Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Dividing by Zero on January 21st, 2025

Good morning, dear Reader, and welcome! It's a bit past two o'clock in the morning here in the MST and my breathing woke me up (as usual).  But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here to talk about other, better things! Like look at our Commander in Chief up there, burning the midnight oil, setting things straight to the benefit of the entire world, down to the last individual. 💜

I'm no legal scholar (or expert in literally anything) but I'll tell you what I think about the Constitutionality of Joe Biden's preemptive pardons: I think he's trying to divide by zero. The reason for that is, you can only pardon a crime after it has become a criminal conviction (or at least, an indictment) as there is nothing to dismiss before that occurs. Like, you can't give birth until after you've become pregnant (hopefully to term). You don't dry off from a shower until you've been in the water. 
Preemptive pardons just do not make any logical (and, it is my opinion, legal) sense, AT all. And, though I'm far from being a math expert, I go back to this: you can't divide by zero. 
Therefore, preemptive pardons hold no legal water.
But, what do you think about that, dear Reader, and why?

Watch, it'll take all the brilliant legal minds of our day to figure out what my ignorant ass already understands. Ah, well, it'll be intriguing to watch the mental gymnastics as they journey toward the logical conclusion.


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