Monday, December 23, 2024

December 23rd, 2024 🌡😎🌲 Morning Thoughts

Good morning (et cetera) dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog, where it's just now after four-o'clock in the morning as I sit to type out some early morning thoughts today.
Freedom Turtle has had his first warm bath and has gone back to bed (without eating yet although I offered him both banana and insect treat). 

Freedom Turtle hasn't really shown any kind of interest in the live food we got him from GrubTerra though; we'll scoop him some of them out of their dirt home and put them in front of Freedom, and he'll just watch them wiggle away without any apparent interest. It makes me wish that I'd have ordered him worms instead, he loves worms and will even eat them straight from the palm of my hand. They're not as easy to find here in Arizona as one might think, though (at least that has so far proven to be true for me). 

Wow, can you believe that Christmas Day is only forty-eight hours from right now?! If I were to go based solely on the weather here, I'd never believe it though - it's my very favorite kind of Winter. πŸ‘

First things first, here is today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom:

And (as always) because faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God, here it is again in audio format:

I have coffee but haven't taken morning medication yet, but just that thought reminds me to contact my doctor's office for a follow-up appointment soon since I went to the ER the other day. And, since writing that out I've gone ahead and taken those meds as well as setting them up to take this evening as well; I finished Azithromycin today and have one day of Prednisone left as of right now. 

Here's a good reminder to any of us who are abundantly aware of how very imperfect and flawed we are (this definitely means me, and if this means you, too, then here we go):
The beautiful song of encouragement based on the 100% immutable Truth of God's Word (above, with the Scripture below here):

These are His promises for ALL - for you, for me, dear one, and YES, for you, even you who have maybe rejected Him up until this moment. Today is the day of salvation, friend. Let His love envelop you with healing light body, mind, soul, and spirit, in Jesus' Name, amen. πŸ’–

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