Monday, January 6, 2025

You start it, WE will FINISH it. 1-6-2025

Hello (again?) dear Reader, and welcome to this obscure American blog. It's not even half past one o'clock in the morning right now and I feel like I shouldn't be awake yet, but here we are.

Not only is the United States the laughing stock of the entire world due to the feckless, brainless, profoundly evil so-called "leadership" we've had for probably MY entire lifetime now and, other than President Trump, it's been getting exponentially worse at an extremely rapid pace, fueled and driven by the fires of Hell and satan himself, in the hearts and minds of all of the soulless sellouts on the Left, the ones who WILL be surprised to one day find themselves separated from God FOREVER. 

And if the Left thinks they'll get away with RAPING the Constitution to install that brainless moron FILTH (kamala harris) as POTUS, I can GUARANTEE YOU that we the People WILL NOT STAND FOR IT - NOT FOR ONE SECOND.
In fact, many of us (including ME) are willing to DIE in the name of defending our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC (because only the profoundly STUPID call it a 'democracy').

In fact, I'm not even going to soften this by using the acronym instead so, pardon my French here, but:

Go ahead, Jamie Raskin and all of you other UN-AMERICAN SUBHUMAN MORONS.
key word = 'innocent' 

Almost no-one on the left is armed, and those who are can't hit the broad side of a barn with a rocket launcher from two feet away. 😁 A conservative, I outshot my ex who scored 38/40 on his US Army marksmanship test.
Again: FAFO
No, really. In fact: PLEASE. Pretty please. We're waiting for you to start it and, trust and BELIEVE that WE WILL FINISH IT once you do. 
Again: FAFO. 

The sentient will note that this is not a threat of violence, but merely the sound promise to return that violence once YOU have started it yourselves because we sane people on the right would never do what you THINK you're about to do, what you're collectively planning as per many telling videos that are already out there. 

Dear Lord, thank You for another day above ground; Lord, we ask You to please protect President Trump and all who surround him, today and always, Lord. Please surround him with the truly loyal and expose all others immediately, Lord. Please send Your angels to protect him, his entire family, staff, friends, everyone, please, Lord. We thank You that Your mighty hand is on him and on this nation. Please, Lord, prepare each of us for the Civil War that the Left is planning to create, God, and defeat them completely, in Jesus' Name, amen. 

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