Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Before Dawn on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025

Hello there; greetings and salutations dear Reader (again, as applicable) and welcome to this obscure, American blog here in the wee hours before Dawn from a silent, remote location out in the remote reaches of the American Southwest close to Mexico. 
Freedom Turtle had a nice, tepid bath and is now back in bed with his Daddy; the cat and rabbit are mulling around and both dogs are currently asleep.

Two small caliber firearms are mere feet away from where I sit, but the silence of these surroundings give me reason to be at ease for the moment. 
One thing, the coffee is fresh, hot, and SO good today, and I can't say "the BEST part of waking up" but it's a pretty close second to being best (best being, of course, the waking up in and of itself). 

Referencing that first picture (above), I spent a small amount this morning to purchase the USB webcam (less than $10USD + free shipping). I just hope that it will help me create (better) YouTube videos going forward. Now, the Reader may recall my wholesale outrage at the "US Seller" on eBay who turned out to be in CHINA; due diligence in investigating this seller did not lead anywhere outside of these United States (much to my relief). We NEED it to be a matter of Federal LAW that any and ALL sales made to United States citizens DISCLOSE the item's origin, the parent-company's origin, ALL of that, point-blank period. Not these DELIBERATELY HIDDEN (though critical) details that dupe Americans into buying from fkn CHINA (Amazon.com and eBay!). 😡😡😡 At THIS point, I would frankly either go without OR DIE before giving CHINA one more red cent of American money, as little as we have. But (as usual) I digress.
So I went ahead and made the purchase; we'll see if the tool does help me improve the videos that I create overall (though I know that most of the necessary improvements that I need will come directly from me - words normally flow for me without issue unless I'm talking to a camera - go figure. 😐 The reason that it matters at all is that I'm trying to generate some kind of honest income myself that we can use to become un-trapped and improve the quality of our lives - it would be wonderful to get rid of the food insecurity that plagues us from day to day, for example. Otherwise, these are just things to talk about and bear little to any other real importance in life, so I'll move on). 

Now THAT applies to every so-called "human being" who took part in that pathetic JOKE of injustice 'the j6 committee' and every single one of them should be prosecuted to the FULLEST EXTENT of 18 USC 2381, FULL STOP, point-blank PERIOD. 
There is literally only ONE thing holding me back and that is this:
And, because HE is worthy of everything that I can possibly give him, including obedience in all regards, my desperate need for Justice is forced to wait on Him; I am increasingly grateful for the grace He provides that even makes it all possible.

And without any further ado, dear Reader, let us seek His face in today's portion from the Book of Wisdom:
And here is that same Proverb in audio-format as well:

And, don't forget: don't worship satan by being a communist.

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