Saturday, January 18, 2025

Good Morning Before Dawn πŸŒ… - Saturday January 18th, 2025

Hello! πŸ‘‹ Greetings and salutations, dear Reader, and welcome (back?) to this obscure American blog, in the small, dark, cold hours before Dawn on a silent January morning. 
We're down to counting down the last 48 hours, folks!

Prayers UP + fingers crossed! 

Without any delay, here is today's Proverb, a portion from the living Book of Wisdom:
and again, here, in audio format:

A song of praise and devotion:
Prayers for divine protection:
the same again in audio format:

More relevant reading for today - the whole armor of God:
and again (the audio):

Dear Lord, thank You for waking us up today for another day of Life which none of us was promised and probably we don't deserve - thank You. We thank You for bringing an end to war around the world, Lord God. Father, we ask You to remove all the wicked from places of authority and replace them all with godly leaders of Your choosing everywhere across the world, God, in Jesus' Name. Please bring all deeds of darkness out into the light and mete Your true Justice, in Jesus' Name. Please protect President Trump and all who surround him, now and always, in Jesus' Name. And please bring all souls to the saving knowledge of Christ and we ask all of these things in Jesus' Name, amen.

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