Saturday, January 4, 2025

January 4, 2025: Boycott eBay (an angry rant)


Hello, dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog (key-word being AMERICAN) 😑😑😑 and now I'll tell you the "why" behind it all. 

I recently ordered something on eBay. First, I search for the item and immediately sort the results to show "US Only". Then and only then will I choose from among the results (after, of course, filtering for those results to show 'price+shipping=lowest' at the top, but I digress). 
Therefore, you'll understand my extreme anger when, after receiving a message with tracking information for that order, I opened up and viewed the Order Details only to THEN see that the purchased item shipped FROM CHINA. 

From F***ING CHINA. 
Trust and BELIEVE that YES, I am FURIOUS. ENRAGED!!!
SO angry, in fact, that I cannot even legally articulate precisely HOW ANGRY this makes me.
HOW DARE ANYONE DELIBERATELY DEFRAUD ME (or anyone else for that matter).
Therefore, I did the reasonable (and legal) thing and immediately filed a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission against eBay for their deliberate FRAUD. πŸ‘

Anyway, it's only fair to let the entire UNIVERSE KNOW of their DELIBERATE FRAUD as the sound reason for refusing to ever give them another penny as long as I live. PERIOD.

Deliberate hiding and/or (other) deception about the seller and/or item's location is why I stopped using Amazon altogether, years ago now. Because Amazon literally refuses to disclose that information, I would rather go without (whatever it is) rather than risk supporting America's known enemies instead.

We need new laws RIGHT NOW that will make it ILLEGAL to support our F***ING ENEMIES with even ONE RED CENT! EVER! 
And if YOU are supporting our known enemies (I don't CARE why) DO NOT LET ME KNOW it or I will hate you forever. 

If you're American, for decency's sake ACT LIKE IT. 
No - but I certainly need to! 

Sorry about the rage, dear Reader. It makes me madder than HELL that Americans are STARVING because all the business has been treasonously outsourced to support everyone ELSE in the world LEAVING US TO DIE - and I AM NOT COOL with that.

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