Monday, January 13, 2025

Before 4 AM - January 13th, 2025 (a Monday)

Hello, good morning (et cetera, as applicable) dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to my obscure American blog where I sit, snuggled in a bathrobe and drinking coffee, in the quiet, dark hours before the Dawn, somewhere in the remote Sonoran Desert, a mere stone's throw from Mexico. Today, our hearts continue to go out to all affected by the Hawaii and California wildfires AND recent hurricane victims, as well as the brave and selfless people of the world who are stepping up to help them all. God sees your heart, He knows your efforts, and He will answer our prayers for them.


Yesterday around this time, I wrote a very-cursory blog entry that introduced the Marxist concept of "creative destruction" but it goes much, much farther than anything that I touched on and, for that very reason, I encourage you to give it more in-depth attention yourselves. I will say that the findings can (and should!) be shocking and will - for now - leave that, at that.

Now, here's a compelling video for the scientific and/or athetist/irreligiously minded person - something of an intellectual challenge to your faith (and yes, your refusal to believe is, itself, a form of faith by pure definition of the word - but I digress; the video):

The sad part is that I doubt many of you will have the discipline or enough of a truly investigatively curious and open mind to sit through all (whopping) nine minutes and twenty-seven seconds of that video. I mean... honestly.

Anyway, for any/all who are digging deep to find treasures of wisdom, here is today's portion as allotted to us in the Book of Wisdom, today being the thirteenth day of the month, here it is:
The same again (but in audio format):

And may you be blessed today, dear Reader, and come to know God in a true and powerful way, like never before, in Jesus' Name, amen.

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