Good morning (et cetera) depending on where you are at the time you find yourself reading this today, dear Reader, and welcome. Today, I submit to you that the glass, IS, in fact, half FULL.
Perspective is often a matter of choice.
Here, I'll even walk you through a simple object lesson to illustrate this principle about the control we actually do get to have over perspective.
First of all, I don't remember who to credit for this, but it's something that stuck with me from a good sermon (is all that I can remember about when I learned this that I'm about to share here with you).
So take a coin - a penny was used when I learned this but you can use any coin, really.
First of all, I don't remember who to credit for this, but it's something that stuck with me from a good sermon (is all that I can remember about when I learned this that I'm about to share here with you).
So take a coin - a penny was used when I learned this but you can use any coin, really.
Now, hold the thing right up to one of your eyes, so close that it's almost touching you, and try to look around the coin. You can't - and you can't because of the coin being so bloody close you! If you did it correctly, the coin will be all that that eye can see, and will remain that way as long as you're holding it that close to you.
But now, take that same coin, and look at it from a resting position where your hand is out the length of your arm from your body. Notice how small the coin appears from this new perspective as compared to the way that it appeared when you held it so close to your eye? At the proper distance, you can now clearly see how small the coin actually is - and how relatively insignificant.
I submit to you today, dear Reader, that concepts (our problems, for example) are (mental) coins, if you will, and depending on how close we hold those things to us will determine the way those things are perceived.
One of the benefits of submitting every thought to Christ is the fact that giving it to God gives Him the opportunity to reframe our own thoughts and perception of reality. I challenge you to ponder these things as you go throughout your day, dear Reader: can you take what currently overwhelms you and give it to God? You can, by grace - just ask Him to help you.
Here is today's chapter from the Book of Wisdom:
I submit to you today, dear Reader, that concepts (our problems, for example) are (mental) coins, if you will, and depending on how close we hold those things to us will determine the way those things are perceived.
One of the benefits of submitting every thought to Christ is the fact that giving it to God gives Him the opportunity to reframe our own thoughts and perception of reality. I challenge you to ponder these things as you go throughout your day, dear Reader: can you take what currently overwhelms you and give it to God? You can, by grace - just ask Him to help you.
Here is today's chapter from the Book of Wisdom:
Proverbs 23 ESV
And, since faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God:
Thank you for spending some of your valuable time with me this morning, dear Reader; take care and be blessed, now and always. 😎
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