Friday, December 27, 2024

Some Morning Thoughts on Friday, December 27th, 2024

Greetings and salutations, dear Reader, and welcome to yet another day above ground. Regarding previous blog entries, I said what I said and will be leaving it all at that. πŸ‘
Here and now it's almost three o'clock in the morning in the Mountain Standard Time zone; I woke up a few hours ago, having gone to bed while the Sun still shone. Coffee has been made.

Little Freedom Turtle is asleep on my chest right now, staying nice and warm under my shirt; he had warm bath when we first got up though (for about 20 minutes or so).

Bunny saw me coming, though, and is already avoiding me (rather, he's avoiding allowing me to pick him up) πŸ˜‚ - it's too late: he's onto me. 

Fortunately, the turtle is a captive little audience, but I do put him down when he squirms, or especially when he bites me (which isn't often and never results in any real injury). 

Here is today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom:

The same again, but in audio format:

I don't know, I guess I'll try and make some YouTube shorts and/or videos today. I sure do enjoy showing off little Freedom Turtle and he's actually got a growing fanbase (of course, he's precious so who can blame them?!) πŸ’–πŸ’ 😍 Other than showing off the turtle, I guess I can review perfumes? I can also talk about Politics (but that's the most volatile subject that will help me get myself in trouble, so maybe not!) We literally MUST increase our income no matter what, though, just for the sake of survival. Here, I just have to trust God to lead and to provide.
So thank you for stopping by today (again, if applicable) dear Reader. May your day be blessed. πŸ’š

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