Friday, January 10, 2025

Evening Wrap-Up of Friday, Jan. 10, 2025

Greetings and salutations (again, if applicable), dear Reader!

Welcome to my obscure, rambling American blog, currently around 9:00 p.m. in the Mountain Standard Time zone from a remote location mere (literal!) walking-distance from the US/Mexico "border" (well, it used to be a border four years ago! 😡 Anyway...)
That last bit in parentheses there will never not make me mad - but I digress.

Freedom Turtle is cuddling with me under my hoodie, apparently asleep. Neither one of us even knew that a little turtle could be such a sentient, calm, affectionate and intelligent creature, but Freedom most certainly is and we couldn't be happier with him, the sweet, tiny little thing. 😍💖🐢 We've chosen to keep him awake through this Winter since I've been researching all about ornate box turtles and have learned that their brumation isn't required, but optional (for domestic, indoor turtles, rather) though it IS cute that, every time he's near the roots of that short peach-tree in the front yard, he goes to the same spot near its roots and starts digging until we have to scoop him out of that hole and move him to another part of the yard for the rest of that 'walk'. 😂 

Hours ago today, in the People's Republic of New York, "acting" justice merchan's kangaroo court (which IS wholly populated and run by un-American, satanic, Marxist FILTH) "sentenced" President Trump today (but with zero consequences because they're all a bunch of living jokes, not only professionally but as alleged 'human beings'). Anyway, the fact that this so-called 'court' was unable to impose any form of punishment is, proof positive in this sentient mind of the naked illegitimacy of the entire proceedings from start to anticlimactic finish. There is literally a total of ZERO ANYTHING LEGITIMATE about any/all of the irrefutable LAWFARE brought against our 45th and (soon to be, please God) 47th President of the United States and I pray that all legal professionals in ordained positions of power under President Trump will be successful in one-hundred percent of their efforts to pursue true Justice.
I have faith in ALL of his choices as our leader (duh! otherwise I wouldn't have voted for him!) It's just like in that YouTube video I made (for the "the Far Far Far Right" channel) where I just state what, is to me, the obvious: first, you (collectively) choose a leader. Then you follow him. In practical reality, that means supporting all of his choices, starting with his choices for those in the Administration, the members of his cabinet. It's pretty easy stuff, pretty much "Unity 101" and goes back to fundamental principles that, hopefully most of us, learned as small children by way of following the leadership of our parents and others in real authority, submitting to the divine order of all things - pretty much "normal living 101". 
what the WORLD teaches - the opposite of what the WORD says

though not Scripture, this IS still a statement of fact, in correctly ordered priorities

Don't you see, dear Reader? That's why the (extreme) Left seeks to convince everyone to "Elevate your personal feelings as more valuable than all other things" which is nothing more or less than a recipe for total societal disaster. I mean, look at it at its most extreme possible manifestation: "I FEEL like killing that person" and there you go, just LOOK at the murder rates if you doubt this. Other tragic examples of this anti-principle in motion "This marriage has become work, I'm sick of being committed" and "Too bad my FORNICATION resulted in a LIVING HUMAN BEING forming inside my body - time for a MURDER OF CONVENIENCE" and so on. Honestly, dear Reader, at this point need I really continue to elaborate?

And they say that those of us on the RIGHT who pursue God and His commands are the ones who are dangerous! 

My example of these things in practice today: someone deliberately stole or hid the package that the FEDERAL by the way post office delivered today. Rather than getting my OWN revenge which would be creatively cruel and effective, I'm leaving it up to my Lord and Savior, the One Who commands every demon in HELL to go and get Justice. I encourage you to do the same: NO ONE gets revenge for us like GOD can (and does, in His perfect time - every time, full-stop). 
And - remember this one, tiny little thing:

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