Monday, December 30, 2024

Monday - December 30th, 2024 - Morning Thoughts

Hello! Good morning, et cetera, depending on where you are/ what time it is when you see this, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog.

You know that ad for a security product/service (I forget which) on YouTube where the guy says:

 "Do you ever feel afraid walking down the street by yourself?" 
Well, from the first time that commercial ever played where I could see and hear it, my reflexive response is "No". πŸ˜‚ - but, an American, I'm a skilled + armed marksman (and feel that all of us should be by the time we reach adulthood, starting young under parental supervision). I mean, just in my own life alone there are so many instances where self-defense is the thing that saved me from maybe death (or maybe worse). And, though I've made a point of being well-armed for decades, not once have I taken a human life with any kind of firearm (but that's only because guns don't kill people, other people kill people). 

haha - this shirt is for sale somewhere on eBay USA πŸ˜‚

Everyone should be able to defend themselves, full-stop, it doesn't matter where you are on planet earth. It's a human right, conferred on us one and all by God Almighty; everything and anything counter to His Truth should be vehemently ignored, full-stop. (yeah, that means even and especially YOU, Big Brother. You can KISS IT). πŸ‘„

I mean what I say and say what I mean and you should, too. 🐒

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