Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Feelings on Tuesday, January 28th, 2024

Hello, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this American blog, where Free Speech is king second only to Jesus. 

The title of today's string of thoughts is called "Feelings" and I'll get to the topic soon, but, first things first (and, I apologize that I didn't share the Proverb from yesterday) - anyway! here is today's Proverb, straight out of the Book of Wisdom:

SO many verses in today's Proverb really stand out to me, dear Reader, and the ones that do are eerily in line with the topic that's on my mind this morning. I'd love to see the verse/s that stand out to you listed in the comments section, if you like. 
That song is a current focal point of the selfish part of my prayers these days. I try very hard to pray for the important things first, the things that will affect our entire world, our leaders, and the most vulnerable first and then if I have any steam left, I'll ask God for personal wants and needs. Often I don't get that far, but feel like He's got my back regardless, you know?

So here is the first one that stands out, just right out of the gate, and it's the very first verse:

This verse is SO great! It's like when you see someone all strung out on meth or coke (hey, I've been there, we all have a past, right?) anyway. that's like when someone gets all strung out, then they start to believe that everyone's out to get them, et cetera. That's not the only or probably not the best example of that verse being evident in real, daily life, but it is the first one that came to mind, so there you have it. 
Going further with the concept, it's also true that He emboldens us supernaturally as we need it, and I've experienced that several times myself throughout life so far. God literally gives us words as we need them, the right ones; He empowers us within by His indwelling Holy Spirit, thereby using us as vessels for His purpose and His glory. 💜
Any and all authority in my writing/words is authority that God Himself has imparted and I take zero credit for anything other than merely being a vessel submitted to Him for use and nothing more. As the Scriptures say, though: 
The things that I say/write outside of the ones He puts in my head and mouth, those are obviously mine alone, have no anointing, and will (hopefully!) be easily forgotten.

Human emotions can be a very dangerous thing, if we allow them to have too much importance in our hearts and lives. Our 'feelings' are easily manipulated and very often incongruent with truth. That is to say, that a thing can sound/ feel right but deeper investigation reveals to be false or even evil at its core. The Word of God cautions us throughout the Scriptures:

I think this verse is a clear warning to hold fast to His Words, verbatim, to keep us on the straight and narrow path in pursuit of Him and His Will versus getting distracted by Self or other forms of deception on the way. Like "Oh the Bible is mostly symbolic in nature" - really?! what verse tells you that? And, yes, I understand that Jesus spoke in parables, but I mean the compiled collection of books as a whole. Honestly, how arrogant does one have to be to think "Oh I don't like that so I'll pretend it's not there" or "what He really meant is..."
Um, NO. That's NOT how this works.

For my part, I'm at this place where I am sick to death of deception. I'm tired of watching humanity suffer, especially the most vulnerable, because everyone's own FEELINGS are so damned important that there's no room for the TRUTH anymore. These days, these self-worshippers talk about "MY truth" and "YOUR truth" - but that's all PURE LIES. There is 1) THE truth and, 2) everything else. 
Count on my words to, here and there at least, offend you; trust and believe that, though inelegant and/or unpalatable, my words will  always (almost always, I'm imperfect) be truth, to the best of my understanding, only for your ultimate betterment. 

Satan approached EVE in the garden (I think) because we (women) are (typically) far more emotionally-driven than our male counterparts tend to be; it is my opinion that that is why God appointed the man to be our protective covering of authority (in covenant relationship). See, the Devil knew that Adam, being a more rational and logical being, would have used those God-given abilities to defeat him, and he wasn't trying to have that. So he went to Eve instead and the rest, as they say, is history.

An extreme example that I hope will bring more understanding to the concepts that I dearly wish to convey:
Ok. I'm overweight, but I FEEL like eating twenty donuts a day, every day. Eventually, I go in to see the doctor weighing well over several hundred pounds, lets say. My doctor advises me that my health problems are the direct results of my weight, which is the direct results of my eating habits. 
If I'm all in my FEELINGS, however, I turn around and accuse that physician of 'fat shaming' and 'righteously' storm out of the office.
I then continue to eat as I damn well please, and, BOOM, end up dropping dead from cardiac arrest. 

However, had I submitted to her medical authority as my physician, I would have moved beyond the initial emotional impact to then process the information intellectually, gaining understanding of my situation and how I can resolve it, based on the expertise of the one in authority (medical authority, in this case). So, our feelings are not necessarily or always "bad". But we are strongly cautioned in this way:

So, dear Reader, as I pray for God to give me gentleness today and empower me to speak the truth IN LOVE, I also pray that He will open the eyes of your understanding where you lack any (as we all do, including me) and reveal the true and deep treasures of His Wisdom hidden among His Words. 

Thank you for your time, dear Reader; be blessed, take care, and remember: if you love someone, you must always tell them the truth, no matter what.
Even if they hate you for it; and, yes, even if they kill you for it. 

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