Thursday, December 19, 2024

12-19-2024 Before Dawn

 Good morning - hello - greetings, salutations before Dawn here in the American southwest. Hubby and I are drinking coffee now, and Freedom Turtle just came out of his first warm bath and is now getting warmed up by his Daddy. I have done one requisite breathing treatment and am now here, writing. Unfortunately, he's already watching some bitcoin video that sounds painfully boring (to me) so having the peace of silence when I first wake up is not an option this morning. Oh, well. 
Due to waking up unable to breathe freely, I'm not wearing any perfume yet and can't/won't until this breathing changes/ improves; I'll do another treatment here in a few minutes. (Side note: how cool is it that we live in a day and age of having this DME at home instead of having to go to the hospital every single time). πŸ‘

I'm not a big phone person (in fact, I usually hate it) but my friend, Janice, called yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire conversation - a call that lasted for more than two hours. The more I get to know her, the more I love her as a person (and am ashamed to admit that I completely misjudged her at first, many years ago, but am glad to be proven very, very wrong in that initial judgment).

Sometimes, man, I'm like a rock. Not like Bob Seeger sang it (strong, resolute, unshakable) but what I mean here is more like dense, ignorant, wrong. The Reader will not be surprised to learn that this case is not the first time I've been so wrong, either. I'm not surprised by it, at any rate. 🐸 I just pray now the Lord bless and keep her and everyone she loves now and always, in Jesus' Name, amen. 

I grew up with asthma and constantly had to steal puffs from my first-cousin's inhaler because my parents refused to acknowledge that I had it and, for that reason, I didn't get a diagnosis until I was 18 and was then told that it was obvious to the diagnosing physician that I'd had it (the asthma) my entire life. I was like "Well, YES, I've been trying to tell people that I can't breathe for life now". I'll never understand why they didn't listen to me or believe me; one thing that may be relevant: when I was a child, medical pros did not know that chronic coughing was evidence of asthma and they attributed mine to chronic bronchitis instead (I didn't wheeze then and rarely wheeze now, which is what most people think of when they think of asthma). 

Diabetes didn't appear until much, much later in life. The heart attack that I had was ten days following my second Covid shot and I leave it to the reader to make any inference of connective tissue between the shot and cardiac event (should your own cognition lead you to that conclusion which is none of my business, free thinking people - YOU decide). For my part, I'll DIE or go to PRISON before EVER letting the Government tell ME what to put in MY body, PERIOD. And I won't go down without the fight of the ages, either. 

Incidentally, the "doctor" who advised us to take the jabs is now no longer practicing medicine: this is NOT a coincidence. Say/ think what you want to, though: I certainly am. 

Oh, well. My current doctor (yes, we have a bona-fide, real physician now) says that mine is 'uncontrolled asthma' and she'd very much like for me to travel all the way to Tucson to see the pulmonologist. She's been trying to get me to go for about a year. 😢 Oh, well! Nobody lives (in the body) forever. 

I just found this beautiful image (above) and saved it, I love it so much. I pray now that He would open the eyes of all humanity to the reality, the fact, the irrefutable truth that all abortion IS murder. God, please make abortion unthinkable, in Jesus' Name, amen.
Be blessed, thank you for stopping by, dear Reader. 

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