Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Day 2024 Before Dawn

Hello! Good morning, et cetera! Greetings and salutations on this peaceful Christmas morning in the wee hours before Dawn, when the rest of the world still sleeps.

Now that Christmas truly is here, in the last 24 hours I've listened to some special holiday-specific songs and even watched Scrooge (1970) as I've done every Christmas for life so far. 

Freedom Turtle spent the night in his own bedroom last night (he usually sleeps with us instead) so I went and got him out first-thing for a short little bath. He's since had some banana - several large bites - and is now laying back with his Daddy; he likes to crawl up under our chins and snuggle right into our necks until he can't go any farther (cuteness overload). 😍  Though we *think* that this turtle is around twenty years old (based on some physical markers) he is such a little baby in his temperament and personality. πŸ’– It's so peculiar for what they say is normal turtle behavior and he certainly does enjoy time to himself (what we call 'turtle time') but he's also very interactive and loving, he even seems to not just tolerate, but welcome, kisses and other displays of human-type physical affection; we are so fortunate to have this sweet, wonderful little creature, especially since some of our other creatures are more "touch me not" in their attitudes towards us humans. Baby Kitten will come solicit love but only when he's in the mood for it, and I have to literally capture the Bunny Bun-Bunz to force him to receive any kind of physical affection (but he will come seek out being petted from time to time, again as he sees fit to do so, and he's largely pretty independent). It takes two of us to trim those bunny nails but we finally figured it out and, I think, Bunny now understands that it's just something we do to help him and make his life better; he didn't rebel at all this last time. 

Wow, I just got to hear my late mother's voice, by surprise. πŸ’ I was in Google Photos and some memories started automatically scrolling by when a video from 2018 came up; it was Terry and I in the car with my Dad and late mom and I got to hear both of their voices. πŸ’œ It was just a few words, but it was a real treat and such a beautiful, welcome surprise to hear her voice again. 

HAHA, now Terry's awake and laying there eating red Twizzler's of all things while Freedom Turtle lays on his stomach under the blanket; I can hear the rabbit snoring. 


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