Friday, January 10, 2025

Different or Unequal? An easy to understand object lesson 1-10-2025

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog, still today being written from ground zero of land of the free and home of the brave, praise God. 🇺🇸

First things first, here is today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom:

And the audio version of the same thing, here:

Now, I'd like to get into the reason that I named this blog what I did, and will start with the image selected for this entry:
Spoon (left) and Fork (right)

The Reader will note that, in this image, we see a spoon and fork: both silverware, but each having slightly different functions. The point of this object lesson is to illustrate how two things (a fork and spoon, for example) can be different from each other and still remain equal. The same thing is true of human beings: being of different genders from each other does not provide any distinction that one gender is superior to the other, or vice-versa - only different in innately imbued ability and function. 

If I want to eat a steak, trust and believe that I will opt for that fork every time, especially when the other choice is a spoon. Why? Because the spoon is not created to pick food up the same way that the fork is, and in this instance, the fork's utility is exactly what the "eating a steak" situation requires. 

At the same time, when trying to consume a bowl of soup or cold cereal with milk, my choice (and, maybe yours?!) will be to go for the spoon, every time. 

Now, do my preferred choices in cutlery betray any prejudice on my part, against one or the other (between the fork and spoon)?  
If yes, why is that? (And, here, it's important to note that here I'm just trying to lead the Reader through some steps in simple critical thought in a logical progression). And, if not, then why do you think that is?
I think it will be easy for the Reader to, at this point, see where this is all going, and here it is: the same is true of male and female. Yes, we're all human, and created equally - but differently, and those differences DO matter with regard to ability and function AS humans in society. 

Just like the fork is chosen for stabbing food and the spoon is chosen to scoop (other, different) foods, men and women are created to fulfill differing functions in this life and it has literally nothing to do with anyone being "better" or "worse" than anyone else. 
For example, most firemen ARE men due to the basic physical requirement of strength (and, though women are strong in body, it is an undeniable biological fact that men are usually physically stronger than women in general terms). And, to perpetuate the human race, it's going to require women for child-birth - point-blank, period, regardless of lies you've been told to the contrary. Personally, dear Reader, I'll believe that men can give birth when it has been irrefutably proven that they already have and, until then, that lie has no legs to stand on in my logical, rational mind.
Anyway, the fact that men are (usually!) created with more physical strength than women are does not diminish women in ANY way, and the fact that men do not give birth also does not diminish men in ANY way at all. Acknowledging reality by way of differences that exist is NOT an act of prejudice or hatred, but one of reality and common sense. 

And, dear Reader, if - as an ADULT - you choose to identify as anything other than the gender that your chromosomes have defined you as since you were created in your mother's womb, that's your business, between you and God, and I will never pretend to have the authority to sit in any kind of judgement over you, not at all. You see, I'm FAR from perfect myself, am NOT God, and am therefore fully NOT qualified to do anything of the sort. There is more than one transgender person who I know - and LOVE - and this is NOT an indictment of them, nor is it any kind of negative reflection on any other human being. I am not homophobic, and love every gay person I've ever known as well. This is not about judging anyone, but understanding the subtle, but very important, distinctions between "differences" and "equality" and, I pray, this simple explanation will be helpful to you.

Thank you so much for stopping by today, and (if you like!) feel free to use this if you find it useful/ helpful in anyway. Either way, I appreciate your time today, pray that God blesses you, and encourage you to take care, hiding in the shadow of His wings today and always, in Jesus' Name, amen.

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