Saturday, January 25, 2025

Before Dawn (some thoughts) on Saturday January 25th, 2025

Good morning (et cetera) dear Reader, and welcome. It's not yet four o'clock in the morning and I'm waiting on coffee.
While we wait, though:

Right after posting the day's Proverb, I actually closed this for a while and have now come back, to take care of various morning tasks, but also because I couldn't think of anything else to say. 👀

Hubby's watching TimcastIRL in the other room and now, based on what Tim's saying, we know to never, ever live in West Virginia (add that to the list that includes the entire west coast, New Mexico, and all other 'blue' cities and states). 

So far, it's already been one of 'those' days; not to write the whole thing off already, but asthma has already kicked my butt, causing me to have to do two nebulizer breathing treatments as well as use numerous actuations from an albuterol rescue inhaler - honestly. 😡
But, since I did this to myself by way of smoking cigarettes for thirty years, reality dictates that I have no right to complain - none

Free will is that powerful - God has given each and all of us the right to choose. May He also give each of us the grace to choose wisely. And that's all about I've got for now - really, not much of anything. But I appreciate the time you took to read this and pray the Lord bless you and all who surround you, now and always, in Jesus' Name. amen. 

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