Good morning, et cetera, dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog, where I sit (again!) at about a quarter past three o'clock in the morning, beating the roosters today as I sit here and talk to you about some thoughts for the day.
Here is some 'spiritual breakfast' of sorts - a portion of it, anyway:
A verse from this Proverb that stands out to me today is verse twelve, which I'll put right here:
Though several other of today's verses are precious nuggets packed full of spiritual relevance and wisdom, I'm narrowing the focus to this singular verb, for now; please feel free to use the comments section below to state which verse/verses stand out to you today, dear Reader.
Anyway, it's time for all of us to sigh and collectively roll our eyes, dear Reader, because the left are still delusional and doubling-down even harder on embracing the "L" than ever before. It might even be hilarious - that is, if it wasn't so pathetically sad, transparent, bereft of any intellectual effort. Add to it, they are now ridiculing disabled people; don't believe me?
Ok. Well, Elon Musk is a genius; he's a successful billionaire, yes, but he's also a human being who happens to also be on the Autism spectrum (Asperger's Syndrome). So you know what that means? Well, not only are the Left demeaning a patriotic American (legal immigrant, I might add)... they've now stooped to hate crimes of slander, lies, and defamation of the disabled.
Take a look at some of their hardcore hatefully abusive, 100% untrue propaganda (by way of deliberately deceptive editing) right here:
And here is the FULL, UNEDITED clip (as my eyes roll ALL the way back into my damn head):
So the "party of compassion" seeks to defame and demonize a disabled man with lies, deliberately deceitful editing, and force-feeding the less intelligent/ gullible with their manufactured LIES in lock-step in the sad and very obvious attempt to push their own failed, and rejected, agendas.
Other than a few (or less!) genuine 'journalists' like based Scott Jennings (and, not counting Newsmax or Fox!) the entire rest of current mainstream media have literally zero credibility with any and all reasonably intelligent human beings who are capable of the most basic fundamentals of critical, analytical thought.
Watching the mainstream media these days is like witnessing the crash of the Hindenburg as it slowly - but oh so surely - heads irrevocably towards a certain, unavoidable fiery crash and burn end.
Anyway, it's time for all of us to sigh and collectively roll our eyes, dear Reader, because the left are still delusional and doubling-down even harder on embracing the "L" than ever before. It might even be hilarious - that is, if it wasn't so pathetically sad, transparent, bereft of any intellectual effort. Add to it, they are now ridiculing disabled people; don't believe me?
Ok. Well, Elon Musk is a genius; he's a successful billionaire, yes, but he's also a human being who happens to also be on the Autism spectrum (Asperger's Syndrome). So you know what that means? Well, not only are the Left demeaning a patriotic American (legal immigrant, I might add)... they've now stooped to hate crimes of slander, lies, and defamation of the disabled.
Take a look at some of their hardcore hatefully abusive, 100% untrue propaganda (by way of deliberately deceptive editing) right here:
And here is the FULL, UNEDITED clip (as my eyes roll ALL the way back into my damn head):
So the "party of compassion" seeks to defame and demonize a disabled man with lies, deliberately deceitful editing, and force-feeding the less intelligent/ gullible with their manufactured LIES in lock-step in the sad and very obvious attempt to push their own failed, and rejected, agendas.
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