Saturday, January 4, 2025

Saturday, January 4, 2025: Term Limits

 Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome! We find ourselves the fortunate and undeserving recipients of yet another day above ground, with a whole new set of chances to make good and right decisions and, by so doing, honor God today. Free will is arguably the second most powerful thing in the Universe, second to God Himself (if we have rightly ordered priorities; #goals, am I right?) 

So in Ecclesiastes chapter 3, we learn that there's nothing new under the Sun; therefore, when I searched and found this, I wasn't surprised to find that it does, in fact, already exist and you'll see what I mean in just a moment:

I searched Google for "the Democrat party is the Borg" and got pages full of relevant results (but only chose to save two of them). Hopefully the Reader will understand that the point of this meme is that of factual observation of current reality and not ridicule. 

I have some ideas about the fair creation and implementation of term limits; Terry and I were talking about it before bed last night after watching this Liberal Hivemind video (we love him):
For those of you who chose not to watch the video, in it he just narrates the increasing importance of term limits for public servants (i.e. Nancy Pelosi). That got us to thinking and talking about it; though pretty much everyone can agree that term limits are a damn good idea, setting the limit itself is a sticky, tricky thing, but we think we might have a good idea pursuant to a fair and equitable resolution, and that is this: do not limit it to a certain age necessarily, but more a number of years that can be served in one's lifetime instead.

So, if someone is elected (at 35 years old for example), that person gets twenty years to serve, point-blank period. That means: all positions' service-years added together. The person who starts at the age of 35 can serve until they're 55, but after that, time to go back to the private sector and allow the election of fresh, culturally relevant new blood into that vacated position. I think that's more in line with our Founding fathers' desires for this nation and us, her people than the current unfettered reality. And, that's fair - it's not ageist in the least because it does not specify any certain age, but rather a quantity of years instead (so we'd dodge a liberal bullet here as far as being accused of ageism by the left goes). Of course, smarter people than I will be able to take the concept and perfect it (which is my great desire and hope, as always). The next image I'll share illustrates the importance of setting hard and fast limits without loopholes because loopholes defeat the entire purpose of the limit in the first place!
the ones that I don't make myself (like this image) are all stolen fair and square from the Internet

Here, please allow me to implore my party to please resist the temptation to undo the good created by hard and fast term limits; resist the temptation to corruptly nullify the limits with loopholes. You're not supposed to "serve" for a hundred years in order to make yourselves FAT on taxpayer dollars. And, since every human being WILL stand before God and give an account of literally everything done while in the body, keep that little undeniable fact in mind when faced with the temptation to do other than what you KNOW is the right thing and let this salient fact encourage you in righteousness:
Does that scare you? It should. No worries: all you have to do is live with integrity, point-blank period. The concept of anything being "secret" is mere illusion as all things done in secret WILL be brought to light. Regardless of the lies we may or may not tell ourselves and one another, no one escapes Reality. 

With that thought, let's get some encouragement from the One Who created us and loves us more than any human being can every truly fathom; today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom (text):
Proverbs 4 ESV (in audio format):
And look, folks, no one expects perfection here because none of us is capable. But anyone can have a perfect heart before God; that's a matter of attitude and character; if you want to develop character, you have to shape it by habitually choosing what you know to be congruent with God's Word over everything else. Of course, you'll choose poorly sometimes but that's just the human condition. If we're not careful, though, those bad choices can very quickly become habitual, resulting in poor character that's like the snake eating its own tail - a very destructive and self-perpetuating cycle (which is why the Word cautions us to mind everything we think, say, do, holding each other accountable through confession). 

Ok, it's still early - I am returning back to the hospital today because I need corticosteroids for breathing again (and our friend, Lawanda, is in the hospital for her breathing right now - Reader, will you please say a prayer for her healing? Thank you so much if you do) 💘. 
I'm only 53 but don't think I'll probably be alive for very much longer, given the realities of my health coupled with abject poverty. But to that I say these things:

After all, dear Reader, never forget: this place is not our home, just one stop on the Journey. 

Thank you so much for spending time with me here today; may God bless you and all you love now and always, in Jesus' Name, amen.

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