Thursday, December 5, 2024

A little bit on GREED - December 5, 2024

Greetings and salutations, dear Reader, and welcome (back, if applicable) to this obscure American blog. 

It's almost 10 AM in this time zone and I'm apparently the only one awake: even the turtle is back in his bedroom, snoozing away (although the rabbit might be awake, it's hard to tell with him hiding under the hutch like he is). 

SO! I  JUST experienced extreme, bald-faced (and profoundly STUPID) GREED AGAIN, this morning from an eBay seller who will now never, EVER see one more red cent of my money again as long as I live no matter WHAT, SO HELP ME GOD.

Here is what that GREEDY, FILTHY MORON tried to pull on me:

The seller of THIS Avon lipstick listed it for $10.75 last week and I added it to my 'watch' list. 
Then, just about an hour ago, that seller sent me an "offer" with a profoundly minuscule (so-called) "discount" on it:

YES, I'm serious.

Due to that GREED AND the assumption that I'm fucking STUPID, I hope they never make another sale again as long as they live, period.

So: #1 Don't be GREEDY. Not only will you GO TO HELL for it but you WILL PISS sentient human beings off and SOME OF US ARE ARMED. AND SOME OF US WHO ARE ARMED ARE FUCKING GOOD SHOTS. 

#2: DO NOT assume that I am STUPID. That WILL blow up in your face EVERY TIME, 100% - NO EXCEPTIONS.
(Isn't that right, BOB?) 

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