Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Morning Thoughts on 12-18-2024


Good morning on yet another day above ground, dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog. Little Freedom Turtle just came out of his first bath and is now hanging out on the couch with his Daddy. 🐒

First things first, here is today's Proverb straight from the Book of Wisdom, and here it is audio format (as Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God):

Here is today's word, emailed to me by Merriam-Webster online:

The weather here, starting with sunrise and sunset times:

I'm only going to post the weather in Fahrenheit so, if you want to know what it is in centigrade, Google it. πŸ‘Œ

Yesterday, while I was holding Freedom close to me, he reached out and nipped my finger - it didn't even leave a temporary red-mark - but that scared me, and I'm afraid that (reflexively) I dropped the poor little thing. It did freak him out, for several hours, and we were both thoroughly horrified, and spent hours trying to soothe sweet little Freedom with gentle speech and lots of cuddling, even to the point of crying and praying over him repeatedly, asking the Lord to please restore well-being to him completely. He was still being skittish and reserved when we all went to bed last night, but, this morning, I'm so grateful to report that he's acting much closer to normal again.πŸ’– We both inspected him thoroughly and found no apparent injuries (thank You, God, and I mean that quite literally). 

God is working and moving in me, and in our lives. In fact, He (the Lord, that is) has opened my eyes to perceive something as demonic which, up until yesterday, I'd been oblivious to for well more than a decade (yes, I am that dense, I'm afraid). My daily priorities have been all out of whack, completely skewed and wrong, but that has finally started to change, for which I am grateful. The thing is that evil doesn't announce itself with horns, red skin, a tail and pitchfork. Those obvious things are mere caricatures of something far more insidious, far more disguised, far, FAR more sinister indeed. Like: pedophiles acting as school teachers; human traffickers as truck drivers, doctors, lawyers - I could go on (but I won't). 

This is merely a call to us (to you, and to me, dear Reader) to not make the mistake of taking anything at face value, because things are often not what they appear to be - not really. 

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