. 

Even though I've decided to stop spending so much time on the perfume website, it's all good. A peaceful choice, by me for me; I've just got to put my time to better use, that's all (translation: I desperately need to make money).
I've been playing and wasting time for far too long now (years, more than a decade, in fact, that's how dense I am!)
Change is often a good thing and I feel no need to disparage anyone (so I won't). 😎 Though, it will be nice when the menopausal mood swings subside or go away, man, because it's bad enough being bipolar without medication (since all the current medical options suck). Don't even let me get started on so-called 'mental health care' in this nation! What a pathetic JOKE.
Suffice it to say: 😑

We made a friend and gave her a ride home which was far more perilous than it should have been due to horrific, terrible roads that were very nerve-wracking to traverse (imagine a wash-boarded gravel road about ten miles long, y'all - so, yeah!) I'm still glad we gave her the ride because who knows how she would have gotten home from the hospital otherwise? I mean, we are pretty remote here. It's not exactly a sprawling metropolis. 

Anyway, thanks for stopping in again, Reader; take care and be well. 

12-19-2024 Before Dawn

 Good morning - hello - greetings, salutations before Dawn here in the American southwest. Hubby and I are drinking coffee now, and Freedom Turtle just came out of his first warm bath and is now getting warmed up by his Daddy. I have done one requisite breathing treatment and am now here, writing. Unfortunately, he's already watching some bitcoin video that sounds painfully boring (to me) so having the peace of silence when I first wake up is not an option this morning. Oh, well. 
Due to waking up unable to breathe freely, I'm not wearing any perfume yet and can't/won't until this breathing changes/ improves; I'll do another treatment here in a few minutes. (Side note: how cool is it that we live in a day and age of having this DME at home instead of having to go to the hospital every single time). πŸ‘

I'm not a big phone person (in fact, I usually hate it) but my friend, Janice, called yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire conversation - a call that lasted for more than two hours. The more I get to know her, the more I love her as a person (and am ashamed to admit that I completely misjudged her at first, many years ago, but am glad to be proven very, very wrong in that initial judgment).

Sometimes, man, I'm like a rock. Not like Bob Seeger sang it (strong, resolute, unshakable) but what I mean here is more like dense, ignorant, wrong. The Reader will not be surprised to learn that this case is not the first time I've been so wrong, either. I'm not surprised by it, at any rate. 🐸 I just pray now the Lord bless and keep her and everyone she loves now and always, in Jesus' Name, amen. 

I grew up with asthma and constantly had to steal puffs from my first-cousin's inhaler because my parents refused to acknowledge that I had it and, for that reason, I didn't get a diagnosis until I was 18 and was then told that it was obvious to the diagnosing physician that I'd had it (the asthma) my entire life. I was like "Well, YES, I've been trying to tell people that I can't breathe for life now". I'll never understand why they didn't listen to me or believe me; one thing that may be relevant: when I was a child, medical pros did not know that chronic coughing was evidence of asthma and they attributed mine to chronic bronchitis instead (I didn't wheeze then and rarely wheeze now, which is what most people think of when they think of asthma). 

Diabetes didn't appear until much, much later in life. The heart attack that I had was ten days following my second Covid shot and I leave it to the reader to make any inference of connective tissue between the shot and cardiac event (should your own cognition lead you to that conclusion which is none of my business, free thinking people - YOU decide). For my part, I'll DIE or go to PRISON before EVER letting the Government tell ME what to put in MY body, PERIOD. And I won't go down without the fight of the ages, either. 

Incidentally, the "doctor" who advised us to take the jabs is now no longer practicing medicine: this is NOT a coincidence. Say/ think what you want to, though: I certainly am. 

Oh, well. My current doctor (yes, we have a bona-fide, real physician now) says that mine is 'uncontrolled asthma' and she'd very much like for me to travel all the way to Tucson to see the pulmonologist. She's been trying to get me to go for about a year. 😢 Oh, well! Nobody lives (in the body) forever. 

I just found this beautiful image (above) and saved it, I love it so much. I pray now that He would open the eyes of all humanity to the reality, the fact, the irrefutable truth that all abortion IS murder. God, please make abortion unthinkable, in Jesus' Name, amen.
Be blessed, thank you for stopping by, dear Reader. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

12-18-2024 - A Wednesday afternoon

Hello (again, if applicable) dear Reader, and welcome. I'm going to show y'all the current weather here (in December, in the Northern Hemisphere, mind you!) because it's hard to believe, even if you see it!

It's pretty easy to see why so many people choose to Winter here. I think it's fabulous, and don't even mind the super-hot Summers, either (when, if you've got shade and something cold to drink here, you're golden). Anyway. 

I'm not taking pictures of perfume anymore (I probably already said that this morning though) and will elaborate no further than stating as much, period. 

As Monty Python said - "And now for something completely different".


With regard to things that have any real importance at all:
I have so many things to list for sale online, y'all - it's seriously going to be like a full-time job for a while, only I'm not working for someone else this time. 

Since it is so sunny and warm today, I finally colored my hair (the roots) and sit here with it air-drying, rather wet; I'll probably need that annual (or bi-annual, I've forgotten) haircut sometime in the first quarter of next year... maybe. πŸ˜‰

Morning Thoughts on 12-18-2024


Good morning on yet another day above ground, dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog. Little Freedom Turtle just came out of his first bath and is now hanging out on the couch with his Daddy. 🐒

First things first, here is today's Proverb straight from the Book of Wisdom, and here it is audio format (as Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God):

Here is today's word, emailed to me by Merriam-Webster online:

The weather here, starting with sunrise and sunset times:

I'm only going to post the weather in Fahrenheit so, if you want to know what it is in centigrade, Google it. πŸ‘Œ

Yesterday, while I was holding Freedom close to me, he reached out and nipped my finger - it didn't even leave a temporary red-mark - but that scared me, and I'm afraid that (reflexively) I dropped the poor little thing. It did freak him out, for several hours, and we were both thoroughly horrified, and spent hours trying to soothe sweet little Freedom with gentle speech and lots of cuddling, even to the point of crying and praying over him repeatedly, asking the Lord to please restore well-being to him completely. He was still being skittish and reserved when we all went to bed last night, but, this morning, I'm so grateful to report that he's acting much closer to normal again.πŸ’– We both inspected him thoroughly and found no apparent injuries (thank You, God, and I mean that quite literally). 

God is working and moving in me, and in our lives. In fact, He (the Lord, that is) has opened my eyes to perceive something as demonic which, up until yesterday, I'd been oblivious to for well more than a decade (yes, I am that dense, I'm afraid). My daily priorities have been all out of whack, completely skewed and wrong, but that has finally started to change, for which I am grateful. The thing is that evil doesn't announce itself with horns, red skin, a tail and pitchfork. Those obvious things are mere caricatures of something far more insidious, far more disguised, far, FAR more sinister indeed. Like: pedophiles acting as school teachers; human traffickers as truck drivers, doctors, lawyers - I could go on (but I won't). 

This is merely a call to us (to you, and to me, dear Reader) to not make the mistake of taking anything at face value, because things are often not what they appear to be - not really.