Thursday, December 26, 2024

Attention to Lovers of EVIL

When someone shows you how SATANIC they are... believe them.

To all of you who run your little websites and gather a community of people with similar interests (like perfume, for example), trust and believe right now - understand/ comprehend and accept full responsibility for the FACT that one hundred percent of your preferential tolerance for PURE EVIL will bring the full wrath of God Almighty's judgment down onto your very souls, FOREVER, without remedy, PERIOD.

One-hundred percent of anyone and everyone who tolerates users such as "ScentOfSatan" will burn in the eternal fires of Hell, permanently separated from God FOREVER, PERIOD, WITHOUT REMEDY and without repentance. See, you had the chance to repent NOW - BUT NO.

YOU stood up for and DEFENDED THE DEMONIC instead. 


And, one day, when the Lord has thrown you directly into the deepest pit in the Universe where light won't even dare to go, you will sputter like some brainless MORON "but but but but GOD, I didn't KNOW" - and He will then ROLL HIS EYES at your LIES and LAUGH as HE throws you in to a deeper, colder PIT for your ETERNAL SUFFERINGS that YOU DESERVE. 

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