Friday, January 3, 2025

January 3rd, 2025: Follow him.

Hello, dear Reader; welcome to my obscure American blog. Freedom Turtle didn't spend much time in his first warm bath today; when I got up, I found him walking around in the hall. 😁 Now, however, he's cuddled up with me under my robe for warmth. 🐢

On social media, I now have investigators who work in Washington, D.C. following me. 🤔
What do I think about that?


Like rapper Tom MacDonald says in one of his songs "I can't hear you over the sound of my Freedom" (specifically Free Speech). In fact, I just sent a message to (one) asking which Democrat hired them to follow me. 😂
What'll really be funny is if they answer, haha! 
You'll notice that I used grammatically incorrect gender-neutral pronouns, but that's only because I refuse to identify the investigator as either male or female (or some other invented, imaginary gender). 😎
But if they answer the email, it'll be great. 

I submit to you that requiring firearms to be registered is un-Constitutional and all of those laws should be repealed immediately and forever. We need to change a LOT of un-American things, in fact. Election Day (for Federal elections) should be a federal holiday, IN person only (CONUS) on paper ballots with I.D. (because if I have to identify myself for A BEER, then identifying myself to choose the leader of the Free World should NOT be a problem!) and so, so, SO many other things.

Y'all, I'm SO happy about seeing (a hero of mine) Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene come out with a video supporting President Trump's desire to confirm Mike Johnson as speaker of the house later on today. It's like I said in my own brief video the other day, President Trump is playing the long game here. I further affirm that Mike Johnson (though, yes, he IS a RINO from Hell) is still better in the short term than someone else (like Hakeem Jeffries, who I think the demonic left would go for in a heartbeat and for ALL the wrong reasons if given that chance). Right now, Republicans, we have to try and reign in: our feelings/passions (so they're not used against us) and trust the leader that we, the People, chose and elected by an historic landslide. 
Trust President Trump, including all of his choices and decisions. That's why we chose him for the job, right?! Because, the way I see it: first you choose the leader, and then you follow him. 

Now is not the time for unbridled passion (as in, emotion) but for deliberate, analytical and strategic thought. Now is the time to trust our Commander in Chief and follow his lead (again, WHY we chose him for the job!) and be LOYAL, laying down our own personal needs and wants in preference of what will better serve this nation - and the world - as a whole as he seeks to destroy evil and restore all the good that's been destroyed, lost, or thrown away.
To a degree, that means that we have to now put the rubber to the road and not only affirm that we trust him, but show him as much by adhering to what he asks of us. Hell, even if he makes a mistake, he will deal with it in that moment, so not to worry. 
First you choose the leader (collectively) and then, you follow him.

It's a basic Christian principle, though nowhere near to the eternal extent that we put our trust in Christ, but to the level that a wife trusts her husband (or that marriage doesn't last), a child trusts a parent, a student trusts a teacher, and as employees trust their bosses and follow their leadership, it's the same thing here, guys, only we've got to do this as a nation in order to heal this nation and keep it together. We damn near lost it already, thanks to the last four years of unbridled, undeniable EVIL. 

And, to combat evil (speaking of), here is today's Proverb from the Book of Wisdom: Proverbs 3 ESV
And in audio format as well:

It's no coincidence that, today, we are reminded to put the ultimate trust in the only One Who is worthy of it to the literally ultimate degree (the Lord). The more we choose to trust Him no matter what circumstances are, the more that trust will grow and deepen. 
From today's Proverb:

And, though I'm calling on Americans to support our President and unite, trust in Jesus with everything - every breath you take until your last. And trust President Trump far enough to support him in the job we CHOSE for him to do in service to this nation and us, her people.

Thank you for stopping by again today, dear Reader. And for God's sake will someone PLEASE HIRE ME?! 

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